Victoria Kent is the VP of Marketing at The Amphitheater At Heron Ponds. When I arrived early Saturday night Victoria offered to give me a ride in a golf cart to get to the back of the property. While we got around 50% of the way there the cart got stuck. Being the trooper Victoria is, (and the fact she was wearing boots) she offered to get out in the middle of the mud and let me hit the gas, SO I DID!
The image above is the end result of my doing so. Victoria is my HERO as she saved the day and got us out of the mud. However, she clearly paid the price. There wasn't a single person on that site that didn't look similar by the end of the evening.
Getting dirty can be fun.
Wow she is hot. and dirty.
Victoria is amazing. She is doug's right hand lady and is in the trenches with him everyday making things run smoothly.
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