We write this letter as a sincere attempt to set the public record straight and to put an end to the bullying and dissemination of distorted and inaccurate information regarding the legislative business of the city. We had long hoped that ignoring the bad behavior would let it lose its appeal and that we and the city could eventually get on with business. Now, however, we have come to suspect that our lack of response to the nonsense actually seems to encourage its continuation.
Yesterday, a letter was sent from the office of Mayor James Ireton, Jr. It contained his latest “press release” in which he once again lambasts a majority of Salisbury's City Council and once again frames the issues in a less than accurate way. Such behavior does not advance our city and prevents us from seizing opportunities to work together to make Salisbury a wonderful place to live and work.
To be frank, an attitude and promise that we each gave the constituents of Salisbury in our individual campaigns for office, we are disappointed by and dismayed at the rhetoric in which the Mayor has engaged that inaccurately portrays our performance and intent. We have unfailingly never strayed from honesty, forthrightness and genuine concern for our constituents and our city in every aspect of our legislative actions. We have publicly made our concerns known at every turn, although the public may be unaware due to less than satisfactory media coverage.
We have repeatedly reached out to the Mayor to ask that he join us in discussion and have encouraged approaches that could calm the turbulent relationship that he has fostered with the council president. Ms. Cohen has been open to various approaches to improve the relationship while the Mayor refuses phone calls, mediation or unemotional, fact-based discussion for the good of our city. Instead he calls press conference after press conference and disseminates press releases from the office of the Mayor, making false and misleading accusations. We are particularly disturbed that the Mayor would issue this disrespectful release at the very hour that he knew the Council President would be attending a funeral and unable to respond.
This most recent of the Mayor's press releases, which came less than forty-eight hours after the majority of Council plainly requested that honesty and full truth from him and the media be the rule of the day, cites two items which require more honesty and truthfulness than the Mayor seems inclined to provide, whatever his motives may be. (A copy of the adopted resolution is attached in .pdf format.)
The truth is that the agenda item for the mountain biking path in the City Park came to Council from the Mayor without the recommendation of the City Parks Commission, a standard in the Council consideration process. The Commission is made up of concerned citizens appointed to work together to provide the Council with their best analysis,based on appropriate research, applicability and city needs. The issue will soon be entertained by Council once the Commission formulates a recommendation. In the meantime, be assured that it is a topic of informal discussion among Council members, even though it has yet to be formally advanced.
The truth is that the Three Strikes legislation is under legal review by the new City Attorney. This legislation, which is one of the facets of the Mayor's Safe Streets plan (a set of legislative measures developed to support the City’s desire to have effective laws in place to help with our commitment to fighting crime) is also under review by the City Attorney. This particular legislation is extremely demanding and its crafting requires exacting precision, as it has legal implications which, if it is not carefully written and reviewed before enacting, would certainly expose the City to many legal challenges and particularly expensive and embarrassing lawsuits. Not well done, it would be worse than useless. This is not what we are tasked to do, nor is it what we intend to do. We anticipate seeing a properly composed final draft in the near future.
On the topic of crime reduction efforts, it is also worthy to note that the Safe Streets Program funding, brought to the City through the personal efforts of Mrs. Cohen in a face-to-face meeting with the Governor, has provided nearly three quarters of a million dollars to date, and is largely responsible, with the regionally unprecedented cooperation of a dozen local, county, state and federal agencies and offices, for the dramatic drop in major crimes in Salisbury. It is time that Ms. Cohen is thanked by the administration for her role in bringing that resource to the City.
The attached resolution outlines the truth about the downtown revitalization. Really, isn’t most everyone in favor of a vibrant downtown? We are. However, as is pointed out in the resolution, the plan that was hyped in private meetings long before it was presented to the Council is riddled with deficiencies that would not yield a good long-term result for the city.
Terry Cohen, in our opinion, is the most knowledgeable, best educated and most intelligent Council president that this city has had in memory. Her performance has been exceptional in that she demands legislation that is carefully and properly constructed, legally airtight and always in the best interests of the constituents and the City. She, and we, will not be swayed by the opinions of a handful of people who feel that Salisbury is theirs alone. She and we will continue to do what Council is supposed to do: have a wide appreciation for the needs of our city, both immediate and long lasting, and to craft legislation that supports those needs, legislation that is both beneficial and correct in every aspect possible. Quickly considered, poorly researched and shabbily constructed legislation is not an accomplishment, it is a liability, a liability that costs the taxpayers, whether they be individuals or business owners, a liability that lessens the reputation of Salisbury as a place to work, live, study and do business, a liability that does not speak well of our city on so many levels.
