At tonight's City Council Meeting the Mayor and his Administration made a $400,000.00 mistake on a Grant for the Salisbury Fire Department. However, what you don't know is how this all came about. Once again the Mayor at the last minute demanded that the Council President place this item on the agenda as an emergency. While he made it sound like it was an emergency, language and the financial mistake were found in these contracts in which the Council could NOT move forward until the mistakes were corrected and the public was fully aware of the problems.
So don't you think for a second that the entire Council doesn't want to move forward with this, as the Mayor would like you to believe. It will be brought forth in the next Council Meeting CORRECTED and it will move forward at that point. ALL of this I learned tonight. I have never once spoken to ANY Council Member AT ALL about this matter.
Because the Mayor was being so rude to the Council, (especially the women) Council President Cohen had to ask him to stop speaking. Mayor Ireton then asked ALL Department Heads to leave the room. While outside he said to the Department Heads, because you all are professionals I don't want you a part of that part of the meeting. I replied, then practice what you preach Mayor and stop being so disrespectful towards the women on Council.
WMDT was present when the Council voted down moving the Grant onto the agenda and went out in the hallway to interview the Mayor. HOWEVER, the Mayor stood there and pointed his finger at me and said I refuse to do an interview while my political opponent is standing here, are you going to interview him as well. She replied, yes. He said, then I won't do the interview in front of him. I said, I don't have to do an interview with WMDT Jim. He said, I WASN'T SPEAKING TO YOU. I said, Jim, I am NOT one of your children students you can talk down to. I too am in the news business and this is a public building, I have every right to be here. He replied, I will not do this interview, we can go outside if you like. (Like that makes any difference in or out of a public building)
Ireton went on with WMDT and Sarah Lake, (go figure, the alleged phone spoof girl) downstairs so I made a trip on my way back from the GOB to speak to WMDT.
The Mayor stated on camera, "This is the Terry Cohen/Joe Albero cost the taxpayers show". WMDT refuses to air ANY portion of his interview in which he attacked me several times. I had absolutely NOTHING to do with this decision tonight, yet Ireton constantly wants to tie everything into a political game.
I hope many of you watched his behavior tonight. I personally am sick and tired of his attacking innocent women and twisting things to make it LOOK as if everything he brings to the Council is their fault. IF Jim Ireton and his STAFF were in fact professionals they would have never brought this information forward tonight.
Ladies & Gentlemen, it is all a game. I've said it many times in the past, he constantly does this in order to make the Council look bad. It is NOT the Council that is the problem, it is the Mayor, seriously and honestly.
Now let's see how Sarah Lake and others twist it.
Thanks for sharing what we didn't see. I was watching him and thinking, why did I even turn this on. I would never walk into a board meeting for a vote if I didn't have all my information in order. April can't come soon enough.
Is he wearing flip flops. This isn't Rehoboth.
What a child he is , how in the hell did this girl get elected mayor.
Didn't the fire department contact FEMA about the mistake. FEMA adjusted the finds required so there wouldn't be an issue
anonymous 8:19, The documents brought forth to the Council were NOT accurate. If they had been they would have moved forward. Also, the Administration signed off on the documents WITHOUT ever bringing it to the Council first. The Mayors Office is the ADMINISTRATIVE body, NOT the LEGISLATIVE body. They had no right signing off as if everything was OK.
When it's corrected it will move forward.
I may stand corrected on my earlier comment. Tuesday may be the last day to move forward with this grant, if at all. Because of the mistakes made by the administrative body, (to which they admit to) the proposal may fail.
So is Jim trying to make look like you are getting insider information or what?
Really Jim dress the part for crying out loud. You remind me of a teenage, so confused and angry!
Was this aired on Pac14? I turned in too late I guess. I did John Robinson talking about the parking being to high.
Jim clearly can't handle the press of office.
I am so glad I no longer work for or live in the City of Salisbury. The Mayor is such a joke. I have never seen such a piece of crap like him before. He is very unprofessional and unworthy of the position he holds. If he is allowed to continue to act in the manner that he is acting now, salisbury will continue to be the laughing stock of the state. What a fag!!
