Someone sent in a comment earlier stating, why are you attacking Jim Ireton. What has he ever said about you.
In response to that question I'd like to offer the following...
"The farce that goes on in his head"
"His mental state"
"Tea Party induced constitutional constructionist"
"Tea Party tactics"
"Anti Semitic"
"Anti Women"
"Anti immigrant"
These are just some examples of what Mayor Jim Ireton called me in just ONE radio interview, ALL of which are lies. You have to seriously wonder the mind set of an individual that would make such remarks, especially after that person had just been handed a defamation lawsuit a few hours BEFORE this interview. Does he care about the taxpayers? Does he respect his position as a Mayor?
You have to remember, Jim Ireton, (when he needed me) would send Salisbury News information to promote whatever event he wanted well attended. If you'll recall some time ago I confronted the Mayor and asked him why we weren't on the Press Release list any more. His response was, "You play nice and you'll get it". Life just doesn't work like that, unless your WMDT, WBOC or the Daily Times. In my opinion it's coercion. You do things my way and I'll keep you in business. If you don't, we'll not let you play in the sandbox.
Mayor Ireton is an elected public official. That means ANYTHING that is done by his Office is public information. It doesn't matter if your Joe Citizen, Blogger or Reporter, every one is invited and should be afforded the opportunity to disseminate such information. If you'll recall, soon after Jim was elected, Chief Webster wanted to hold a Press Conference at the Police Station. Mayor Ireton insisted to Chief Webster that I be allowed to attend. In the past, Webster would hold the Press Conference INSIDE the building and tell me I was not allowed in. This time around, Webster held it in the parking lot OUTSIDE the building in what felt like a 100 degree day. I was worthy of Press then but God Forbid we disagree with Mr. Ireton, we don't "play nice" enough for him and we were cut off.
He showed, (or should I say) he made an example out of me to the rest of the Press and IF they didn't "play nice" the same would happen to them. Hence, look at the one sided news your getting from the Mayors Office in the Press.
What Salisbury News delivers, (to some) is not the most liked news and information, hence the photo today of a Sheriff's Deputy vehicle parked in a handicap parking space. But you have to ask yourself, would you ever see such an image in the Daily Times or on WBOC or WMDT? The answer is no. The reason, they don't want to get cut off. They don't want to be a red flag every time they drive down the road.
Its unfortunate we have to live in such a good old boy environment where you wash my back, I'll wash yours. Doing what we do is not at all easy. However, what we deliver is the TRUTH.
Now, IF I wanted to call Mayor Ireton names, well, I can think of quite a few of them that instantly come to mind, yet I have not. Last week when I wrote an article stating you have to wonder who spends more time in Delaware, me or Jim Ireton. I stated I spend time visiting my Wife and Grandson in Delmar while Ireton spends time in Rehoboth. I got TWO almost instant calls after that article went up saying, you can't call Ireton gay. I replied, I DID NOTHING OF THE SORT! I insisted they read the article again and they said, well, you mentioned Rehoboth. I replied, yeah, OK, what's the problem with that. They said that it IMPLIES it. I replied, REALLY, so your telling me EVERY ONE who visits Rehoboth is gay?????
THIS is the kind of mind set we're living in today. Politicians seem to TWIST things to make it look as if we're attacking them. Mayor Ireton told me in the past his Family owns a home in Rehoboth. He also told me he goes there often. It was Mayor Ireton who tried to IMPLY that I live in Delaware and that I am not a Salisbury resident, this is untrue. NOT ONCE have I received a comment telling me that my challenge to Mr. Ireton is not true. They can't because that would be a lie.
I also know that Councilwoman Debbie Campbell owns property on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Is she not allowed to spend time there? County Executive Rick Pollitt and his Family own beach front property in Ocean City, is he not allowed to go there? Mayor Ireton has every right to visit their property in Rehoboth and I would never challenge that. I also would NEVER call him the names he has so distastefully called me. I am NOT a member of the Tea Party nor have I ever been. I have COVERED their events, just as I have attended MANY democratic events including their crab feasts in which Ireton held up the "I'm Not A Republican" sign. As you can tell, I publish Governor O'Malley's press release on a daily basis being fair and balanced and keeping our readers updated and educated.
I personally worried about Mayor Ireton's condition after he didn't show up for a meeting and did what we thought was the right thing to do by checking up on him. Mayor Ireton never returned my calls or text messages, yet he went on to say I "lied" to my readers because I never checked my sources. Well Ladies & Gentlemen, JIM IRETON WAS MY SOURCE. Again, he never returned the calls or text messages, yet he knew from the messages I left something was seriously wrong. The next thing we all knew here came an alleged spoof phone call. "I have no malice towards the reporter who was in the room at the time" WHAT ROOM JIM?
Nevertheless, the original commenter needs to re think his question. I am not out there calling Jim Ireton names. It's quite the contrary.
Who cares what Iretonites think at theis point??
Except for Harriet Tubman of Cambridge, MD who signed Jim's petition today, of course.
I am seriously concerned with Jim's mental state of mind any more. Why didn't he return your calls. I really believe the whole thing would have gone away if he had. I went back and listened to the interview again. He did say that part about the reporter in the room. How would he have known that unless he was right there. Maybe this has been too much on him. Good luck Joe.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Once again you prove you can dish it out but can't take it yourself. You have to resort to frivolous lawsuits.
anonymous 12:21, "frivolous lawsuits" get thrown out of court.
