Back in 1973 my Family moved from New York to Bowie, Maryland. Bowie was actually a pretty cool community built by the Levitt Family. Tens of thousands of homes with about 7 different styles. What I liked about it was the idea that no one seemed to be wealthier than the next guy. An average home in the early 1970's was around $15,000.00.
Bowie was filled with a ton of Washington D.C. employees. The school system in elementary and middle school was not bad but when you got the the high school level things got pretty bad. They bussed kids in from all over PG County. The Afro American kids were jealous of us rich kids, (YEAH RIGHT) and the clash could sometimes be pretty brutal.
As time went on the desire to live in Bowie started growing like mad. A house for sale didn't last on the market for more than a few days. The Afro American community was leaving the D.C. area and buying up homes in Bowie like there was no tomorrow. Growing up in New York City this was cool with me and quite frankly it was about time.
The old row houses in D.C. were being revitalized and poor communities in the past were becoming very desired rebuilt homes and were selling as fast as they went on the market. You might say D.C.'s own Code & Compliance was forcing people out of those old neighborhoods slamming home owners with fines strong enough in which it was either no longer affordable to fix things or people simply got sick and tired of the constant abuse. Bowie had no such Code & Compliance, yet everyone truly took good care of their properties.
Bowie also had its very own Waste Water Treatment Plant and Police Department. Is ANY of this starting to sound familiar?
Bowie had two small Malls and we could always go to Annapolis Mall or even the Landover Mall. Things really started to change in the early 1980's. New fancy developments were being built for the wealthier people and property no one ever thought would be developed out of the main core were the hot ticket. I've seen some of those $15,000.00 homes from the 1970's then sell for as much as $400,000.00, it's true.
The catch was, taxes on those same properties which were about a quarter of an acre were now, (1980's) around $2,800.00 a year. New Malls were being constructed just about everywhere you turned. Rt. 301 became a new metropolis and those who were rebuilding their old Levitt homes were now RENTING them out like crazy.
I share all of this information with you today because I did an article years ago about how the new Salisbury Police Station and the new $14,000,000.00 Salisbury Fire Palace were being built on the west side of town. It was pretty clear to me that we were going to experience the same kind of restructuring I had seen 30 years earlier in Bowie. Since many of you didn't watch Bowie as closely as I had, I wanted to express my concerns back then.
Then came all of the pressure placed on those property owners on the north prong of the river. The Tilghman Administration really started cracking down on riverfront property owners and presented this Master Plan for that area, excluding many of those long standing businesses currently located there.
Now we're seeing yet another liberal Mayor step in on the sly trying to sell the community on his new Master Plan for Downtown Salisbury. Desperate, he even goes so far as to create a petition drive in the hopes of garnishing enough people to support his idea with a hidden agenda, as usual. So how do you get the Afro American communities to accept such a plan. Raise taxes enough, send in Code & Compliance and fine these people as much as you can and slowly create a subsidized housing community as a place to land, (so to speak) once things get too unbearable.
When you have 30 years worth of City Council's who CAN'T seem to come together with a Downtown plan, give up. Relocate those other, (west side) communities to an area you CAN'T revitalize and create a new (BOWIE) community where the land is cheap and generations of future developers can have a field day developing.
Annex Sassafras Meadows for no reason and run a pipe annexation to the furthest west end are as you can for FUTURE DEVELOPMENT.
Am I getting too far ahead of you, or are you finally seeing the light?
One reason I have always done well with Salisbury News is because I could see way ahead of most people. If you think for a second I may be wrong, DON'T VOTE FOR ME. I see Ireton's plan as an extension of the old Tilghman Administrations plans. They will use government funding to create a whole new community Downtown and it's no wonder why CERTAIN people support Ireton's "Downtown Projects".
While progress may be something we may need, let's be fair about it and call it what it is. Expect to see a new Mall near the Bypass on the west side of Salisbury and remember, Salisbury extends all the way out to Memory Garden Lane, then all the way north on Spring Hill Road to the Delaware line. Mind you, that is NOT in the City limits but you mark my words, it will be and that is where you'll see growth. The current Mall is now somewhere near 30 years old. It may be all we've got right now but you go take a trip to Bowie and see what all of us NEVER thought would happen, happen.