Grow up Ireton!
What is behind all the games he is playing? No one can be this stupid.
The hissy fit he is going to throw when you win this election is going to be historic!
He actions are just making everyone look bad. This is the worse Council and Mayor relationship I have ever seen.
Albero For Mayor NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is he talking to the Chief Of Police?
Rat on a wheel, that's all he is.
Jim, you should quit if you know what is good for you.
Is Jim getting kick backs from all these special interests group?
10 to 1 we will not see this News anywhere else. This town has to be laughing stock of the shore.
Hope Jim didn't come after Joe. I think he is unstable.
I am seriously concerned with Jim's mental state of mind any more. I would like to think people close to him would try to get him some help.
Albero you are just amazing!
But controling the media is the way it's always been around here and I don't think you are going to change that Joe. Sorry just saying as I see it.
Sad state of affairs this City is in. I have a feeling things are just going to get worse.
My voted doesn't count anyway so why waste my time.
Gross Incompetence, failure to fulfill job requirements.
If you always do , what you've
always done , you gonna get , what you always got. Change is Constant!! Get rid of the people
who do nothing !
Welcome to Smallsbury.
Back stabbing knife twister is what Ireton has proved himself to be here in the bury. Thanks for talking me into wasting my vote Jim. It will not happen again.
Lipstick on a Pig is still Jim Ireton! LOL
Irelunkhead seems to be a punk. Where have all the real men gone that can actually get things done?
Skinny little boy who couldn't lead a cub scout meeting.
Take you ego and shove it. Step aside so we can get this city back on track.
Poor Jim he must not have many friends left.
This is the problem with the progressive Democratic party. [Socialists]
They are uncontrollable alarmists.
That coupled with failed ideology they resort to defending failure with the calls of bigotry, racism and class envy. These are the very principles they use hourly in their propaganda campaigns where they cleverly polish a turd for the national media.
Jimbo was really intimidated by your presence there Joe. I'm surprised he didn't call for security!
Clearly he is a fraud, cannot handle the position and will create any drama he can to hide his insecurities and failure to LEAD.
Plus he's worse than Snooki with his spoiled little girly outbursts!
What a limp-wristed twit the democrats elected huh?
I'm not so proud of our city right now.
The fire department needs paramedics not paid firemen.
Ground hogs day over and over.
Joe I don't how you put up with all the crazies day in and day out.
Goodnight Jim.
Flip Flops at a city council meeting? How unprofessional is that? Is he trying to be one cool mare or what!
So does this mean the Fire Department does not get the grant? This town is just as clueless as our Federal Government . This is a small town and they act like it is Dc. Voters get rid of all of them.
9:54pm. Is that a threat...if so you are not very bright!
You are the man Joe!
What is this grant for? Seems like they get a lot of grants. You know free money.
This laptop is burning my "lap". Lovin the comments!
In the Mayor's own words tonight, it's done, over. Just ANOTHER lie. You wait and see. The Mayor will come back with an extension from FEMA but his GAME is to take every opportunity to make three Council Members look bad. You mark my words, this isn't the end of this. Ireton will bring it back in a press conference stating he saved the day.
No Mayor, Rick Hoppes perjured himself on the application.
Who care what Sarah Lake says anyway the news will be a week old by then.
Rick Hoppes perjured himself on the application. Not good!
Laura and Shanie wanted to move forward with illegal contracts once again. How unethical can these two get. They'll state right in public that they want to move forward with bad deals. I cracked up when Mrs. Cohen said she was owned an apology by Laura.
Just watched WMDT. Jim was totally out of breath. I guess from run away from you, Joe.
anonymous 11:08, on a Federal contract at that.
He also did not tell the Council the truth in the last work session.
It's not looking good for Hoppes right now. Just an observation.
Never a dull day on Salisbury News! Thanks Joe and Staff!
