Now that the Daily Times can no longer pimp Mayor Ireton like they used to in the past, WMDT has picked up the slack and is helping the Mayor pimp his on line petition by keeping old news at the top of their Website.
Clearly Kathleen McLean, (General Manager of WMDT) isn't aware of all the details involved but like a pit bull she goes after those things she feels passionate about. While that is her right, she is custom designing the news.
Back when Jim Ireton held his Press Conference on the alleged phone spoof, her Staff refused to turn their microphones in my direction to ask me what my thoughts were on the investigation. I contacted Kathleen immediately following and she sounded quite upset. As you'll recall, she assured me her Staff would be down at my Office to discuss my side and they never arrived.
Now look, I understand we should support the Mayor in Office but going so far as to defame the Council Majority in her position because she clearly doesn't like them is NOT how the MSM should be operating. I'll not get into any details as to how I know this to be a fact. I'll simply tell you I know this to be a fact.
Considering the petition has been out there for a few days now and Ireton has only pulled in 300 signatures, (most of which are out of Salisbury and mainly out of state) it's kind of a slap in the face. They have over 3,000 people on their list and only received 10% of the signatures. In fact, Ireton claimed his goal is 1,000 signatures. Why so little Jim? Heck, we can get over 200 comments on a single article about Jim Ireton in just a matter of hours.
Jim Ireton is doing everything he can to defame Debbie Campbell and have her replaced in the next election. He's pulling out the old Tilghman Administration stunts. Heck, they're even trying to investigate me AGAIN. Its probably the lawsuit I filed against him.
300 signatures is a joke. Watch out Jim, I think we're going to get bombarded with tee shirt customers again this week.
Just wait one minute. As far as I understand, Ireton held press conferences that were outside of any city business so leave him alone has long as he is the one paying for it. Same thing applies to gay sex expenses. He can have anything he wants under the law as long as he pays for it. What has changed, anything?
Voters decide beyond this.
If I had a boyfriend, it would look like jim.
Is this sour grapes?
Hey Joe I take a 2XL see ya next week Mayor
Weak. Just another cheap parlor trick. Jim you are gone in this next election!
Your lawsuit is a joke. and it will waste taxpayer money
I've heard both sides of this fiasco and I don't think people are hearing anything other than revitalize downtown. Mrs. Cohen made a very valid point regarding the present trash disposal issues. Why would the city want to put affordable housing downtown or any type of housing downtown at this time when they don't have a means of trash disposal for a few residential tenants now. How will they accomodate trash removal for 50 or 100 residents in affordable housing. Why in God's name, would they want affordable housing downtown anyway? A downtown area is usually a higher rent district or condo ownership, not affordable housing. The city/county/state should all focus on becoming more business friendly so we can attract people willing to live and pay taxes here instead of catering to those released from ECI.
I don't watch WMDT anyway, they change their TV employees like a change of socks. Must be something to that, they can't seem to keep people long term like WBOC, at least they have people with a long term commitment.
Rating 2nd in news, in a two horse town is nothing to brag about.
He may have over 300 signatures but most of them are fake. I have signed the petition at least 50 times (okay, it was a boring afternoon) using different names and addresses. If asked to produce the names Jim has to refuse because some of them are obvious fakes (Chris P. Bacon, Adolf Hitler, Nancy Pelosi, etc.)
Is ireton spending that $10 million settlement on the WWTP to pay for out sourcing engineer's who know how to work at the WWTP?
Why are we out sourcing anything when we have department heads? Unless the department heads don't know what they are doing?
As a regular reader of your blog, a supporter of the City Council majority, a registered city voter, and former Ireton supporter, this is surreal at best, and tragic at worst.
The Mayor is grasping at straws, ANYTHING to further his political aspirations-his downtown giveaway proposal has nothing to do with moving Salisbury forward, and everything to do with the 20 plus year status quo of corruption and back room dealmaking that, unfortunately, has defined our growing city.
What this burg needs is independent vision-the very thing that you so uneloquently espouse-but brother, I support you.
Perhaps you should set up a way to donate to your campaign anonymously if the political regulations allow- it would be in the spirit of your blog-the court of public opinion...
I signed it just because I live outside the City Limits! Verifiable!
Needless to say, the DT's editorial today is backing Jimbo and providing links to his "plan" and petition.
Of course implying it's the council's fault.
Shameless crew over there.