Great article....but I just wanted to say the Centre at Salisbury opened in 1990...it is 22 years old.
I think that you may be right about the idea of a plan. Remember them salavating to get that parcel on the North Paron (another toxic property), but the council turned it down? Consider this as part of the rest of it: They have driven te families out of the North part of Camden (and the South part to some degree, as well). Could it be that anpther element of a plan is to turn Camden into frat houses and boarding houses? The President's streets into slums? About a dozen people will own most of our city and it will be quite lucrative for them and a disaster for the rest of us.
That would also explain the Naylor Mill extension. Very interesting indeed.
You have just earned my vote.
Okay- let's pretend the lower income housing people are right for a second. Let's pretend that lower income housing brings "stability" (a dubious claim, but okay).
That's the best they can do? Stability? Keeping things AS IS? We need businesses. We need GROWTH. We need jobs. Bring in the producers, let them add to our tax base, and watch the quality of our neighborhoods rise.
It breaks my heart and brings me almost to tears to think about the potential of this city, down by the waterfront. We could be Berlin. We could be Easton, dammit. But instead of bringing businesses, they want to bring lower income folks? I don't get it! How is they going to bring in more taxes? How is that going to ever grow us? How?
Joe may be a kook, or a nut. Whatever. I DONT CARE! He has ambition beyond getting some more federal shekels from some dumb grant somewhere. I'm tired of these little schemes to get wring a few dollars here or a few dollars there. WE NEED NEW BUSINESSES. That's it. That's all this election comes down to for me.
You locked up the colored vote with this
You would think that Shanie would have picked up on this years ago. Then again she does live in cheap housing like Laura does. All of us have been looking at them like they are helping their people but in reality they are screwing them.
I have to give it to you Joe, without Salisbury News this would have never come to light.
In summary, you hate black people and have no idea what you are talking about. Ireton for Mayor!
anonymous 10:25, is that all you've got, REALLY?
They are already calling you racist and classist on that other blog. Fine. Let 'em. Let them show their true venom.
One piece of advice. Never never never never never apologize ever for any opinion you have. That's the game they want to play with you.
Every second you explain or apologize or respond is a second you aren't on message.
I've never commented here before but feel I must.
Do any of you remember councilman Comegys saying he didn't want to buy the government office building for a dollar because it was old. I remember it like it was yesterday. Maybe this is why. Maybe they've been planning on moving to the newer part of Salisbury.
Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts.
Ireton = Tilghman
Joe for Mayor!!!!!!!!!!!
I disagree with you about a mall being built on west 50. I do think a new mall will be built in the near future, but I think it will be built just north of the state line on Rt 13. Whay not take advantage of no sales tax Delaware rather than lining O Malleys pockets and soon to be higher MD sales tax.
Just my opinion, but I would like your thoughts on this.
anonymous 11:51, I did not see some of the biggest Malls in the country ever being built in what we saw as rural and remote locations in Bowie either. I'm not suggesting anything is now in place. I'm suggesting you look at the patters of Barrie Tilghman and now Jim Ireton.
What are your credentials too become mayor, other than being a rat?
10:43, maybe you are right because Shany Shields kept talking about wanting a new city hall and she was a big Gary backer.
Things that make you go, hmmm.
I'm not sure where other blogs get off calling Joe "racist" and "classist". Sounds more like he is worried about blacks getting cornered into one section of town. Maybe those other bloggers are pots trying to call a kettle black.
Joe, I grew up in Bowie from 1963 until I graduated from Bowie High School in 1975. The three biggest differences between Bowie and Salisbury is and will always be:
!. The average salary in PG County went up in tune if not in advance of the property values.
@. Just about the entire county was already set-up with city services. Water and sewer.
#. The number of people that split the tax base. In other words...the populaion.
Because of these huge differences, Wicomico County can never catch up in developement do to the fact of the cost to put the infer-structure in play.
The building that is just sitting there on the river could be made into a place for disabled vets to live, you could probably get funding for that.