Can someone please SLAP Laura Mitchell and knock some sense into her. I'm sick of them saying it wont cost tax payers a dime. Where do they think all the "free" money comes from.
Anonymous said...
He actions are just making everyone look bad. This is the worse Council and Mayor relationship I have ever seen.
August 13, 2012 9:42 PM
Yes, his actions make everyone look bad. But how is someone sane and rational like Mrs. Cohen get through to someone so off the wall? Mother Teresa couldn't work this powder keg.
As for the fire chief, sounds like he did a bad job on the application and maybe worse. Now I understand why the council or the three smart ones anyway didn't make him permanent.
Ireton should be apologizing instead of accusing. Lousy work, too much drama.
Lemme think this through:
King Jimmy has BS degree, and likely a Masters.
City Administrator carries a prestigious certification.
Asst. City Administrator has a PhD.
Acting Fahr Cheef was in the loop.
All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't read and follow the terms of the grant application; didn't bother to factor in benefits costs; didn't share the possibilities with council from the get-go; signed and submitted the application improperly and perhaps illegally?
Quite a team you've got there King Jimmy!
He was so flummoxed on WMDT's short clip it looked like an EMT would be needed to address his hyperventilation.
The flip-flops were a special touch and certainly a clue to his mindset.
All of the career staff at SFD are Firefighter /EMT's either basic, intermediate ,or paramedic. A lot of the basic EMT's take the 2 year additional training to become Paramedics. The large EMS call volume in Salisbury provides a lot of experience to these providers, most of which are some of the best, most competent providers anywhere. Salisbury struggles to find and keep quality providers largely due to the call volume in ratio to the amount of providers and honestly poor leadership in some cases. About 5 years ago Salisbury put out a national paramedic search campaign with 1000's of mailers and only received a few responses due to the reputation of the city. The SFD as a whole gets a bad wrap because of decisions of the city and dept. leadership and poor decision making. The majority of the dept. consist of genuinely good people who work hard and care about the people of the city. A prime example of poor decision making regarding personelle by the FD and City leaders is of the 2 people that were fired for a simple mistake but really cared about their jobs and the citazens, and the officer who could care less and was caught falsifying documents to get more time off and was fired and reinstated by the Mayor They do need more personelle to lighten the load and provide better quality and timely service and this grant would allow that to happen at no cost to the city.
"Anonymous said...
Can someone please SLAP Laura Mitchell and knock some sense into her. I'm sick of them saying it wont cost tax payers a dime. Where do they think all the "free" money comes from.
August 13, 2012 11:22 PM"
I agree. Laura Mitchell needs to spent as much time reviewing and scrutinizing important matters instead of inane BS like what should be capitalized.
Ireton is mad that council members actually do their work. They are not slackers and are not a rubber stamp for things that are not done right.
Friend of the Dr, Grow up Julie.
Ireton will want this to be all about the big, bad council majority, but what I see is that he and his staff are incompetent.
Can you imagine all the stuff the smart council members have had to say no to, not because of the concept but because of the incompetence?
It's clear Ireton never includes the council in the development of anything for the city so everything comes down to a fight. Stupid is as stupid does.
When will Dr. Freddy get Jim-Beau out of the classroom filled with young children?
anonymous 7:18, you make a great point. IF Ireton had included the Council President, (especially on major projects) these things wouldn't happen.
I have stated from the beginning, if I'm elected I would make sure the Council President was involved in every stage of each project, should they choose to participate.
The staff made yet another huge mistake on this one and rather than admitting they screwed up, Ireton had to make it look like the Council was at fault again.
The child Mayor needs to go, period. He has no clue what he's doing and by the time the election comes along the public WILL become aware of his screw ups.
Interesting as down in Princess Anne isn't the opposite happening as the fire dept gets no support but the police dept receives full funding. Maybe it is because a former police chief and mayor at that time were business partners
Not just the Council President, Joe. Terry Cohen has stood up for the entire council being in the loop on these things, despite what that Mitchell woman keeps claiming.
I'm just amazed that this grant was so screwed up they were off by $400,000. That's a BIG oversight, Shanie. Somebody needs some serious glasses!
