DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, August 27, 2012
A Letter To The Editor 8-27-12
Well Joe, seems like no matter who try's to run the place the Humane Society just can't get their act together. Tonight in Hebron the Wicomico County Sheriffs Dept served a search warrant on a home. Arrested one suspect and needed the 3 dogs in the residence removed as they had no where to secure them. Well of course the Humane Society had just closed so couldn't send anyone out there. Well guess who they called to come. The City of Salisbury Animal Control. Why on earth is the city paying their AC to do the counties job. Since he started working there from what I have heard David Fitzgerald has made life pretty miserable for the two city AC officers which I don't understand either. If the HS doesn't do the city they should have no say over the two wonderful officers that do the city AC. There is always so much controversy about the HS as a real HS director is never hired. Right now the person in charge has had maybe 3 weeks shelter manager training. The AC officer has no training at all. Whole areas of the county has no AC as they are afraid to go there. When is this going to stop. When is this county going to get tired and hire a real shelter director and staff. If they cant do their jobs they have no business being there. Plus you still have the conflict of interest with the director being related through marriage to the president of the board. This should never have been allowed to happen.
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I love you Joe.
There is another situation going on that I find rather odd. I have heard that the county has given the hs another $$40,000 to get another AC officer and that the town of Delmar is to give them another 40,000. How can this be right. Why are the residents of Dlelmar being singled out to pay. Isnt Delmar part of the county. None of the other towns pay extra. Fruitland Parsonsburg Pittsville. And everyother town aren't considered separate so why Delmar. It's a question I would really like to know the answer to. Seems the HS is just collecting money from everyone they can Salisbury City Wicomico County Delmar. Who's next. As many years as they have been there you would think they should be free standing and not a drain on every tax payer out here. And they don't even have good service and you can never see where all these collections go.
Yes, something drastic needs to be done, especially when tax payers are helping them financially.
I can't believe the County has only ONE Animal control officer!!
County Law gives me the information that the County Ex. the responsible person to address the matter----He's been approached before----what's been done, budget cuts to them till they're down to one officer---this is rediculious with all the problems with animal control in this County.
Yes, it does appear there is a conflict of interest with the New Director of the HS & his in-law association on the Board of Directors for them.
The new director is paid more with no training and no experience than Linda Lugo was after ten years. Whether you liked her or not, there should be a limit to nepotism when it comes to money that should be used for the animals.
We got a 5 MILLION parking lot on CIVIC AVE. Whats the BEEF?
At this time the HS and AC receive close to $300.000 from the county with the new $40.000they just got plus $40.000 from Delmar and almost $100.000 from the City of Salissbury. That's almost 500.000 where is it going. This doesn't even count donations. Plus they never have more then about 10 dogs for adoption because they kill the others so they don't have to pay to keep them. Even most of the 10 they have say they come from other shelters. What is happening to the county animals. Are they all being killed. Other states and counties are moving forward in the area of animal control and adoptions while Wicomico county stays stuck on stupid. This place needs closed down the board disbanded and the county needs to hire good people form a new board and start over with a clean slate. There has been so much mess there and it's time to stop just putting bandaids on a festering wound.
i've got a news flash for you all! the Salisbury Animal Control Department isn't doing much more than the Humane Society! Just drive around the "City", look in some of the back yards and see just how bad animals are being treated. Both the city and the county should be ashamed of what's going on and nothing is being done about it!
Fitzgerald's job first and foremost should be the care of the animals. From what I'm reading, I have to ask where is the money going? Is it another back-handed county deal? Get your foot in the door, lay quiet don't make any waves and well get you more money. The HS is never open, they aren't available nights/wekends to help with any problems. I wish I could get a job doing nothing and getting paid to do it! It would be interesting to follow the money trail and report line items on that report. I agree, this man needs to go, and we need to get a person who really cares for the homeless, hurt, abandoned animals in our county. We don't need another rascal!
When Linda was there, she took care of the animals. I personally watched her loving care while working with her. She was tireless, and her only concern wasn't politics, it was the animals as it should be.
There are many open admission shelters in this country that get no government funding. They run on donations they receive because of their good interaction with their communities. They also work hard to adopt our animals and not kill them as this also brings in funding. This is just like welfare with no accountability. If you just keep giving them free government money why are they ever going to try to become anything on their own. They don't have to because the free money just keeps coming and growing. This place should be given a time period to become self supporting with limits on tax payer funding.
Fitzgerald (male) is being paid more than Linda (female) because he has the right plumbing. Simple as that!!!Some things never change and the good ole boy system in Wicomico County is one of um!!!