You want a nice downtown? Make an awesome riverwalk like San Antonio, where people actually want to go (http://www.thesanantonioriverwalk.com/). Get all those tiny, underused buildings demolished and rebuilt. Build nice, new, upscale buildings with that quality look SU is bringing forth. Put retail on the bottom and either b2b offices or apartments/condos up top. Maybe let them be 3 floors if they include all three types of use, or 4 floors if it's retail/apartments, or 5 floors if it's retail/condos. That way there's flexibility in use considerations, and a big bonus for bringing a community to the downtown area. Market Street Inn is a perfect anchor for the west side of the area, to give an idea of what I'd like to see. Joe, I see this is more doable than re-working the plaza, to be honest.
That whole downtown "plaza" area - blow it up. Get rid of the planters and that strange metal thing. With the exception of a few buildings, that place needs a huge facelift. Create more mixed-use buildings. Modern ones that don't look like crap on the inside. Let the cool, redeveloped buildings like GMB has stay.
Nobody wants to go downtown, unless they have business at the court house, chamber, or their place of work. All of that interest is gone after 5pm. If you want people to use the area at night, you've got to have people living there - enough to sustain an eclectic mix of consumer businesses like bars, restaurants, clothing/retail shops, movie theaters, a legit grocery store, etc. A mini-rockville would be cool.
Things wouldn't really start hopping until the hood on West Side gets demolished and rebuilt. That won't happen until the Perdue plant shuts down. I'm glad that they are here offering so many jobs, and respect their property rights, but nobody will drop $200k on a townhome within walking distance to downtown Salisbury. Heck - the houses that you can walk to downtown in Easton are $300k+. I'm not even asking for something that nice right now, although I think building more in that style of nice houses/small lots would be the better way to go.
Regardless of anybody's plan, nobody would want to go there if it's surrounded by ghetto. Unless they are seeking out the kinds of things that tend to be found in the ghetto. And any business that thrives because of "Ireton's Projects" can't possibly thrive if expensive redevelopment is necessary. Those people just don't have the disposable income to cover that kind of overhead.
anonymous 11:58, a rat, eh? A rat because I exposed the liberal left agenda for Salisbury?
As for my credentials, if you don't know them by now I'd suggest you grow a set and come by my Office and we can discuss them.
One thing I can assure you of, I have a lot more qualifications than the current and former Mayor.
For starters, I CARE.
Joe - this may not be in your plan...but how can the folks that currently live in the countykeep from being annexed? I support you as a candidate - and don't live in city limits - so I know I can't vote for you. I like it out here in the county - no piggyback tax for duplicated services. I have well and septic with no intent on connecting to the go-zillion-dollar wastwater treatment plant.
I would like to hear your thoughts on that.....
You have a lot of wisdom for such a young man.
You tell it like it is that's is for sure.
I do not agree with everything Mr. Albero says,but then again, if we all agreed with each other it would be a super boring world. I do think that bringing low income housing to the downtown are is a terrible idea. I agree that we need more business. There are enough of those already. I would like to see something more along the lines of what we see in Annapolis or the Inner Harbor. Those types of things will create much needed revenue for our city. I have always considered myself a democrat until the last year or so. I still am a very liberal person when it come to social issues but when it comes to fiscal matters i feel we need to reign in a more conservative approach to start fixing things.
I might actually vote for Joe. :-) Who would have thunk it?! lol
I just went downtown and looked around. There is one new restaurant coming. Otehrwise, most of the street level space is occupied, although not be retail. As long as that is the pattern there will not be a bustling retail presence there. THere could be 2 stories of retail with an elevated walkway. The city could try the idea of some banners that promote the 2-hour free parking. That could help the restaurants that are already there. A money store, law offices, architechts, IRS, non-profits, and government and health presence...so, what are you going to do with those to make space for something else?
anonymous 12:45, regardless of what some might think, this Master Plan would take them quite some time to follow through. If I'm elected Mayor I would work with the Council to REVITALIZE Downtown Salisbury. It can and will be done WITHOUT government funding.
More importantly, you need to call Shanie Shields and ask her what the heck is going on. I agree with an earlier comment, why hasn't she opened her eyes to this. Perhaps someone needs to step up and run against her as it would seem she's become a bit too comfortable.