Our record is an inconvenient truth that shatters attempts to paint us as the “culture of no.” We did say “no” to a tax increase, but in doing so were still able to fund virtually every item in the Mayor’s proposed budget. We have worked diligently to get to “yes” on tough issues like the Onley/Bateman intersection improvements even though we suspect that we were deceived by the administration along the way. We have successfully negotiated settlements for the WWTP and are bringing closure to the chapter that brought us to a failed facility in a way that brings the best possible outcome to the city under the very difficult circumstances that we inherited. If you examine the record you will see the positive results that our strong work ethic and divergent opinions yield.
That being said, we again ask the Mayor to engage in honest and forthright discussion with the Council, not the time and resource wasting bullying that seems to have become his standard pattern of approach. We ask the media to accurately, insightfully and fairly report the news. We rightfully expect that the media outlets, our citizens' sources of the truth behind the news, will make every effort to tell the story in an unbiased and non-sensationalized manner, not relying wholly on one-sided, uninvestigated press releases and "he said, she said" reporting styles, or by editorials that most often and regrettably only tell one side of any story and deny those with an alternate view the common decency to respond without undue editing or plain dismissal. Salisbury's people deserve better than they have been afforded to date. Salisbury's people deserve to be informed, not led by the nose by less than acceptable reporting standards.
We will continue to serve our community exactly in the way we promised: honestly, untiringly, professionally and with respect to your needs and the needs of our city. As always, we look forward to and encourage your engagement in city matters, as you are what we are all about.
Very sincerely yours,
Deborah Campbell, Salisbury City Council Vice President
Tim Spies, Salisbury City Councilman
We distribute this statement to all those who were the recipients of Wednesday's press release by the Mayor.
Publishers Notes: It should be noted Mayor Ireton also refused to sign the resolution passed last Monday at the City Council Meeting.
Nice work.
Maybe Shanie or Laura will see that the DT posts it for more than an hour.
And a big F U to Ireton and the Daily Rag.
You Go Girl Campbell!
2 snaps up!
You will not see things like this when Joe gets elected in 2013.
Great letter, Tim and Debbie! We all know that it won't change a single bad habit of our boy-mayor,nor will the Daily Dissapointment publish it. BUT, sometimes one has to defend one's honor and good name(s)- BRAVO!
Ireton sent his release out when he knew Cohen would be at a funeral?
What a low life!
I wonder if Jim's health care plan covers Therapy or better yet in house Rehab.
Hang in there Mrs Cohen, Mrs Campbell and Mr Spies.
You have always conducted yourselves respectful, with dignity and always in a professional manner.
You have done your job as members of the Sby City Council exceptionally.
We know the so called "culture of no" is a fallacy, conjured up by immature, impatient, conniving individual/individuals.
Being thorough does not equate to a "culture of no" in any reasonable, intelligent person's mind.
We can not have any more "million dollar fiascos" such as the WWTP and the old SBY Mall because some officials don't see the need or feel compelled or most likely do not want to be bothered to be thorough.
It's our money! We demand it spent responsibly. We demand items brought before the council to be executed without negligence or omission and only after the mayor and council have full command of that item.
Keep up the good work Mrs Cohen, Mrs Campbell and Mr Spies.
The malcontents can keep on keeping on but just remember; most people are seeing directly through their charade and they look extremely foolish.
Can someone please explain to Ireton and the Daily Joke that they are toying with people's lives not just their agenda!
Cancel your subscription today. Just do it and get it over with. Hit them where it hurts the most. If enough of us cancel we'll be helping future generations by stating we will not tolorate the lies any more. Thank you for setting the record straight.
I challenge the DT's to publish this letter! Front page tomorrow's edition and online ASAP.
They will not do it though. They got too much of an amateur operation going on over there. Instead of facing something head on and correcting their unethical ways they ignore it because they don't know how else to handle problems.
Shanie was on the record noting that the paper circulates 30,000 copies. That doesn't count the papers that go unsold or unread with exception to the sports page.
Ireton spews nothing but liberal pandering in an election year. The promises he made 3 years ago are clearly forgotten and leaves behind him, burnt bridges and a scortched earth policy of hate and non-contructive discussion unless he gets everything he wants.
Salisbury, nor the earth revolves around this slug. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I won't get fooled again!
Ireton/Obama and the main stream media deserve one another.
anonymous 11:42, IF Shanie actually made that statement about the circulation of the Daily Times she is either a liar or she's going off 10 year old information. It's no wonder they put such information out there from a third party so the Daily Times can't be accountable for the lie. Try more like 12,000 distributed and who knows how many are actually purchased. They're going under, that's all there is to it.
Debbie & Tim -- send it the the Dispatch newspaper, which is much better than the Daily Slime.