2:23. Cruelty to animals is running rampant across our entire nation. As far as the City Animal Control they have always tried to do a good job. Recently since David Fitzgerald took over their hands are being tied by the HS Jim Ireton and the Salisbury Chief of police and they are not being allowed to do their jobs. The other thing is people in the county and the city need to go to their counsel meetings and demand changes to the laws we have here for animal welfare.
The Wicomico County shelter is a joke. I've seen dogs there for adoption that are listed as a "lab mix" when clearly they have pit bull in them. Most of the dogs there are pit bulls. Someone I know that volunteered there got physically ill with all the animals they had to "help" put down.
Most all of the county animals are being killed and they are importing dogs from other shelters. No kill shelters do this but kill shelters should not be pulling animals from other places. For what bring them here to kill them. Their last news letter said they took in about 650 animals in May June and July ( I personally don't think that many were taken in ) and then they say they killed 500 for being aggressive or sick ( I don't believe this either ). Something needs to be done as they are totally unacceptable and a drain and blight on our county. They do nothing. Just sit and collect money. When is everyone in this county going to stand up and demand change. Everyone needs to start with the board of directors. They have been the same people for at least 10 years. They don't care about animals. They dont care what goes on at the HS. They don't have a clue about animal welfare. What good are they. I say clean house.
Now back to what this letter actually says. Why was the city paying to send an officer out in the county to assist instead of the county going when they are already paid by the county to do this. The city must work for the county now.
I heard David Fitzgerald not only fired all of the experienced shelter leaders, HE FIRED THE ACCOUNTING FIRM PIGG, KRAHL, STERN that had been their accountant for 12 years. Now a man with no shelter experience & no top management leaders, is also taking care of the MONEY. And he is working for his relative who is President of the Board. Who is watching the donations & the money allocated by the City & County? PKS did payroll, expenditures, donations & gave a monthly statement of account. Do you think someone is going to be able to check up on this "ONE MAN SHOW". Check his prior relationship to Pittsville, Worcester County & Berlin Fire Dept.
It shopuld be known to all, (in case you didn't know) my Wife and I sat down with Rick Pollitt and his entire Staff two years ago and offered to take our own 37 acres in Willards and build our own Humane Society. Brand new, state of the art facility, with our own money. We asked for only the following. Give us the $300,000.00 a year for FIVE years. After that we would be completely self sufficient.
My Wife, (who handled exotic animals for 18 years at the Zoo) would run the shelter. She's been breeding animals for 30 years and also worked at the current Humane Society.
The ONLY reason I could see their never getting back to us is because they can move money around.
Each time Salisbury News published information of animals being up for adoption the entire Humane Society completely emptied out in two days. This happened three times and they chose not to work with us again because NO ONE had any work left to do there because there were no animals.
We've proven we could make it work, yet they never even gave us the courtesy to contact us back following the meeting. I'm telling you, there were NO strings attached.
Not just a humane society, but someone who could do animal rehab as well. There isn't one close around these parts.
Joe, asking for guidance on this issue. When you are elected mayor, is there something you can do about this? Reading your post, now I'm wondering is Fitzgerald pocketing the money? Where's the checks and balances? And how do we know the money taken in is being used ENTIRELY for the animals?
anonymous 5:40, As much as I know ALL of you don't want to hear this, let me tell you the facts on this matter. ANYONE who tries to tell you things are different from what I'm about to tell you is a liar.
The Humane Society answers to NO ONE. They are a private non profit, just like the Salisbury Zoo Commission.
That being said, the ONLY thing the City and County can do is cut off their funding. IF they choose to do so, where are they going to place the animals, who's going to catch them?
This is why I made my offer YEARS in advance to Rick Pollitt. There is pretty much NOTHING that can be done to control the Humane Society, period.
The same situation is all over the country. People get pets and when they tire of them , they drop them off or refuse to care for them.
They treat them like toys.
This is a major problem in the U.S..
People. Joe is right. The Wicomico Co. Humane Society is a private non-profit corp. It is owned by private citizens. Do not look for the city of anywhere to be responsible with tax payers to do anything. And, please don't ask the government to get involved, if so, you will still have no say in what's going on, but you will have to pay, weather you wish to or not.
got news for all you folks, think this kind of bs just started? think this is a one off? think again, the zoo, the HS, try looking at the airport commision and all the bs that goes on out there. Remember a few years ago it was the city HUD commision, Every stinkin commision in the city county pulls this kind of bs! And I don't think it matters who you elect it will never stop! The crap will wash over you Joe like a tsunami!
