DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, August 10, 2012
Remember What I Said The Other Day About Manufacturing News?
The Daily Times went out and found a couple of people giving them the headline, "Neighbors: Turn Bricks into affordable housing". While people are complaining about a Skate Park and the expense it will cost the taxpayers, SINCE WHEN is it or should it be for local municipalities to not only pay for affordable housing but OWN it as well and be the slumlord?
The Daily Times continues to push very selective agendas especially for Mayor Jim Ireton. We keep hearing about the Council of no's. Do you really wonder why the Council says no to certain projects. Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for units that will only bring in $300.00 a month in rent is just plain stupid. Thank God we have a Council majority who are liberals, (at that) yet fiscally responsible.
The Daily Times continues to manufacture news that is not news. The Bricks is a DEAD issue. As a candidate for Mayor I say, GOOD, it should be. We have far more problems and issues than to continue to only concentrate on issues this Mayor wants to use against certain Council Members as well as me as a Candidate.
So here it is Mayor Ireton. I say, scrub that project and as the next Mayor I'd dump that property so fast it isn't funny. SELL IT, GET RID OF IT. I'm more interested in repaving roads that desperately need it then I am in this project.
According to the Daily Times the Mayor stated in this article, "He said he doesn't want to do anything with The Bricks until he knows whether Homes for America will sue to recover the $108,000 in expenses it says it paid to other parties and incurred itself.
He then goes on to say, "In addition, Ireton may postpone any action until after next spring's elections in the hope of a more favorable council coming into power, he said."
Once again, LOOK at what the Mayor said. It is yet ANOTHER plug to get rid of Debbie Campbell and hurt her in the upcoming election. In other words, IF you vote for someone else there's a good chance we'll get this project through.
Folks, let this backfire on Jim Ireton. A vote for me and a vote for Debbie Campbell will assure these ridiculous projects come to an immediate end. NO MORE WWTP projects. NO MORE $14,000,000.00 Fire Departments. NO MORE Subsidized Housing units Downtown. NO MORE TIF's. NO MORE Developer reimbursements, NO MORE Bricks, Linnens of the week and the list goes on and on.
Salisbury is a business and for once it needs to be run like one. Salisbury is NOT about making friends in all the right places for the benefit of a few. We have roads to pave. Businesses to attract. Crime to be much lower. We have a LOT of old work that hasn't been touched in a decade or more.
Putting lipstick on a pig doesn't make Salisbury a pretty place to live and work. We need jobs! We need a Mayor who doesn't send out a Press Release stating HE revitalized Feldman's. We need a Mayor who will recognize Gillis/Gilkerson for taking on such an incredible eye sore. We need a Mayor that will thank ANY person/business that purchases property and keeps it on the tax roll instead of thanking SU or PRMC for buying properties that ultimately come OFF the tax roll.
In reality, Salisbury needs a new Mayor and Salisbury needs an honest newspaper.
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You know what Joe, you've got my vote. Great article.
Now that's what I'm talking about. Its about time I'll make a vote and feel really good about it. Joe Albero for mayor.
Joe , you are scaring the hell out of a lot of Obama lovers with these statements. So be it!! You rock!!
Get rid of the waste , get rid of the entitlement people who have never had to work , get rid of the free stuff .
Salisbury is not a playground where teachers watch over children. Salisbury is a business.
You either want a teacher running your business or you want a proven businessman running your business.
The choice is up to you.
At least ten years ago my friend saw a "futuristic map" while employed at PRMC showing what Salisbury would become. YES it included an over the road walkway from PRMC to the ex Daily TImes Building. HMmmmm PRMC just bought the building...most ex employees will tell you the DT always protected PRMC because they spent so much money in advertising wonder what those maps show now. And take a guess of who and how many Drs have purchased building houses at a low price because they saw the map and knew what the future would bring. I'm Just SAYIN!
I'd bet a dollar to a donut that the folks interviewed for this 'article' contribute little to no taxes- so of course they're willing to pick the pockets of us contributing members of society- Led by the champion of pork, Lil' Jimmy, our infamous boy mayor.
Off topic Joe, I'm sure that you are aware of the SUBSTANTIAL sewer rate increases that recently took effect here in the Bury- I guess to pay for the Barrie, Mikey and Gary debacle we know as the (also infamous) WWTP.
