DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Obama Getting Tough On Gun Control
President Obama spoke tough words on gun control Wednesday night in a speech at the Urban League in New Orleans. One week after the Colorado massacre, the President urged common-sense gun controls like full criminal background checks for gun purchasers and new measures to ensure the mentally ill can't buy guns. The President also hinted that he'd support a ban on assault rifles saying, "AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals." President Obama sounded more like Senator Obama, who had a much tougher stance on gun control, supporting a ban on all semi-automatic weapons as a state senator, and as a U.S. Senator voting down legislation to protect gun manufacturers and sellers from lawsuits when someone is killed using their products. Despite the conspiracy theories coming from the NRA and other gun interest groups, gun rights in America have expanded under President Obama. Let's hope Members of Congress grow a spine, say no to the NRA's blood money, and enact some much-needed gun controls to curb this epidemic of gun violence in America.
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I believe there were more gun murders in Chicago last year than any other city in America, and they have a no gun owner law.
Yes, AK47's only belong in the governments trustworthy hands... Much easier to keep a population down when yours is bigger than ours.
Fear anyone who fears a well armed citizenry.
The US military DOES NOT USE AK 47's--Obama again showed his absolute ignorance of how the military works by this gaffe. He is unfit to be Commander in Chief.
You crack me up Joe!
Did you get hacked By Chuck Kook?
Epidemic? EPIDEMIC?? BS! There are more guns than PEOPLE in this country, with at least 200 MILLION people owning a gun. An "epidemic" of gun violence? There must be millions of gun crimes NOT being reported. There's an epidemic of foreclosures and there's an epidemic of cancer cases. There's an epidemic of small business failures. There's an epidemic of war-mongering politicians who want to trash the Constitution and send OUR kids to farwaway lands to protect their investments, uh, er, I mean "freedom". But PLEASE STOP with the latest scary boogeyman of the week. Its a sickening display of fearmongering in order to accomplish what a few pansy-ass politicians and weak minded sissy "I'm SO afraid!" liberal (insert insulting adjective here) have been (unsucessfully, thank God) trying to do for the last 25 years. Do any of you "I don't care what the Constitution says" Forest Gumps think FOR A MINUTE that anyone --- cops, politicians, wanna-be do-gooders, etc. -- is coming to my house and taking away ANYTHING but dead and wounded? And trust me when I tell you there is a rather large army of civilians just like me...Better that you start (or rather, continue) shutting down the press and contolling the Internet. Fly more drones over the civilian population. You can live the life of a ferret in a cage, but hey, you'll still be living....
Number of guns and gun owners in USA.
Most estimates range between 39% and 50% of US households having at least one gun(that's about 43-55 million households). The estimates for the number of privately owned guns range from 190 million to 300 million. Removed those that skew the stats for their own purposes the best estimates are about 45% or 52 million of American households owning 260 million guns).
there are about 80 million gun owners in America with a combining total of 258 million guns
The FBI estimates that there are over 200 million privately-owned firearms in the US. If you add those owned by the military, law enforcement agencies and museums, there is probably about 1 gun per person in the country.
If you want to get a rough idea of how many guns there are out there just look at how many people you see out there then multiply by a factor of estimated ownership. The last best guess was about 350,000,000 Total. That would be 1 weapon for every man woman and child. The average gun enthusiast owns several firearms which includes pistols, shotguns, and rifles of all makes and models. It is often estimated that about 1 in 4 people own any firearms and on average firearms owners own 4 guns each.
Keep America Free Keep Your Guns !!
Estimates......lol...estimated ownership. Estimated averages. best guesses....rough idea....I had to put my coffee down so as not to spill it while laughing.... I estimate there are about 500 or so politicains who should resign right now. but of, course, THAT'S only an estimate. There are probably more, but thats my best and latest guess. About that many, maybe....roughly speaking...
About that many, maybe....roughly speaking...
July 30, 2012 8:14 AM
Yeah, you're probably right. But it's from the F.B.I., it that means anything.
Whether they are picking a number out of thin air, as you suggest, who knows?
I kind of like it when no one knows how many guns are owned and by whom.
I just put up what I could find.
You crack me up Joe!
Did you get hacked By Chuck Kook?
July 29, 2012 11:52 AM
Again, who is chuck cook/kook?
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