Joe, thank you for answering my question. I appreciate your quick response. The more I hear about the city government, and this issue the more I physically feel sick to my stomach for those poor dear animals.
Because you cared to respond to my question, you will have my vote and I look forward to meeting both you and your wife. Thank you
The Humane Society received or still receives money from the Trust of Marian Morton. I think the Community Foundation needs to have them account for their money. I am not exactly certain about the Community Foundation but I AM SURE about Ms. Morton's money after her death .
i think lugo tried her best at her job at the h.s. as far as fitzgerald this guy takes the money and runs! been there done that in pittsville and berlin. does not take long for ppl to wish he never appeared.answer to the h.s. problem!! terminate bonnie gordy,charlotte littleton and fitzgerald.problem solved!!
Does anyone know all the board members names, and if so, can you respond? The mis-use of trust funds is illegal.
If the county and city were to pull their funding to force the HS out.and take back their building I'm sure there are enough rescue people and past volunteers that have been run away from the shelter that would step up to run things just fine until a suitable director and staff could be found. The people in the community can easily put together a new board. I'm sure there are many out there that would help. I know I would.
Me too!
Board of Directors
If you have a comment or concern that you would like addressed by the Board of Directors, please send your letter to:
HSWC Board of Directors
P.O. Box 201
Pittsville, MD 21850
Our Board Members
Members - at - Large
Human Society of Wicomico County has a website
How about the dog that was left outside the HS for the weekend and died because Fitzgerald didn't check the crate it was in. THREE days the poor thing sat there in the heat. Not a word was mentioned of this to even the board. Well maybe to his relative that hired him also without ANY input from the board! Oh yeah, he is AFRAID of dogs!
The county gave them the land do it is. County land and built by money received by the humane society through contributions .
Board members are Bonnie Gordy, Bill Givans, Kristi Truitt, Charlotte Littleton, Mary Runner and T.A. Smith. Just those six.
I wonder if the HS has to pay for that PO box since Charlotte is the post master in Pittsville.
9:22. You mean to tell me an animal actually died because it was left outside in a crate forgotten by all at the HS. That is animal cruelty and the person responsible should be charged as would any other citizen.
The HS is open on Saturdays. I got my dog from there about two years ago. There are two sides to every story and bashing what could be innocent without investigating is not a good idea! Really, this could happen to either one of you guys as well. Sometimes its just not good t believe the hype!
I say there should be an investigation into the death of the dog at the hands of David Fitzgerald. Sounds like he has no training and no ability to do what is required at the HS which is to take care of animals not kill them through his neglect what is wrong with this place and what was everyone else doing that no one knew the dog had been left there. Everything there is always hidden and swept under rugs trying to keep the public in the dark. Last time I was there everybody was just standing around the office or sitting at desks doing absolutely nothing. I thought they were supposed to be paid to work and be responsible for living beings
littleton retired from pittsville post office.what a blessing that has been she would argue with a brick post.total different climate in there now i in fact enjoy going there again.
I thought Jody Morrison resigned months ago.
Fitzgeral is in charge of the HS it is his responsibility to make sure there are no animals being left outside without food, water, shelter to just die. THINK OF THAT HORRIBLE DEATH THAT DOG WENT THROUGH!. He certainly has proven he is not capable and should be removed at once. The BD members are just as responsible for this terrible neglect and need to be removed. Allowing an animal to die in that fashion is unthinkable, and is MURDER. He is grossly incompentent!
How did anyone that works there miss the dog in the crate for THREE days? Didn't anyone go in to feed the animals and clean up the kennels?
It sounds like no one was there, or if they were,certainly they were not doing their job and caring for the animals. What kind of people are these? Are they that low, that they just take the money and leave the animals to die? I guess they figure, hell they are just animals no one cares. Well I care, and there are plenty of us out here who do care. Civilization is no better than how we treat our animals. Maybe that's why this world is so messed up. We simple don't give a damn. It's wrong. What the hell are the police doing about this cruelity? The hours of operation are wrong and need to be changed. Fitzgerald and staff should be there 40 hours per wk. including week-ends to cover the shelter. We didn't have this kind of problem when Linda was there. She got the axe because Pollitt didn't like her. Maybe the benefit deal made with Fitzgerald by his relative was he had the week-ends off. What a complete and total loser and flunky. Imagine putting someone of that calibre incharge of the county shelter!
