With the recent petition drive flopping, many seem to be running in the opposite direction when it comes to supporting the Mayor.
400 or so Salisbury signatures clearly shows Mayor Ireton has not only lost his touch, people are growing tired of the hissy fits, ethics charges and the petitions.
If this was soon after Ireton was elected he probably would have instantly received 2,000 signatures. However, once we announced his "Ireton Downtown Projects" for revitalizing Downtown Salisbury, people have come to learn just what Jim Ireton is really about and it isn't much different than the former Mayor.
He's about the Obama agenda and that's it. He's about entitlements and NOT working to bring in new businesses, jobs and manufacturing. Oh, you can bet now that he'll be on the fast track to trying to accomplish something along those lines and with any luck he'll start having some success at it because we really need it and waiting another 9 months before the next election just won't cut it.
I have my own message for Mr. Ireton. While we are averaging about 5 tee shirts per day, a woman came in today to get a tee shirt and said she had gone on line and filled out all her information to vote in the upcoming election. SHE HAS NEVER VOTED IN THE CITY IN THE PAST. This is exactly what I'm talking about Ladies & Gentlemen. Every time I hear someone say that I get goose bumps.
It is clear to me that this election WILL be the biggest voter turn out Salisbury has ever seen. A friend told me the other day that they were talking to a local business person who they thought was somewhat critical about me in the past. In their conversation my name came up and that person said, "Joe Albero is going to win this election".
I truly hope they're right. Salisbury deserves a break. Keep the momentum going Ladies & Gentlemen and come on down and get your free tee shirt and bumper sticker. "We The People" are going to win this thing.
Is Ireton carrying a man purse in that picture.
@1116, it's a satchel. indiana jones has one!
Jim is all fluff!
Second failed petition HAHAHA
That is one smart business owner. I told everyone the day I heard you were running you were going to win.
Jim Ireton is NO Indiana Jones!
Is that 400 real signatures Joe or all the made up names included?
If he scattered the petition throughout Rehomoboth he would have gooten 2000 signatures.
He's got a purse and she's got a wallet.
Ireton is a basket case, too much coffee or five hour energy drinks, that mixes well with alcohol as we all know. NOT! All you have is a wide awake drunk.
The website said the goal was 1000 signatures.
He didn't even get a full 2/3 of the way in total number and a ton of them were out of town or out of state.
the petiton was just another ireton-mitchell failure. they are so jealous of debbie, terry and tim it's getting a bit too much now.
as it is now, they both are just a couple honey dippers(porto potty dippers)stirring up the crap and making the smell even worse
If Ireton and Mitchell were spending as much time trying to do something good for the city, as the time they spend on petitions and trying to get media attention, they may too even come up with a good idea, although I kind of doubt it if low income housing is the only idea they have. Further proves, Ireton is a poor leader, he can barely keep his own personal life in track, let alone run a city.
"Spock", on star track gave them hand signels too.
has jim even said he plans to file?
Ireton would be the perfect mayor for Rehobeth Beach, where he cavorts at night.
Joe your name is being spoken everywhere. Honestly I hear your name more than Obama.
Two Thumbs Up Jimmie!
Joe is going to win this election that is a fact.
Anonymous 7:44pm
You when two snaps up!
Thank you the tie dye shirt Joe. I Love It!
Are they related? They look a lot.
Are they related? They look a lot.
July 26, 2012 8:11 PM
They look a lot ... at what?
No, barries hand is bigger!
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