I am a Clinical Psychologist. Help is available to you.
Jimmy is about to explode. Just hope he cuts his nails before he loses it Joe. Cat fights are the worst.
The mayor actually called you all those names? I'd heard about this guy and his fits of rage but that's unbelievable.
Truth hurts, eh, Albero. Karma, shes' a coming. Believe it.
Karma, eh. You guys have been threatening me for years and NOTHING. Are you going to shoot me in a dark alley? Are you going to have me arested on false charges just to make me look bad? Don't you just love these crazy anonymous commenters who threaten every chance they get, like it's supposed to scare me. Oh my, not again! Maybe I should just run away because someone anonymously threatened me with Karma. Karma can be a good thing too, you Idiot. Good things happen to good people.
Last time you call me an idiot. I am not scared of you! And you are defenitly not a good person. All in due time asswipe, all in due time.
ROTHFLMAO! "I'm not scared of you". Now THAT is one of the funniest comments I have EVER seen on Salisbury News.
And that's why you call yourself ANONYMOUS, because your NOT scared of me.
I'm going to enjoy sharing that one for YEARS to come, let alone this weekend.
I see Ireton's people are threatening you now Joe. Don't worry. They fight like girls.
Why do you have Delaware tags if u live in MD?
Dear 12:59
You are not a nice person , calling someone an a$$wipe.
Sticks ans stones will break my bones , but names will never hurt me.
Don't do that anymore , you sound like a westsider!
anonymous 1:10, You need to have your law enforcement people look into that. You see, I do have one of my vehicles registered to 304 W. Main Street. Go ahead, check it out. Again, is it against the law for me to own property in another state?
Ireton should be impeached.
Jim, you've lost it. I helped you in your campaign and have known you since you were a baby. I'm very disappointed in you. Unfortunately I will not support or vote for you again. You've become a spoiled brat. It seems your becoming more like your father every day.
I asked the mayor a question after a meeting recently and he just started yelling at me. When I got home and told my husband he wanted to beat the crud out of the mayor. He said I should have given it right back to him for picking on a defenseless old lady.
Post the IP of the ones who threaten you that way we will see if they are repeat offenders.
is ireton hitting on all cylinders? lol..he aint the brightest bulb in the pack
Why, we all know who they are.
Why haven't the local media people mentioned anything aout the lawsuit you filed against mayor Ireton. Did I miss it somewhere.
Because they are corrupt plain and simple.
Wikipedia states that jim ireton is the first openly gay mayor of salisbury. There is no maybe he is or is not. He is gay and that is fact. Dont really care one way or the other but he is.
So, Joe, still sticking with the proven lie that Jim called you that night in June? Because you were told by Chief Barbara Duncan that "The phone call did not come from Mayor Ireton's phone" at the press conference. You were standing right there, leaning against the table.
So, are you calling Chief Duncan a liar?
Ireton knows he is going to lose this election.
anonymous 1:56, aka, Sarah, There were very few people there Sarah. No matter, yes, the Chief said the call didn't come from the Mayor's phone. That does NOT mean the Mayor did not make the call. Remember, I'm the one who listened to the Mayor speak to me for seven and a half minutes. WHY hasn't your roomate called a TV station or Radio Station and impersonate Jim Ireton for 7.5 minutes Sarah? PROVE that he can impersonate Jim, or is that too difficult to ask? He can't because it was Jim Ireton on the phone.
So just because Chief Duncan stated the call didn't come from Ireton doesn't mean he wasn't the one on the phone. Jim never delivered a witness that can prove he was in his bedroom, did he. Hmmmmmmm.
Joe I have not yet come across a "sproofing app" that allows you to change numbers and names for a phone call, only text messages. I would suggest looking into that as you could have Ireton and the Chief in hit water. Sarah probably did as much homework on spoofing apps as she did for all her other stories which is zero. That whole WMDT story was a sham they never once show the app working just stating that it did work.
How can something state someone is "openly gay" unless the person came out and said, "I'm gay."?
Ireton hasn't denied it and I don't care if someone is gay or not. But I thought "openly" meant someone actually says, "I'm gay and etc."
Why hasn't Dr. Freddy gotten this yo-yo out of the classroom.
Well at least if he's gay, we don't have to worry about him reproducing!
if you are waiting for dr freddy to do anything, don't hold your breath
only thing dr freddy will do is promote him to principal so jimmy can spank the young boys
oh snap
Joe, please ask your responders to focus on the real issue... Irreton is a bad mayor. Doesnt matter what his sexual preferance is. I do NOT support the lifestyle but it is what it is. A gay mayor can be a good mayor if he listens and can make decent decions. I do not beleive any of Iretons politics have anything to do with his lifestyle choice.
Wish I lived in Salisbury again so could vote for you. Hopefully you will win. Just ask that the gay thing removed. From all posts.
Thanks for your consideration in this matter, andyes I am Jim but not the mayor!
sorry if my comments offended you jim (not the mayor) seriously
the mayor is like a wife, can't live with him and i can't shoot him. the language i'd prefer to use in regard to the mayor would never make the board as a comment
i think you are right, the gay issue has been played enough, however it's another jab a the mayor and his do nothing administration
tighlman did more than ireton, it may not have been the right things, but even she didn't whine as much as poor little jimmy boy, he must have mommy issues
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