Much more recently the City Council passed legislation that drastically REDUCED water/sewer impact/hook-up fees for new businesses that might be looking to put out their shingle here.
I have read that Bury's fees were way higher than the state average, and they were reduced in hopes of attracting new business during trying economic times.
Fine. But this begs a question that I will address to you: How is that not a form of corporate welfare? Bottom line is Bury drastically increased sewer rates to all already paying quarterly, while substantially reducing 'start-up' fees to businesses that don't even exist!
In closing, and as a strong supporter of the Council majority,I'll add that the legislation passed unanimously.
I feel that I speak for alot of people when I say that we would love to hear your angle on the matter, Joe.
When they get done tearing down Feldmans send them to The Bricks.
anonymous 3:17, great question and not an easy one to answer.
Salisbury needs businesses. We need those businesses to create jobs. I'd be more interested in a program that offers incentives towards how many people you'll HIRE rather than dropping the rates 64% right off the top for anyone and every one.
When I was looking at property in Selbyville some years ago, they had an Industrial Park that made such an offer. Again, I have a business background, Ireton does not.
No matter what, your statement is understandable but it is easy to say. Is it corporate welfare, technically, yes, it is. I mean, let's be real about it.
However, I'll ask you this. Is my idea corporate welfare if it forces businesses to get a discount only based on how many people you employ?
We need jobs in the area and i believe you are the right person to do it.
The more employees you have the more you save.Great Plan
Are you sure they don't have Sarah Lake still working there under a different name? Who believes anything that paper has to say anymore.
Didn't we win some BS award a couple years ago. The Best Town or something? How is the even possible.
Maybe I missed something Joe, but what would you do with it since the City owns it?
Joe you truly must have a passion for this City. If I where you and had your money and retired so young, man I be on a permanent vacation.
anonymous 4:26, I said it in the article. I'd sell it, unload it. Surely there's someone in that community that could put it to good use. Retail on the 1st floor and apartments above. The City doesn't need to play landlord.
I'm a firm believer that Government shouldn't own business real estate. Government should be helping the underdogs be able to purchase properties with long term leases and pay monthly. Perhaps even non profits and so forth.
Joe, Anonymous 4:26
Sorry I reread the article and I see you would sell it. Thanks
anonymous 4:29, I've been on vacation long enough.
Besides, I need that big $25,000.00 a year paycheck. LOL
This is exactly why you will be our next Mayor!
You needing 25,000.00 a year is like me needing an extra scoop ice cream. LOL
Thanks for telling thing how you see them. I don't always agree but it nice to have the option to choose. And you have changed mine mind on a couple of issues.
anonymous 4:42, Are you buying? ;-)
I will say this Joe you have gotten a lot of people talking about what could be if you are elected Mayor. I work with a lot of different people from different educational levels and they are all impressed with your vision. Hope the voters show up!
What a great way to end my day. Thanks for sharing that Joe. You are the talk of the town and I can see why. Ireton doesn't stand a chance against you.
Somewhat off the subject but I noticed you have a new business in your building. I think it is great to see Downtown working it's way back.
For That I Thank You!
Do you know what the old Parker Place is going to be?
If you were in the Olympics games well Sir you would be a Gold Metal Winner!!!!!!!
You are on to something here. In the game of Hide and Seek I would say you are Hot!
The building by Brew River is such a major an eye sore. What are they doing with that? Or maybe I should ask, what will you be doing with that?
anonymous 4:48, the voters will show up, count on it. In fact, mark my words. This will be the biggest voter turn out in the history of a Salisbury election.
I have not been wasting any time. I have been out speaking to all sorts of different age groups. I have been asked to speak at multiple events and I have taken them up on every opportunity. I will hold meet and greets so those people who have never had the opportunity to meet me can do so.
The young people I've been speaking to are registered voters but have never voted in a local election before. I can honestly say there's no doubt I have their votes.
The volume of tee shirts that have already gone out is incredible. Imagine if we were out at events just handing them out. That's not the case here. We're asking people to come to us and pick one up. WHY, because we want to meet you. We want to know you're actually interested. It's easy to hand things out for free. It's another thing when people go out of their way to WANT to participate.
Jim Ireton and Chuck Cook have met their match. You'll see in April.
anonymous 4:57, the Mayor and Council are working on that building. It's a very difficult process. The Mayor wants section 8 housing units in there and I say BULL.
