I went to Chick Fil a today for lunch here in Salisbury, and there was only family and heterosexual couples there. There was NO same sex kissing or anything of the like! I just saw the same type crowd I saw on Wednesday. Sorry about your failures, liberals!
Where was Jim?
I have notice you dont have Jim on your site anymore. Thank You!
thats because they know its not normal and they have issues.
@ 10:41 The level of hate, bigotry and downright nastiness of the people on this site is not normal.
"Sorry about your failures, liberals!" you say.
Your statement causes me to snap to attention and share my thoughts with you this morning, Mr. Albero.
Sir, it's not a war, and we're not fighting on opposite sides of that war, yet you speak as if we are.
That in itself is the problem.
Americans, no matter their differences of opinion or philosophy, are all on the same side. Every last one of them.
Certainly, our troops overseas are not fighting for the rights and freedoms of just conservative Republicans, or just liberals Democrats, or just Christians, or just Libertarians. Each American citizen, no matter who they are or what they believe, benefits from a soldier's duty.
We won't ever come together as a nation and make progress as such when factions among us, especially elected officials, continue to selfishly hold wide the chasm between viewpoints without even the slightest opportunity for compromise.
Furthermore, progress is unattainable while extremists on either end of the political spectrum obstruct the most basic processes of our government, on all levels. This saddens me greatly.
Let us not forget the famous words of presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln, who in 1858 imparted upon his Republican Party words that still ring true today:
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
For our childrens' sake, I should hope our leaders of today and tomorrow shall have the strength to set aside their differences of opinion and work to heal the wounds being inflicted today upon our national consciousness.
They believe being gay is a sin. Well so is greed and gluttony and from the looks of the people at CFA they are guilty of that. Chickens are gay so I certainly hope it doesn't rub off on any of them.
Amen 10:55
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Actually, old Abe got that from the Bible.
We are at war. A war of Paracites vs. Producers. And you know how Real Humans treet cockroach's.
If you disagree with a liberal you're a hate monger and if you are a business owner you're greedy and evil forgetting that the taxes they pay fund their life.
@ 12:10 Your argument would be a lot more convincing if you could spell anything correctly.
I believe the gays and any other abnormal sexual dysfunction should remain behind closed doors where you can do whatever you want, you have that right to choose. However, don't try to sell me on your "gay" lifestyle or that accepting it is "progress". And, marriage is not for Adam & Steve. If you want civil unions, fine. But, it is NOT a marriage. I don't agree with rape, incest, pedophiles, sadomasicism, bondage or anything else that ranks right up there with sodomy. And, that does not make me any name you want to call me to help promote your twisted agenda. I have my right to express my view as do the MAJOR MAJORITY of our nation that agrees with me. Most would agree this belongs in your bedroom and not on the front pages of newspapers, done in public, done in a negative way, yelling, screaming and destroying property. Do whatever you want to do in PRIVATE! Leave the rest of us alone. That is toleration and expression of God given rights and rights of Americans for Free speech, NOT bigotry or hatred.
The Adam & Steve part of the previous comment was funny.
11:12 AM
Did anyone actually read the whole comment?
Gays DO kiss in public, just like straights. Maybe they didn't want YOU taking their pictures and using it to design some kind of hate meme.
I'm one of the supporters of the Chick-Fil-A appreciation day and I'm glad it didn't come to this a battle, as it wasn't about two sides so much as the freedom to say what your beliefs are and stand by them. CF isn't discriminating, anyone can eat there and I don't think they would discriminate during hiring as the average person keeps their home life and work life separte and you'd never really know what a person does in the privacy of their own home. So I support both side and pray it doesn't come to a show of force or a battle. This country needs to stand united not separte. I support Chick-Fil-A and I hold no judgement against the gay community. God Bless.
Has Jim Ireton ever "come out" as gay? If he hasn't, perhaps it would be best to stop labeling him.
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