I see Ireton's FD buddy sent an RSVP on FB saying he was going to the event. You know the buddy that got fired by Jeff Simpson and Ireton used his executive privilege to hire him back.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Your lawsuit is a joke. and it will waste taxpayer money
July 7, 2012 9:34 PM
You are obviously an idiot and someone who voted for Ireton, O'Malley and Obama. The lawsuit is against Jim Ireton, not the City of Salisbury so how is it going to waste taxpayer money. You are obviously to stupid to construct a complete sentence. You are uninformed, misguided ant literally to stupid to vote.
Ireton and his Messiah keep talking about creating jobs!! It doesn't work and it's all talk!!
"Unemployment remains at 8.2%. If the labor force participation rate was the same as when Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be 10.9%."
Anonymous donations are not allowed. It's called disclosure. Wouldn't you want to know who's banking the other side, too?
7:41 -
Have you seen any of the press conferences with city paid department heads in tow or the press releases coming from teh city offices?
The editorial in today's paper says the downtown needs help. What it needs is more viable businesses. If the Daily Times wanted to help downtown, why did it move out of town? Instances such as this only help deteriorate the infrastructure - another empty building. I agree with the commenter that said downtown residents should be more upscale than low income residents who will only bring Salisbury further down.
I looked at some of the names on the petition and saw Hansel and Gretel, Howdy Doody, Walter Cronkite, John F. Kennedy, Catherine the Great and some guy in Serbia. The whole thing is a farce!
Was Jim Beau the Maid of Honor at Chuck Cooks wedding?
The most disturbing issue with Jim Ireton and his obamanista buddies is the fact that they (being delusional)
think what they are doing is decent, righteous and fiscally responsible.
They as all socialists in office do nothing but lower the bar to garner success in their own minds,
then tout it as better than sliced bread. New! Progressive! Modern. Chic couture. Successful!
All the while twisting truth and fact into some abomination of deceit with off topic peripheral argument to distract from the reality of failed program after failed program.
Easy to do with a complicit press.
Jim Ireton
The Daily Times encourages citizens to help out with downtown petition! Almost 450 signatures as of Sunday morning! Thanks everybody, Jim
Our View: Downtown Salisbury needs help now
Downtown Salisbury has been the focus of a lot of attention for decades. In the 1960s it was transformed from a street with sidewalks lined with a variety of shops. Many of the buildings had apartments above the ground-floor commercial spaces. They were not necessarily desirable places to live, but ...
Like · · Share · about an hour ago ·
Jim Ireton and 7 others like this.
Laurie Crawford Lets show Salisbury we care!! We need downtown activity.... let's revitalize and enjoy!!
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Melanie Perreault Some knucklehead is putting fake names up there, undoubtedly so certain people can claim that nobody really cares.
about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 2
Jim Ireton Melanie Perreault, if Michael Jackson really did sign it, then I think we're golden. ;) Don't worry, there are more than enough real names on the petition, and more downtown supporters are signing every hour. Let's get this to 1000!
20 minutes ago · Like
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Jim Ireton is a joke. The idiot is liking his own posts.
Anonymous George Chevallier said...
The editorial in today's paper says the downtown needs help. What it needs is more viable businesses. If the Daily Times wanted to help downtown, why did it move out of town? Instances such as this only help deteriorate the infrastructure - another empty building. I agree with the commenter that said downtown residents should be more upscale than low income residents who will only bring Salisbury further down.
July 8, 2012 9:52 AM
George, you make an excellent point there. I challenge you to go to their website and post your comment there. Thanks.
George C. is correct. Downtown needs viable businesses and I am of the opinion that those businesses should the type that are not dependant on the local economy. An example being; the city of Lancaster PA has Mapquest.
If that happens then the coffee shops, sandwich shops, etc will come and have a much better chance of surviving.
I had forgotten about the DT's and their move from downtown. They have no business offering up their opinion when they were part of the problem.
Ask the Delmar blogger the DT question. He has been on a rampage for years to shut the DT down. So because of Joe, the building would have eventually been emptied by him.
So should the Opportunity Shop close, to stop the long lines of low life on Thursdays? Would be a shame as there would be another empty building and less people coming downtown.
HaHaHa, so now it's Joe's fault the DT's left downtown. Joe Albero singlehandedly forced the DT's to move!
No wonder the paper is doing so poorly. Gotta a bunch of weinies running it. More worried about Joe Albero than doing what is right for the company they work for. I knew they had some obsession going with Joe. It's what has caused the paper from being a real newspaper. It's now nothing more than a biased propaganda joke, not even worth the ink used and the paper.
Wow, on to name calling off the bat. Too stupid to vote,etc. I do in fact write and speak in complete sentences, I also do not result in cheap name caliing. I respect the first amendment.
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