The grant required authorization to apply prior to submission.By signing, Hoppes indicated that he had received that authorization. Authorization had not been given by the "governing body (the council). So, did he sign without reading, decide it was unimportant and proceed anyway, think it could be hidden, or what? Thank you to the council for all their questions when something doesn't smell right.If this had been shared with them in advance the mistakes could have been found early and the opportunity discussed at budget time. Their record shows that they would have wanted to make it work. Given that fact, I have to wonder if Jim and company just set this up as another political firestorm or if they are so incompetent that someone should resign...I hope it's not just plain dishonesty.
What we see from the leadership of Ireton, is simply a microcosism of that being demonstrated by Obama at the National level.
He wears flip flops to a public meeting?
Smart council-well some anyway. Grants are no different than someone winning a condo in Ocean City, then finding out about the condo fees and taxes plus other expenses involved.
It's interesting that Vineland NJ has recently had the same problem involving the FEMA SAFER grant and the issue of who the authorizes the approval.
I wonder how long before we start hearing the "when your house is on fire" BS?
Joe, How in the HELL can someone or two miss that kind of mistake in a proposal going to the council for approval? Dismissal time.As the meeting got screwed by the mayor maybe you should have worn your MAYOTAL T-SHIRT.
This has to stop. The ones who are hurting are the people of Salisbury. Why the heck would you turn down $1.4 million to help with safety? Something is bad wrong with the elected officials in Salisbury.
Maybe the mistake is due to the fact that there is no qualified finance director currently. The lady acting now is not a CPA as required even though she is only acting. Looks like noone wants to take this position under Ireton. I think Oland has been gone for over a year.
If the proper paperwork is not filled out correctly they will NOT get that money and then the City has to foot the bill. Is that what you want? They are not turning it down because they don't agree with it. They turned it down because the proper paperwork was NOT completed correctly.
Why doesn't Salisbury do like OC and go with part time and save all of the benefit expense?
Anonymous said.....
Quite a team you've got there King Jimmy!
He was so flummoxed on WMDT's short clip it looked like an EMT would be needed to address his hyperventilation.
The flip-flops were a special touch and certainly a clue to his mindset.
August 14, 2012 12:33 AM
A BIG DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!!
There really was no need for this grant anyway. It was only going to cover two years and than they would have to find the money to keep the firefighters. If the paid people would work with the volunteers you would have the coverage that they wanted without paying for it. Look at the larger towns. Most only have a few paid people but the rest are volunteers. It's funny amubulance calls are about 85%. They bill back for these services. Who counts that money and where does it all go? Just look at what is bought for the other 15% of the calls. Large new trucks when the old was just fine.
This behavior simply will not do. If the voters don't see what they are getting right here and now they never will. With that if you vote for Jim you get what you deserve. Complete and utter failure!
-Po' little Jimmy pulls the department heads from the meeting because they are professionals, while he's sporting flip flops, how professional is that?
Laura and Shanie have a lifetime of accepting free money without questioning the details. They don't care where it came from or how it got there, it's just free money to them.
I bet Jimmy immediately tried to contact his surragate mommy Babwa Mikulski, crying that someone was picking on him.
Looks like that doctorate paid for by city taxpayers didn't teach any math equations to Lore'. She insists on being called DR., she needs a better job performance to live up to that title. Or was that doctorate a gift entitlement? I'd call DR' Kavorkian before I called Dr.Lore' Chambers.
We need unity in this City and for whatever reason the current Mayor and Council cannot reach this. I know if you are elected Joe that will be your top priority.
Jim has the type of personality that he is never wrong. He always blames other people for mistakes. I see this a lot in a young children who have not matured yet.
I bet his partner got an ear full last night cause he looked very bitching in that interview.
He is making the Council look bad.
7:21 - Why should Ireton be removed as a teacher. He's very good at teaching. That's like saying you don't want a surgeon to practice medicine anymore because you don't like his/her politics.