There are NO tricks up my sleeve, something the voters haven't seen in a very long time. Ireton and Tilghman were magicians, so consider me the guy who's telling you how they pull off these tricks and stunts.
I believe you truly care about this community. For that you will get my vote.
You make some great points Joe but the reality is it will be years before things get better. I don't think you can do it in one term.
anonymous 12:53, I'll put the biggest dent in the right direction this community has ever seen. 2 years, 4 years, it doesn't matter. I'll come through that door with a plan that will make most heads spin. We've got a lot of work to do and anyone who tries to slow me down will be remove and replaced.
Amen Joe
The dead weight on the City payroll has just been put on notice! Love it!
Why do you have to keep showing his picture? It makes it hard to eat.
anonymous 12:58, Unlike Mayor Ireton, I WILL rid of anyone who steps in my way. Jim talked the big talk but within a week we ALL knew we had been had and we also knew we had made a huge mistake because a LIAR walked through those doors who knew NOTHING about how to run a business.
You'll be amazed at just how serious I am. People know I can look them right in the eyes and instantly know who's full of crap and who's for real. Remember, I've had thousands of employees over the years. More than likely those BS artists will be long gone before I'm sworn in.
Joe is 100% correct in his assessment.
I grew up in PG County right next to Bowie and witnessed everything Joe is describing. When I was 15 the magnet high school I was attending was in such bad shape that I had to move to next county to finish high school in order to get into college. I went to Salisbury, graduated, and decided to stay and make the place my home. Once I got familiar with the locals, area leaders, and future leaders of Salisbury; I hit the road and moved to Annapolis. Salisbury was failing miserably and most of the people that I encountered were too stubborn towards 'come-heres' and our ideas that I felt this place had no hope. For the last ten years I have witnessed Salisbury make all the wrong moves or just fail to do anything at all.
I've seen Salisbury's future and so has Joe; so Salisbury better wise up.
You should start your news board cast again. I enjoyed listening to you explaining things out. Sometimes that is what I need. LOL
12:59, that's what Jimmy's boyfriend told him the other night.
I have heard you are good at reading people. For some that must be very scary.
Anonymous 1:04
That is just wrong and funny!
Everyone has seen the Barrie picture. You know which one Im talking about....now we have this one of Ireton. I think his mouth is frozen like that. I guess it comes in handy.
What a beautiful day on Delmarva!
Jim reminds me of shoe I wear in the summer, flip flopers.
I do hope the council that is in office when you are will work with you. If not we are doomed.
And the wheels on bus round and round.
Thank you Jim for giving the working girl a lot more corners to work from. Way to go!
It will be a great day when you start accepting donations to your campaign.
Anonymous 1:52 Agreed and or help with campaigning.
Joe if you need a campaign secretary I know a great gal that will work cheap. She awesome!
Dude you are the talk of the town. I was in two separate location just today and people are talking about WBOC interview and this section 8 housing. You go!
I don't know what you did to piss Jim off so bad! LOL
You are the MAN for the job, I just feel it.
The amount of sacafice you have shown is just amazing. You have proven to me and my family you are commented to the cause. We don't always agree with what you say but you are real. You don't tell false promises of what could be just the truth of what is. Thank you Joe
You are worthly of my vote.
Albero tee shirt spotted in Best Buy!
Jim has a few screws loose if he really thinks this is what the voters want. Does even talk to the city voters? Or does he just campaign in DE?
Neat if you can pull it off
downtown property can be sold at a huge profit
West side Mall means Spring Hill property can be sold at a huge profit
Are these affordable residences going to be rentals or available for purchase? I am asking because as far as affordable rentals there isn't a need. At any given time there are a multitude of vancancies at all the income based and Section 8 rentals. As far as houses for sale, at this moment there are approx 70 homes for sales in Salisbury under $100,000.
There is no way anyone can build much of anything for what homes are going for these days.
A successful new mall would be over the line in Delaware. Shoppers would travel the extra 3 miles just to save that 6%.
with liarton, you gotta follow da money
where is this cash cow? gubment monies?? i thought we were broke?
who are his "friends" in the legislature? Will they make decisions there favorable to Jimmy?
who are his business contacts here? section 8 buildings don't build themselves.
how will his political decisions today, affect his personal income tomorrow? this is what it's all about folks...
