One thing has been made crystal clear during this whole episode, in Jimmy Ireton’s world politics will always trump public safety … or good public policy.

SALISBURY, MD – There are some things you will not read in the Daily Times. You will never read a factual article that criticizes Wicomico’s Board of Education. You will never read that the world’s weather runs in short and long term cycles and the notion of “climate change” is a myth. You also won’t read about Salisbury mayor Jim Ireton’s fits at Salisbury council meetings or the true actions of certain council members.
While Salisbury firefighters, and the town’s citizenry, may have been happy to see the Salisbury council accept a $1.4 million federal grant to hire additional firefighters, one person was VERY disappointed – Mayor Jim Ireton. Repeated attempts to goad the council majority into voting no failed. Ireton’s claims that the council was “holding this money hostage” fell on deaf ears. A 4-0 vote for acceptance would have been a 5-0 vote if Ireton had CHOSEN to act his age rather than perform like a two year old.
One thing was crystal clear Monday night; Jim Ireton believes that scoring cheap political points FAR exceeds the safety of the citizens of Salisbury.
If the twelve additional firefighters were so desperately needed, why has Ireton failed to request the additional firefighters in any of his budgets? Why were firefighters and police officers furloughed? If this grant was so important, why did Ireton REFUSE to allow the fire department to apply for it until THREE DAYS before the application deadline?
None of these questions will be asked by the mainstream media. Ireton will never have to answer them. Why? Because attacking council members like Debbie Campbell is far more important than solving the city’s problems.
First of all, she didn’t. Campbell abstained. Campbell stated that she would vote yes, but needed Ireton’s word that he would provide the UNAUDITED figures for the city’s cash balance and contribution to surplus by September 30th. The city’s finance director had already stated that the numbers would be available before that date. Ireton’s response was to puff up and refuse to respond. While we disagree that this was necessary to vote yes, it was in Campbell’s view. The request was reasonable. She is a council member and I am not.
Instead we endured Ireton lecturing the council, falsely claiming that the council (in general) and Campbell (in particular) was somehow holding the firefighters hostage. We have had to endure the media (particularly the Daily Times) inaccurately report that Ireton heroically persuaded FEMA to move back the deadline for acceptance.
To be blunt, we question whether or not there really was a deadline two weeks ago. One things is for sure, this entire sordid episode was driven by Jim Ireton’s disgraceful desire to destroy his political opponents. Like standing on a soapbox and calling council members racists, Ireton prefers to slash and burn rather than see Salisbury become a better place to live and work. One need only to look at the chronology of events leading up to Monday’s big show:
Ireton refused to allow firefighters to apply for the grant until the deadline.
Ireton refused to disclose to council that the grant had been applied for.
When the grant was awarded, Ireton refused to tell the council when the deadline for acceptance was.
Ireton refused to answer questions put to him and his administration. (Ireton claims he “responded” to every question. Saying I’m not going to answer may be a “response” but is hardly productive.)
Council found a $400,000 error in the grant application’s calculations.
After refusing to tell council president Terry Cohen when the deadline was, Ireton demanded that the council put the grant on the agenda just a few hours before the meeting, claiming that the deadline was 9 AM Tuesday.
Ireton attempted to goad the council majority into voting no this past Monday.
In the end, Ireton’s scheme didn’t work. All parties, except Ireton, bent a little. The Fire Department apologized for the errors on their part and the council approved the grant despite Ireton’s refusal to answer simple, and valid, questions.
One thing has been made crystal clear during this whole episode, in Jimmy Ireton’s world politics will always trump public safety … or good public policy.
Sorry Jimmy, our world view is slightly different than yours.
When Karma closes in on Ireton, he won't know what hit him. Ireton has it coming, Karma will make his head swell, more, until it blows.
I am absolutely stunned by this information.
Ireton should resign.
Keep this information up so people will know. Unbelievable.
I truly believe this would not happen on Joe Albero's watch.
Jim can't be trusted. He needs to go away before April!
anonymous 9:42, I can guarantee this will not happen under my watch.
You won't see a piece like this in Robinsons paper either. Thank you Mr. Harrison.
If this doesn't scream back door sneakiness I don't what does. These things need to change.
There is no such thing as free money.
Time to clean house.
I respect 3 members of council especially Debbie Campbell more than ever.
Great point. Why hasn't the fire department asked for help in the past five years?