I stated a week ago or so that we don't need section 8 housing on property that brings in the highest revenue tax wise, riverfront property.
What most people don't know is that the material used to build what you see right now was NOT designed to stand up in the elements for more than 2 years. The Mayor is not exposing the FACT that NO Engineering Firm will back those materials, therefore it MUST come down, that's a FACT.
Ireton is just using the image of what's there to sell those select "FRIENDS" he likes to make into believing something can and will be done, IT WILL NOT.
Just like hisDowntown revitalization plan, it's a load of CRAP.
Ireton has been telling people the affordable housing units HE'S talking about is for Police, Firefighters and Teachers, it's complete BS. If YOU have been told this, it's a LIE. Teachers, Firefighters and Police Officers do NOT legally fir into the tier of qualified people for affordable housing. They are tier FOUR and you must be tier ONE or TWO.
It would be illegal for them to live there, NICE TRY. Many Chamber Members have been LIED to.
I know your heart goes out to the homeless people in the City. I remember you used to take some of them food. If elected do you have any plans or ideas to help these people in our area?
I am aware that some of them don't want help.
I do realize not all the problems can be solved over night. But honestly if a third of your plans get done this town will see the most improvement it has seen in over 30 years.
Who on Earth would lie to the Chamber Members?
Have you heard anything about the rumor that the Chief Of Police is looking employment in another state?
Change is needed that I agree however this town is run by a small group of people behind the scenes. Not sure they agree with the majority.
anonymous 5:09, Right now Mayor Ireton wants ALL homeless to go through one shelter. He wants to Police Chief to be able to run background checks to make sure they aren't wanted.
Out of nowhere, someone, (guess who) forced the hands of all of the local non profits and stopped them from offering food. It's been a LONG time since I've been able to do so.
I disagree with the Mayor and Police Chief. I'm not in the bueiness of handing them criminals, that's their job. There are far more homeless people in Salisbury than what most people know of. Many citizens think that it breaks down to the few homeless people standing on corners asking for help. Well, if that's what you believe you're way off. If I were to take a guess I'd say it's closer to a thousand homeless people.
I don't care what the Mayor and Police Chief think, these people are hungry and need to eat.
So, what would I do. I'd continue to FEED them. I'd consider asking out Governor for help to house these unfortunate people. I'd reach out to volunteers to help them. Heck, I'd even put them to work cleaning up trash and allow them to feel HUMAN again.
When you have a Mayor who sees the almighty dollar coming in from this President in which they want to train criminals released from ECI, (even after they spent 30 days in training before being released) and then ignore the unfortunate homeless, there's a problem here. There must be funding out there for the homeless.
Heck, maybe we should start the old BREAD LINES outside the old Fire Station so Americans can see just how screwed up this country is again. The homeless have no address, therefore they can't get food stamps or welfare.
I'll bet after a month President Obama would be here personally to make sure the Press stopped showing images of so many Americans in such desperate need.
anonymous 5:28, We, (all of us) will prove in this upcoming election that we are not just the "Dirty Dozen", we are thousands. That small group of people will see how powerful we are and go play in a sand box in another state and they'll do so very quickly.
You see, they can't scare us any more, we're too big. We The People are taking back our City and they can get the hell out of here as far as I'm concerned.
ireton is such a liar, if he knew what was going on way did he wait until you posted the building being torn down to show up? to know ireton is to know if he knew what was going on he would have been there at dawn with his minion sarah lake to take pictures before you did. ireton hasn't done crap for this city accept act like the whole city is nothing but children. just the name ireton is starting to make me cringe with disgust
Albero For Mayor!
affordable housing = crime+ crime
To the guy asking about the capcity fees, I watch the Pac14 and that matter isn't done yet. "Second reading" is on the agenda you posted, Joe.
I don't understand it much but I watched and sound like Ireton is talking giveaway beut his public work head said it's the cost because growth stopped.
I will watch Monday night to see if I understand it better. My bill went up too.
As for this Brick building, the city should sell it. I don't understand how a mayor can say he won't sell it because he wants new council. It's not his council. People, not mayor elected them.
Laura will never get re elected.
I just spotted a guy wearing a red Albero tee shirt at Cheers in Salisbury. So f'ing cool!