I say bring Linda Lugo back. She does care about the animals. Even once risked her life to go onto a frozen pond and save a dog that had fallen through the ice. I know she never would have forgotten an animal and let it die in a crate. Everyone in the county and the city need to stand up and try to fix this mess. The animals need everyone of us. We need to be their voice and this inexperienced and seemingly uncaring man needs to go. No one in his position should be doing their own books either. Makes it too easy to take what's not yours. No matter who is there the money needs to be accounted for by someone other than the HS itself and a periodic report needs to be given to the public at board meetings. Does this board even have public meetings. Most other humane society's do. Also the people on the board have been there stuck in place so long they don't even know how things are changing in the animal shelter world. Get rid of the dinosaurs and get people that know how to progress with the times.
Complaints about lax County Laws were taken before County Council better then 2 yrs ago . Change was requested.
A committee worked tireslessly for over a year, working to improve the Dog Laws here. The Committee investigated other States & how their Laws applied ------ A few changes were made----but just a few. Soooo discouraging & just Not Right!!
As far as the HS---The police are now appointed to investigate a report of cruelty. I have no idea if the one I reported was given water, shelter or food when it was called in.
Things have to change out there. When you have people running an operation with NO accountability as to where donation money, trust money & other monies collected from benefits-----That Spell Trouble with a capital T!
This County Sucks---Why not give the "reins" to someone like Joe who would see matters are taken care of in a professional manner!!
10:25 AM- I totally agree with you. I believe there are enough people in this county who are ready, willing, and able to step up and speak for these defensiveless animals that need our help. I know I am.
Pollitt/Board/ needs to get over his/their prejudices and get Linda back at the shelter in the leadership role. During the last hurricane, I watched her work tirelessly helping the animals, and the people. She was wonderful. She deserves all our respect and she deserves all our support. She thought of every animal as needing immediate care, and she was willing to go outside the box to help them survive and get good homes. A leader sometimes may be brisk but her heart was right and she really cared about the shelter. Look what we got in place of her! It wasn't a step up, we went backwards quickly. The ones that suffered are all the animals.
Only a fool would do their own books. I said before, there should be a system of checks and balances.
Is Fitzgerald and company using the HS as a front to channel money from one account to another? From what I've seen of him, he is nothing more than a yes man. I have to wonder why the HS truck is up to the government building so often? Probably getting his orders.
Probably is getting his orders. I've heard he is a buddy of Iretons and that everytime he doesn't get his way on animal issues in the city he calls old Jim to call the police chief and demand he gets his way. Animal Control in the city has always been over seen by the police Dept. Why does this guy have any business dictating to the city. He can't even take care of his own issues in the county.
Why is he paid more than an experienced animal director was paid? He had no training or experience in running any kind of animal shelter. There is no reasonable explanation other than nepotism.
I don't like that the accountants aren't doing the bills, if that part is true. Will someone who knows specifically what is supposed to have happened in Pittsville and Berlin related to money tell us?
This band of thugs need to be removed. They are all responsible for innocent deaths. As far as I'm concerned, they are no better than murderers. If there wasn't something under-handed going on, why all the secrecy? I agree, why would you put somebody like Fitzgerald in a job that he isn't qualified to do? It makes no sense unless there is money laundering going on. And I think we have hit the nail on the head.
If the BD and company were on the up up, I would think they would want to have this resolved, and move Fitzgerald to a job somewhere else, and get a responsible, person who is educated in animal welfare. BD membership isn't a life-time job either.
Board membership is a life time job the way it's done now. There are only six of them, and no one leaves until he or she wants to go. No one gets added, either. An unqualified director gets paid more than a qualified one did. Who do they think they are?
According to the Board's By-Laws there is suppose to be a Membership Meeting at the end of every May every year. Each meeting is suppose to be announced 30 days in advance. There was NO MAY MEETING held this year. MEMBERS we need to FORCE a special meeting as we did in 1999 to get rid of David Fitzgerald as we did Jen Rose --- another inexperienced director. Because the Shelter has NO ACCOUNTABILITY it has gotten out-of-hand with the Board's backroom decisions. They don't follow their own By-Laws --- no Membership Meeting, hiring a relative, & running the Shelter without any Managers. IT IS TIME to WAKE UP...the animals need us to WATCH THE MONEY!!! They need PKS back to do the ACCOUNTING!!!
I was always taught, a bird never flys so high he doesn't fall....and I think the public is so outraged at the inhumane way Fitzgerald and company allowed that poor dog to die such a terrible death, no food, water, in terrible temperatures for three days that this isn't over. These people need to be watched and investigated closely.
As far as this particular incident is concerned, I don't care who came and got the dogs from that house. Anything is better than where they were.
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