I am sure there is more to come from this snake in grass we call "Our Mayor". He still has 8 months to royally screw us.
Jim Ireton reminds me of how Mike Dunn used to bully Campbell in the past. I'll never stand for this behavior in the future. Albero has my vote.
I guess in tomorrow free paper( I only use to start my bonfire) Jim will have a crown and red cape on like some kind of king. All hal to Jimmie Boy little miss Sarah "like Jim's Ass" Lake will say.
Some men never grow up.
To Mitchell and Shields it is "free money" but it was clear Cohen and Campbell did not see it that way.
Cohen said yes and Campbell abstained, but their comments tell me they will fight to make this turn out well for the FD and the city.
Go, girls, go!
As for Ireton, he can go, too, out the door
This article is exactly why I love blogs. Citizens competing with the main stream media who tell the truth. No matter what side your on, this article spells it out in depth. I read the daily times editorial today and about threw up. These people aren't journalists. They are professionals at twisting words and are always bashing a select few. Fine work Mr. Harrison.
Times they are a changing. I hope you get to be the next Mayor Joe, I really do.
I like to see Mike Dunn for mayor. Cause he would make a big fool out of himself then he already is.
Joe, I am really glad you picked this up from Mr. Harrison. I am glad he wrote this.
Everybody reading this needs to pass the truth on to everyone they know, tell them to read this. I do not read the daily rag, but I have friends who do. I will tell them they need to read this so they can have the TRUTH!!!!!
Great article. I read it over and over again, but didn't see one thing I was looking for. You made a point that the fire grant was cheap shot from Ireton to score political points against Debbie Campbell and Terry. Ever since Ireton got elected his head started to swell and he is intimidated by competition. One thing to validate you point is the fact that Ireton submitted Rick Hoppes as his choice for fire chief. Ireton submitted Rick Hoppes' name knowing full well Hoppes wasn't qualified and knowing the city council would not confirm his appointment. It has been said by many that the appointment of Rick Hoppes was to start a fight with the city council. Think about it, Hoppes was rejected by Jim Ireton 3 times during the last search 2 years ago. What is sad is Mr. Hoppes is to stupid to realize he is being used in a political tug of war, but his ego is telling him to hang in there in hopes that he will get the top job. In the mean time the city and the fire department burns with Rome.
Joe you need to file tomorrow!
"In the end, Ireton’s scheme didn’t work. All parties, except Ireton, bent a little."
Great Line Mr. Harrison.
To clarify. Every budget for the last 10,years has had fire and ems personnel requests in them. That is except for those where the mayors stated to not request them. The other budgets had those people removed prior to being brought before council. The need for folks has been shown time and again but the mayors have refused to allow them into any budgets. That's why council hasn't seen requests for people. Most dont know that and some wont believe it but it is truth. Department heads wont buck their boss for fear of losing their jobs. Raises for employees are the same thing. Either cut out or told not to submit.
Albero For Mayor
Thanks for the information GA
The moon is full and the crazies are coming out.
Ireton should resign.
Unfortunately Matt Drew will be a formidable opponent to Debbie Campbell--he has alot of sympathy and support in the Camden area. Debbie is in for a fight. Salisbury has been incredibly blessed to have Campbell, Cohen, Spies and you, Joe, if not for you all this city would be 90% rental and an even more crime ridden city full of transient occupants. God bless all of you.
it won't be too soon to see some good leadership come to salisbury. if you do a great job, i might even move back.
Didn't Ireton pull the same thing when the search went out for a police chief replacement? I believe he did.
Ireton & Dunn are jokes and are after one thing and it isn't helping the poor taxpayer footing all this foolishness.
It makes me sick to watch the childish behavior of supposed adults on PAC 14 in their meetings. I believe children playing in a sandbox behave better! The mayor is toast...burnt toast.
Anonymous 12:39, come on now, give me a break. While Matt Drew may be a nice guy and all, Salisbury should be thanking their lucky stars that Debbie Campbell is even considering another 4 years on Council. I mean, seriously!
Matt Drew is nothing short of a pawn for Mike Dunn and Barrie Tilghman.
Look, let's put it this way. Dunn, Comegys and Cathcart screwed the public with their civility Dream Team ACT back in the day. Then Louise Smith pulled the same crap using Debbie & Terry to get her elected when she was a pawn the whole time for the former Tilghman Administration. Then came Mitchell with the same crap and now Matt Drew.