Joe, Has anyone suggested to the new guy from New York to read your blog? He might learn something.
Gallup's 07/10/12 published survey says:
21% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in television news.
25% of Americans' have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in newspapers.
Here is a challenge to The Daily Times, WBOC, and WMDT to restore some of their credibility by reporting the other side of this story. If they don't, everyone who reads this blog should phone the highest levels of management and read them the riot act for their biased reporting! They need to know that people are sick of this $#!+.
i just dont think ireton is real smart! and the other two..lol..all tree are nobodys trying to be somebodys!if it wasnt for Ms Terry,Ms Debbie and Mr Spies salisbury would be a disaster zone!
Yep Joe, Shanie made the 30,000 circulation comment right in her "letter to the editor" rant. I also heard it because I thought what the heck.....30,000 my foot!
and wboc and wmdt dont have but about three reporters with half a brain..all pushed through college with 0 common sense!
when are we the employees going to get a raise ?
and the daily times isnt even worth eating crabs on anymore!
I watch this meeting and Shanie did say 30,000 and then she said or something like that. It was as if someone put that amount in her head. Things that make you go HMMMM.....
Yes! I hope this has been sent to The Dispatch. Too late for this Friday but can go on the online edition.
Even though The Dispatch editor appears to be "on the side" of the OC Council minority they always without fail give the other side of the story. The reporter who covers coucil issues is named JoAnn and she is a brilliant example of the way journalists should cover these stories.
when will someone call for his resignation ?
I have a copy of the VHS tape! Its real good.
The residents of Salisbury are lucky to have D Campbell representing them.
What you got going on is 3 council memebers who take their postions serisously and a mayor and 2 others who are in it for the "glory" and self-aggrandizement. Seems some are using the positon as a free ticket to points west instead of staying home and doing their Salisbury city duties like having the input of the City Parks Commission about the bike paths before presenting the issue to the council-you know the way things are supposed to be done.
12:35, I think you got exactly what's going. The glory hounding of Ireton, Mitchell and Shields is sickening.
It's simple really the Mayor and anyone else culpable in this matter can change their ways or we go down the road to territory the taxpayers definitely don't want to explore. We see what happens all the time when councils become deadlocked and it's never good for the citizens! period. The Mayor has one agenda and that is his period. Shanie is what she has always been and I'll leave it at that. In the end pray we have a new mayor and cohesive council before Salisbury slips down the slippery slope that ends with "we have paid all the employees their minimum wage based pay, there is $5,000.00 in the bank and the city is broke"!
Look, I'm just going to openly tell you what is being attempted right now.
Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Jim Ireton and other special interest people are attempting to make Debbie Campbell look bad so they can get her replaced in this upcoming election.
That's it in a nut shell. Their old tactics may have worked in years past but everyone has learned that Salisbury News has outgrown the local media and ALL of us aren't going to take any more of their bullying crap any more.
So what can we do? We can STOP buying the newspaper and shut them down for good. We can STOP buying products from the MSM advertisers like commenters have mentioned.
You can fully expect the local media WILL give this letter attention because ALL of us TOGETHER are fighhting back. We're not 500 or a thousand people a day visiting Salisbury News, we're tens and tens of thousands of people. Heck, I can tell you now we're about to hit 10,000,000 hits here in 2012 within the next 2 weeks. Yes, I said TEN MILLION. What did Shanie say the Daily Times circulation was per day? 30,000, yeah, right!
Now that you know the numbers, STOP supporting ANY other news source who refuses to give you BOTH sides of the story.
Look at the Daily Times. I filed a formal lawsuit against Jim Ireton how many weeks ago? Have you seen ANYTHING in the paper about it, NO. Yet if ANYONE filed a lawsuit, heck, if someone even talked about filing a lawsuit against me it would be front page news. STOP buying that paper. They don't want you informed. They want you CONTROLLED.
Hit them where it hurts, the wallet.
add Tom Becker to that cabal that is trying to trash Ms. Campbell.
He's a real behind the scenes hitman.
And of course Alessi, Bellaciccio, McClain and much of the Greater Salisbury Committee clowns
Greater Salisbury Committee
What did the bafoons above do with all the money the city funded them for many years?
They want to bash Debbie Campbell, they recieved much more money than a single council person. Follow that money and you find the evil doers
is Alessi still a good ole boy working for the wicomico county liquor control board?
It makes zero sense that Jim Ireton would surround himself with the losers from the former admin.
Between the mega million screw ups (TIF and WWTP) and the fact that the city's quality of living (crime, blight, vacant houses) plunged downhill exponentially under that admin they are a poor choice to advise anyone of anything.