The way I see it the more you are around the more Jim acts up. It is like he can't control himself with you. I think he really scared of you Joe.
Nothing yet from Sarah Lake, she continues as always to wipe up the rear!
The city doesn't have unity because the council will not tolerate the lies and sloppy work of the mayor and some of his staff. Jim doesn't like that so he disrupts, disrespects, and calls press conferences.
His "people" need to tell him he is only making himself look bad. The gran scheme is NOT working Jim it is backfiring.
Da Da Da.....
Never Fear....
Joe Albero Is Here.....
You Have My Vote.....
Jim reminds me of all the adults from the Peanuts. WAAAAAAAA
I feel sorry for the people under him. They know he is an idiot but yet they need their jobs. So very sad.
Look Mr.Mayor I know you read this site so please read carefully. I am sure you are a great guy outside of the Mayor's office but you really are doing a poor job currently with our fine city. Please try to control your personal feelings in a public setting. If you do not think you can do this then maybe you should not attend the meetings. Remove yourself from the environment that is causing you to act this way. The entire city will be better off in the end.
City Resident/Voter
Jim knows he is finished as Mayor and just can't handle it. I am waiting for him to start throwing punches.
The mayor should have said the proper procedure required by FEMA was not followed. Does he know what if any are the ramifications for something like this? Did he bother to get in touch with FEMA to find out?
Did he expect the council to overlook this mistake? To me that is being dishonest and quite possibly could have landed the city in hot water so to speak with FEMA.
This is exactly why young people don't belong in Politics. They are not mature enough.
Does anyone advise this man from his office? If so they should be fired.
It is raining, it is pouring and Jim's hissy fits are getting so boring!
You can only get information like here on Salisbury News. All other media outlets are just to scared.
To have had the council approve this last night, knowing procedure hadn't been followed, wouldn't that have been something along the lines of attempting to deceive and lie to FEMA?
Some knew a mistake had been made and still wanted to go for it. Says alot about their character.
Free money is free money why bother with details? Thank God we have an intelligent council and not the rubber stamps that produced so many failures such as the Old Mall, even after settling multiple lawsuits a WWTP that will still need $60,000,000 in taxpayer funded upgrades because the settlement money just about was completely ate up in legal fees!
Ireton, you and your staff all need to go! I wonder who caught the brunt of Jimmy's fit? Who on his staff approved this as ready to go? Pretty weak accountability that is for sure.
To say that proceedure hadn't been followed is a gross understatement. Hoppes signed his name indicating that the council had authorized him to do so. That is false. If anyone cost the city a $2 million grant it is Hoppes. All he had to do was tell the truth from the start. The mayor and Mr. Pick don't seem to mind when department heads lie. Why?
Why on earth would Mitchell and Shields vote on legislation that is knowingly "not" accurate? I don't for people that vote for pig-n-a-poke just because it sounds good. Great job by the council majority picking up on something that could be considered fraud.
It was Ireton's deadline, not the council's! If he had his ducks in a row and everything was accurate he would have probably getten it passed. I don't want rubber stamp representitives, this is about transparent and accurate legislation.
Rick Hoppes lied on a Federal document and signed it as the truth. He and his staff should resign immediatly or be terminated.
It is really sad when some of the City Council members and the mayor of the city act so childishly. As far as the mayor is concerned; I am sure the job is difficult; however if he was a teacher, he must remember that when you do an assignment (figures for the grant), you must check your work before turning it in. His failure to do so only makes him look foolish. Perhaps it would really benefit not only the council members, but the viewing audience, if all the memebers (mayor included) took some training on respect, listening, and open communication. I teach these classes and would be glad to help them. All of them should be locked in a room for the day and made to watch themselves on televison and see just what we see. A disgrace for the city. My vote would be to eliminate the city council and merge with the county. Look at the money shaved. Term limits for one year only. I travel a great deal and I see other cities large and small that are progressive and have beautiful downtowns, ours is a disgrace. Why would anyone want to come downtown in its' current state?? I am ashamed to admit I live in Salisbury. The only thing the councils know is raise taxes. Before any taxes should be raised, a time and motion study and lost productivity study should be done and the dead wood should be looking for new employment. I go in the water pay my bill, the girls are eating, laughing, and doing their best to avoid eye contact so they don't have to wait on you. Then when someone decides to get to the window, they are sour, and disrepectful. All depts. should be trained on how to treat the customer at all times. There is so much that can be done internally to make things better for employees and taxpayers yet the esteemed leaders don't want to touch any of this.