Folks, THINK, why would ANYONE want to run against Campbell when she has served the citizens of this City so well? Do you think she's a rubber stamp for ANYBODY? Do you realize the wisdom she holds and the hours she has put into this job for so many years.
ANYONE who votes against Debbie Campbell is a complete fool and only out for landlord interests, in comes Matt Drew.
Don't be fooled again. At least a vote for me is a vote YOU KNOW what to expect. No games, just results. Yeah, there might be a select few that won't like me but I'm pretty confident those select few are just that, a select few with special interests. My door will get slammed in their faces, period.
Salisbury has one last shot at a balanced Council and Mayor that will finally represent the Citizens for once.
"It's not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the Citizens election to lose".
"Folks, ..... when she has served the citizens of this City so well?" Your opinion Joe
My OPINION she is not serving citizens by abstaining or being absent when council votes. I have more respect for backbone - vote against it if against it.
"ANYONE who votes against Debbie Campbell is a complete fool and only out for landlord interests..." IN ESSENCE Joe you believe anyone who does not believe as you do is a fool. I could more easy listen/read your opinions with an open mind if I did not have to wade through paragraphs of trashing, without name calling. This is the way of the Obama administration and should not be the way of Joe Albero our next Mayor. I do not consider you a fool for a different opinion but I sure cannot respect for you for calling me one.
At least a vote for me ....with special interests. My door will get slammed in their faces, period. MY OPINION - if you chose to not listen to others and do things only your way than a vote for you will just be another "Jim Ireton" kind of Mayor. I am retired and have never been tied to special interest but if I do not agree with you, you declare not only am I a fool but I am special interest. You will slam the door in my face because I express a different opinion (in America no less).
I like your ideas but when you communicate such repulsion for others who "might" be running against you and Ms Campbell your ideas don't come through as the important part of the Albero message.
Lets look at the facts. NO one has filed to run so at this point NO one is running, Everything at this point is speculation
Now is the time for you to get your plans out there on your blog. After you file you will do well to communicate to voters how your ideas are better than your opponent(s)without name calling.
I think myself to be an average conservative voter and do not believe defaming all opponents makes for a good leadership.
This article is so rife with misinformation it's making my head spin. G.A. Harrion's brand of supposed reportage apparently involves reaching into open air for conspiracy theories, and, on a good day, barfing back out whatever Debbie or Terry fed him. The only way it would be amusing is if it weren't such a complete and utter hatchet-murder of journalistic integrity.
August 30, 2012 9:20 AM:
No substance, just an attack?
How empty of anything but vitriol. And how well-composed, but wholly without that journalistic integrity of which it speaks.
anonymous 9:20, I'm pretty confident I know who you are. Journalistic integrity, like an alleged phone spoof?
10:26 is right. Remember a couple of years ago when Campbell found the "shadow budget" that had been hidden by the Mayor. It contained a request for additional police that had been hidden from the council by the Mayor. It was her homework and questions that brought that to light. It seems that the common thread is that Slaisbury needs an honest Mayor that doesn't hide things about the business of the city from the council or the public.
@ 9:15 so who will you be voting for in the next Presidential election since you don't like name calling? I am pretty sure that is how politics are run, you trash the other party until people believe what you are saying...
9:20 a.m., if this post is so full of misinformation, point it out. What part is wrong? How would you correct it?
I watched that whole meeting on PAC14 and Mr. Harrison appears to be very right.
Also, I would just like to note something about how that meeting looked from the couch. A couple of the firefighters were very nice and just talked about their work on the grant.
But one of them was spewing political nastiness while in uniform. I was shocked. My very manly husband was amazed. He once worked for a government for 6 years and told me, "If I had pulled that in front of the commission, my butt would have been shown the door with a pink slip nailed to it."
Mrs. Cohen was very patient and attentive, which is to her credit, but honestly, I could not believe the fire chief allowed that to happen. Maybe he made it happen because that firefighter sounded like he was venting for the chief or running for office or something.
I am glad the department got the grant, but my opinion of them is lower after that disrespectful display.
My husband joked, "If they are that short of people, how come that many of them could spend the night at the meeting." Then he told me to blow the candles on the table out so our house didn't catch fire and we had to call the lobbyists to put them out.
Well put 12:21
@ 9:15 you bring up some good points! Joe stay focused and ease up on the name calling...
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