I just cant believe that Brad at the Chamber can be behind the evils that Jimbo is pulling. He seemed so professional?
I also cant believe those PROFESSIONAL men would be backing anyone who is acting so unprofessional a our mayor.
Come on guys act your age and what is expected of you.
Do the best for Salisbury and it is NOT backing our mayor.
Then again maybe all of you hang at the same bars.?
3:22, I can believe anything about the Chamber after they indiscriminately endorsed the mayor's downtown plan. More of Culture of Incompetence rubberstamping anything and everything without proper research and analysis.
The mayor does not have the diplomacy to be a mayor. He doesn't possess the skills to deal with people in an effective and tactful way.
Just in the past 24 hours he has handled a complaint a lady had about getting a citation in the utmost unprofessional manner.
The lady, Ms West is upset about receiving a citation for interiour furniture (sofa) on her porch. It is a chaise, not visisble on the street and really does add to the character of her porch which is adorable. She complained via Facebook in which the mayor's reply was "This whole situation just doesn't seem like a Facebook worthy thread" The nerve of him. Who is HE to SAY what is "Facebook worthy?" If this lady felt it was FB worthy then it damm sure as hell is.
The Chamber endorsement of the plan was nothing more than a rubberstamp. While reading it, I expected to see something along the lines of:
---our research has shown this plan has proven successful in such and such a city, a city similiar in demographics to Salisbury.---
But there was nothing as to why the Chamber supported the idea, just that they supported it.
The endorsement was haphazard and thoughtless-very lackadaisical.
OMG that poor lady and has a citation, that's so stupid. we got crack dealers sitting on the porches of many of the homes a few blocks down. think the city has better things to do than worry about that poor lady's couch!
Channel 47 needs to run straight to ireton's house and knock on his door and insist that he explain himself!!!! immediately!!!! hahahaaaa
There we go again...code and compliance not trained to do the job.
I guess they need pictures of a couch, chair, chase and out door furniture.
"Channel 47 needs to run straight to ireton's house and knock on his door and insist that he explain himself!!!! immediately!!!! hahahaaaa"
You mean like "stick a microphone in his face?", like he said WMDT should do with council members?
What a comment on a social network available to the hoards of people, "This isn't facebook worthy?"
Gawd that sounds so, ah cornhole?
He likes speaking into the microphone
Get real everyone. No online petition in the world will change or control legislation. There is nothing to gain outside of public opinion which only applies to elections. This is nothing more than a gay candidate competing with a sexually normal candidate that has evolved into a he said, she (or he in this case) said. Ireton is an idiot playing the gay agenda card that connects with few people in the City area except for those homophobes feeling guilty.Stop feeling guilty! You are simply dealing with some fa.. I'l stop here...
Jim so us all a favor and QUIT before you have a breakdown. You are closer than you think.
The way the comments have trailed in different directions is very interesting, I believe to some it up those reading the postings and following the events are beyond displeased with the mayor and a minority of the city council.
11:21 am I think your great.
My gay friends have informed me that ireton is no longer gay or liberal he isn't wanted by either side so officially he is in his own little crappy world
Joe, Has anyone suggested to the new guy from New York to read your blog? He might learn something.
July 12, 2012 11:49 AM
Oh, I am quite sure he has been introduced to the 'enemy' and the reason they 'think' is for their demise.
They just don't understand that it is their owm actions that are killing them.
Lies, inaccuracy, favoritism, fluff instead of news, no reporting,...the list goes on and on.
I doubt the guy from N.Y. will be here too long. Unless he intends to go down with the ship.
The damage they have done is irreversible and it's only a matter of time before they lock their doors and cease to operate.
The only question that would remain is, how many would actually notice they are gone.
when are we the employees going to get a raise ?
July 12, 2012 12:00 PM
You are not. The only thing you will be receiving is a pink slip.
If you haven't already done so, start a job search. Not many out there so good luck.
if you don't have the stones to stand up and speak to human resources then you don't deserve a raise
put on your big boy pants and take a stand, with an attorney!
This is written and worded in the language that only a person with a Phd could understand. i would like to see this rewritten in a condenswed form so we lowly peons with only high school would know what you are speaking of.
After reading through this long winded bs, ridiculing Mayor Ireton for a plan and praising Ms Cohen, I do not see a plan for downtown by the Council. When will the Council come up with what they believe should be done with downtown? Stop the name calling, stop wasting money and time on press conferences and letter. Stop acting like kids on the play ground, blaming each other for not playing right. The Mayor is no more to blame than the Council. Are your discussions about making Ireton look goofy or about making Salisbury a place to be proud of. Believe me the Council doth protest too much and acomplishes nothing, just like Ireton
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