It is unsettling that some council members would see it perfectly okay to vote for this grant all the while knowing full well proper proceduce was not followed.
It appears as thought FEMA also overlooked this mistake at this point in time, but had it been discovered at a later date would this have put the grant in jeopardy? Grants are paid in installments, so can FEMA stop the expected payments for oversights such as this?
The Acting Chief should be let go over this. He's clearly not qualified to properly lead. Forcing Jeff Simpson out was a mistake.
Let me get this straight, the taxpayers fund a mayor, 2 city administrators complete with extra staff, and a city attorney, and this legislation was not proper to even vote on it? Lets face it, this is the typical political process these days. Congress also passed Obamacare without reading the bill. We actually pay for sub-standard reprsentation.
I believe it was a true mistake however what is disturbing is that some wanted to go along with approval in essence just ignoring that proper proceduce was not followed.
Good Ole Boyz typical fraud, happens every day
Baaaahahahahahaha he is such a baby! Unbelievable
WBOC has posted something about this on their facebook page. Of course people are complaining of the three council members that voted against this. People need to go to their page and defend them. It's just like Joe said would happen.
A mistake was made, FEMA was notified and was still ok with giving the grant, yet council did not go forward with it. Sometimes you have to grow up and take the $1.4 million anyway. I am very disappointed in the way local government is going, and I will not vote for any of them.
1:30 PM
The city attorney wasn't given a look at it until shortly before the meeting, not time to review by any stretch of the imagination.
I saw Jim while ago.He was still holding his breath.
Pictured at Delmarvanow Jim looks like a clown standing there with Hoppes holding that check for $1,038,000. idiots alike, ooops put the cart before the horse again.
Looks like Ireton just takes these things too personal, the council were only doing their job and not approving something that was not accurate.
Now we know how Gordy and See always got everything they wanted by getting in pushed through as emergency legislation before anyone could get a good look at it. Comegys, Dunn, Cathcart and Shields blindly passed so much poor legislation and sweetheart deals.
I'm glad for once things are being done proper. We also have a $1,000,000 fireboat we don't need. That grant is not free money, it comes from hard working taxpayers.
If the city didn't hgave to fork out over $1,000,000 for the WWTP legal fees, they city would have enough money to cover those 12 positions on it's own without the grant.
We need a functioning WWTP or more money for police more than we need a million dollar fireboat. Good common sense just gets lost in all the politics.
Cant wait until that douchbag is out and ur in i would NEVER have him teaching my SON.
Sbut up Simpson. Your gone. Stay gone
"Anonymous said...
A mistake was made, FEMA was notified and was still ok with giving the grant, yet council did not go forward with it. Sometimes you have to grow up and take the $1.4 million anyway. I am very disappointed in the way local government is going, and I will not vote for any of them.
August 14, 2012 1:56 PM"
Oh BALONEY! As a matter of fact didn't the mayor sarcastically state to Ms Cohen last night that he would get her the number to FEMA so she can ask them herself?
Another thing why didn't the mayor and others who had worked on this grant know when the deadline was? The council was under the impression the deadline wasn't until much later. Then all of a sudden it becomes an emergency and needs to be on last nights agenda without notification to the voters, residents and tax payers of Salisbury.
And then the lack of maturity on the parts of both Ireton and Mitchell with their digs they feel compelled to toss around in an attempt to appear clever is repulsive. They both need to either grow up and act civil or get the hell out and let someone with some measure of dignity do the job.
Tax payers. Obviously, however that money is already gone. Would you rather your money be spent elsewhere?