So Ireton is trying to fool the black community as well as the rest of us taxpayers. I knew he was tied with Tilghman. Very good article Joe.
Brilliant Joe Just Brilliant!
Change the title to
" The Master Liar"
I wonder if Jim was a breast feed baby? The answer to this question could mean a lot.
Anony. 2:32
This plan is no good for anyone involved. We need a strong visionary in this office and I believe that right now that person is you, Joe.
I love your idea for the Plaza. I hope this passes the Council vote. Joe how long after April do you think we would see changes?
Better things are on the Horizon.
We don't want to be Bowie.
You have your haters out here and I know you know that. But know this, you have a lot more supporters out here then you will ever know. Stay the Course and good things will follow my friend.
You truly care about this community don't you?
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Anonymous said...
July 25, 2012 6:58 PM
I missed it by 2! DARN IT!
Very well written Joe. You have done your homework. I am beginning to believe you will serve us well.
To quote The Raven - " Never More"
I have not against Section 8 housing because we all may need help at some point in our life. However I think neighboring towns like Fruitland or Hebron are better choices are these projects. Not the only Downtown are Salisbury has.
Eat your Wheaties Jim cause this City voter is going with Joe Albero.
Answer- The Best Mayor Of Salisbury.
Question Alex-Joe Albero
Somebody needs to get word to Campbell and Cohen that the media are gunning for them.
People need to know there are going to be a lot of biased stories coming out against them.
Don't ask me how I know, I just do.
Free tee shirts and bumper stickers will not win you an election but being leveled headed and business smart will.
Joe you have this election wrapped up prettier then a Christmas Gift.
The Girls are Huge Fans!
Hang in there Baby April is coming!
You clearly have your work cut out you. Do you even realize what you are getting into?
Fruitland has projects right off south Division St..two brick building and they are empty.
Joe, it's called a "pipe stem" annexation.
I think there is a major correction looming in November where the populace is finally going to make a statement about the liberal and progressive over the most recent 12 years. I think it will be a strong statement not simply the loss of some liberal electorate. Sussex County in DE had the fire in their belly when they tossed Mike Castle out (handily). It was ironic that a less liberal Dem replaced Castle. It was a start. MD and its counties can accomplish the same thing as can Salisbury. It just requires some fire but the feeling afterward is quite rewarding and refreshing.
I missed it by 2! DARN IT!
July 25, 2012 7:36 PM
You actually counted them?!
Joe, you will not become mayor. No one really likes you. Most of the poeople who visit your site dont really like you.
I don't like the idea of subsidized housing as the core of a strategy for downtown. I believe you need a very beautiful park to tie in to the plaza and the river-walk area. YES ... Tear out the parking lots and put back a beautiful recreation area and integrate parking with this. Include some commercial retail area strategically inserted next to the new landscaped areas and ties this in to the plaza so it flows. Bottom line is the focus should be what people enjoy... attractive open space, accessible parking integrated vs. huge lots or garages, Restaurants (quality), Nighttime entertainment. What we don't need...
Focus on Retail - there is plenty of this elsewhere and you won't drive a project by trying to allow this to be the focus. If you do things right some will want to come.
Large parking lots large garages - a garage for employees is good but beyond that the patrons will want easy parking next to open space that is in a more natural setting.
Low quality restaurants - you do it right and better restaurants will appear and that will bring people from other areas in addition to this area. Low quality restaurants will bring no one.
So lets find a very good planner to create a well designed downtown which will beautify and bring spenders vs. city-fi which will bring a lifetime of challenges and unsolvable problems.
As a former "Bowieite", I agree with most of what you have to say. Bowie was (and still is) a GREAT city in Maryland. It wasn't a matter of "Keeping Up With The Joneses." Bowie residents took pride in their community, and most of its citizens were charitable and jointly involved in striving to make it a great place to live by helping their fellow neighbors & citizens in times of need...no matter if their class was upper, middle or poor!
While Bowie has seen many changes over the years...overall, it is a city that strives to move forward in a positive direction in a civil manner.
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