Jim Ireton's favorite movie character is the Tin Man from The Wizard Of Oz if I only had a brain.
We need strong leaders like you. I have seen first hand your courage against the powers at be and I know in my heart you are the person best suited for the job of Mayor and or any other job. You have my support Mayor.
LOL 9:23 The tin man needed a heart. The scarecrow needed the brain :)
Very well said Joe. We need to be done with handouts until things overall turn around.
You have the funniest blog EVER!
We Love You Joe Albero!
Anonymous said...
LOL 9:23 The tin man needed a heart. The scarecrow needed the brain :)
August 10, 2012 9:39 PM
I think you are right sorry I had a couple of beers. Well honestly when I drink I forget how to count also! LOL
Thanks Joe for caring about the not so well off. Sometimes people have a run of bad luck.
What I want to know is when did Jim Ireton turn into Barrie Tilghman? Or was he always like that and just put on a good show? Everything's just gotten downright mean on even the littlest matter and when he doesn't get his way, he throws a fit and tries to make people hate anyone who disagrees with him. Maybe it's just politics, but he promised things would be different. They may be, but they are worse.
You are what we need!
Jim needs to pass the torch to you. He is done as Mayor in this town.
Thanks for trying Joe
He then goes on to say, "In addition, Ireton may postpone any action until after next spring's elections in the hope of a more favorable council coming into power, he said."
What difference would it make to Ireton if a new council were voted in? He will no longer be in office to see it or influence it.
You can blame it on whoever you want to Jimbo but you are done in this city.
Maybe the boys in Rehoboth would like to play with you but after this coming election, you will not be given the time of day.
So long sucker.
Ireton=tip toe thru the tulips
One issue needs to be spraying for mosquitoes.(Malaria, meningitis, west nile virus, to name a few mosquito borne illnesses.) You can't go out in the evenings, they're so bad.
Another is to fix the streets and keep them clean.
Working to keep what we have needs to be a priority. Then we'll "add on" as the money becomes freed up.
The Times article inferred that the city would owe nothing, using the city attorney as its source. No mention was made of the continuing taxpayer money that would have to be spent every year on in-house management, repairs, maintenance, grounds maintenance, security system and security maintenance and monitoring, etc., etc. for the FORTY YEARS that the city would be committed to running the place by the contract put in front of the council. And during that whole time, no property tax coming in to the city.
The council did the right thing and nixed this project. The city shouldn't be in the landlord business. Sell it and see if some developer will offer "affordable" housing.
Jimmy always was a punk. I've known him many many years. I just wonder though Joe if you are up for the daily fights you'll have with those in this community that will say and do everything to stop you. You are going to have to clean house. Get rid of the waste of a police chief, re-structure the (lack of) leadership in the fire department. We won't even talk about all those commisions that are stacked by the current good ol boys, along with the department of(mefirstthehellwiththekids) ed, all while having the daily disappointment attacking your every move! Be careful what you ask for you just might get it! Salisbury and this area deserves better than we have had for the past 20 years. I just pray you have the fortitude to stand up to all their attacks!
Let's settle this. If you had a man with no heart, no brain, and no courage, he would a Democratic Senator in Congress!
Jim is a snake in the grass. Never to be trusted.
I have never meet you and I honestly can say I have a negative option about you. This was solely from gossip and other people. Since your campaign I read all I can about your plans and I can say my option has changed. You are not person some people have tried to paint you to be.
Good Luck.
On the right track Joe!
anonymous 7:46, this Mayor doesn't know a thing about maintaining anything. He's a kid who can't even afford to maintain his own home properly. Kids today just think things last forever. You know, the throw away society. Jim said it himself years ago.
Go out and get a $1.2 million Boat, there's nothing to maintain, RIGHT?
anonymous 8:44, don't you worry about me. They've been trying everything they can to screw with me and so far they have failed. JB even got into the act with her bogus Peace Orders. The Judge saw right through her crap and threw them out of court.
JB admitted to partnering up with Jim Ireton, then came the Peace Orders, GO FIGURE.
Jimmy will slime his way through others before it's all over. He'll use people as pawns trying to get to me. I can handle it, I have a great attorney.
Ireton has higher political aspirations and will lie cheat and steal to stay in office. He plans on being part of President O'Malleys administration.
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