Thank you for posting these comments. I hope things change for the better for all the citizens of Salisbury and not just a select group of people who strike behind the scene deals for their deep pockets. It makes me sick to watch them on PAC 14 behaving like spoiled children. We have very real problems in this city. Crime is high, taxes are too high and all these clowns can really do successfully is argue. How disgusting and disgraceful!
11:14 said it all in one short statement.
1:25, everything you complained about comes under the mayor not the council.
1:56, I can't even believe your comment. "Grow up and take the money"? You obviously are totally lacking in integrity. If your kid or employee lies to you to get something, do you give it to them anyway because they "need it" or "it's good for them"?
I wouldn't care if FEMA or whatever told them "it's okay that you lied to us" or "no problem we will give you more time," I would do the "grown up" thing and say, "no thank you".
It took a lot of guts and integrity for those three council members to do what they did, something politicians wouldn't understand. Besides, it the mayor's city people can't fill out an application correctly, how are they going to meet all the compliance requirements? My guess is they will mess something up and the little people of Salisbury will be stuck holding the bag.
7:13 points out the compliance requirments. With this being brought up without notice last night I guarantee both Shanie and Laura who wanted to put this on the agenda and vote on it, had not even seen the compliance requirements so there is no way on God's Green Earth they could have made an informed decision. I also guarantee they both could not even tell anyone what the grant money can and cannot be spent on.
We were told by SFD keadersgip that there were plenty of people to run the million dollar fire boat and the new Hazmat truck.
Now we need 12 more people? I am a big supporter of our public safety personnel, but the leadership at SFD, the mayor, and the high ranking administrative staff are the ones to blame for this mess and a lostvgrantbopportunity. They got the grant on the pretense of a lie. They also had a big press conferencevto accept the check before even meeting with the ciuncil about it. Having read the piece about authorization by the governing body, I wonder whether action cam be taken against Hoppes or the administtation
954pm.....most of oc employees work full time somewhere else
They need new employees because several can retire within the next 15 months.
I do truly believe (at this point in time,) that it was an unintentional mistake on the part of whomever signed off and submitted the grant. As soon as Mrs Campbell pointed it out last night, discussion should have ended right then and there until FEMA was contacted by city attorney and the mistake reported to them. Myself personally if I were on the council I would have wanted that resolved before any action taken as there are consequences to filing fed grant applications with false information on them.
Does this town ever like anyone in office? If u can do better get the hell out there and run for office!
anonymous 9:15, HELLO!
Did Hoppes get his degree yet?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
7:21 - Why should Ireton be removed as a teacher. He's very good at teaching. That's like saying you don't want a surgeon to practice medicine anymore because you don't like his/her politics.
August 14, 2012 11:02 AM
Really!! Instead of defending him you should discuss his numerous write ups and the numerous transfers. How long has he been "teaching?" There is a reason he isn't a principal yet!!
What we are seeing here is the liberal agenda course 101.Present an unacceptable agenda and blame the other side for saying no. The msm presents it over and over and the weak of mind start to believe it because they depend on the idiot tube for what they think is the truth.Thank you Joe for going on the attack.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rick Hoppes lied on a Federal document and signed it as the truth. He and his staff should resign immediatly or be terminated.
August 14, 2012 1:21 PM
Yes and he is deceiving in everything he does. Not only is he deceiving he is lazy and lied and kissed but to get to the where he is at now. He has never worked his way to the top. Back stabber!
Anonymous said...
The Acting Chief should be let go over this. He's clearly not qualified to properly lead. Forcing Jeff Simpson out was a mistake.
August 14, 2012 1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Sbut up Simpson. Your gone. Stay gone
August 14, 2012 3:19 PM
I was thinking Jeff Simpson was Anon 1:30 PM as well.
Hoppes and his cut throat leadership he surrounds himself with share the blame. Tull, O'Barsky and Gladwell.
And Hoppes can go in October. Fire him now and you wont have to worry about paying him, he doesn't deserve it.
You are being to nice to Rick Hoppes.
I don't even know how to respond to this situation as a city employee. It's a complete embarrassment!
The other blogger is so wrong on this issue! The outrage is your stupidity for posting something like this on your blog.
"I think one thing that needs to be pointed out in this ignorance on the part of our City Council is that it really boils down to a power play and who wants the approval of this grant on their resume. Jim Ireton and his staff worked hard to get this for the City, and I will tell you right now whether Terry likes it or not most people consider Jim Ireton as the Mayor the Governing Body. There was no ill will done in trying to get this grant done and for Terry Cohen and her cohorts to get all in a tizzy because they felt like their authority had been usurped is beyond chidish. The people of Salisbury are absolutely outraged at the Council trio for this, and the absolute slap in the face it is to the citizens and our brave firefighters."
Please move this article back to the top. The citizens deserve to know what is going on with their tax dollars and the wasteful spending of the mayor.
I just looked at that WBOC FB post on the grant money and there were several attacks on Debbie and Terry from a former fire chief, a former firefighter, a acting deputy chief, an acting deputy chief's mother in law, a paid assistant chief, the wife of the paid assistant chief and a liberal buddy of Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton.
anonymous 8:29, no, more than 6,000 people have clicked on the title alone, let alone all the others who came to this Site and have read it for two days now. I think the people get the point.
anonymous 8:28, the "other blogger" has every right to his opinion. We're talking about a man who is on disability and all sorts of public assistance. He's not taken seriously, nor will he ever be. He is supported by Ireton and Tilghman, what else would you expect.
8:28 This is way over the "other bloggers" head. Him not being capable of understanding plus given the way lies roll so easily off his tongue it's best to ignore his ramblings.
If I were on the council I would not have voted to put the request on the agenda either and if it were I wouldn't vote to approve the grant until I found out if I were committing a federal offense by knowingly accepting a federal grant when the process was out of order.
The 'other blogger' is dishonest and immoral so of course he thinks the council was wrong. To him it's okay to knowingly lie as long as it suits his agenda which what that is tends to be anything against us here at Sby News.
If there is a need for firefighters then make an all out effort to recruit volunteer firefighters. This hasn't been done and never will be as long as you have current "fire" chief. The 85% call volume for EMS is actually more like 95%. The fire calls are more like 85% EMS responses to "help" the ambulance and justify the positions for firemen. The need is for EMS paramedics not paid firemen. Separate EMS from the fire department and let the fire engines respond on fire only calls and you will see there is no need whatsoever for paid firemen. This grant is wrong and it will come at a big expense. This grant is wrong and will be abused like they have done the previous free money grants. The acting fire chief perjured himself on a legal, Federal document and he needs to be fired or resign immediately.
Hoppes said on WBOc that he just did what his boss the mayor told him to do Duh
oldest trick in the book-divide and childish, I guess if he doesn't get his way, he takes his puppets (dept. heads) and runs to his office. He should be run out of office and run out of this town. What trash!
Can the firechief even climb a ladder? He doesn't look physically fit
I understand the mayor's immature attitude and actions, but don't bring all of the city staff into his realm. A lot of times staff is in a dilemma regarding the RIGHT and PROPER way of doing things and the Mayor's way of doing things which is very often times WRONG. City staff is obligated to do what the Mayor wants of them and if staff even attempts to offer their knowledge or expertise on what the mayor wants then he throws a hissy fit. He wants it his way or no way and it often comes at the integrity of city staff. If you really want to know what goes on, talk to City staff members from all the departments. You'll soon see that they too are tired of his immature ways.
3:36 Don't you know it's the mayor's "prerogative" on the way city staff members are directed-LOL. Yep, that's what Ireton said to the DT's, so we understand where you are coming from.
Anonymous said...
Can the firechief even climb a ladder? He doesn't look physically fit
August 15, 2012 3:09 PM
Uh, NO and he never has. He has always been on the lazy side and worked harder at finding ways to get out of work. You will never find anyone any more lazier than Rick Hoppes.
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