If you were to take away all of the City employees you'd find a very small crowd leftover to listen to the Mayor spew his hate towards the majority of the City Council.
The Mayor stated he listened to the tape from last nights meeting where he said the only reason the Council President turned the plan down was because of trash. Well Jim, let's be specific here for a moment. The Council President, (since you said you listened two times) actually said the RESIDENTS on the Plaza have a trash issue. Yet you stood there without ONE single resident and impressed upon the crowd Mrs. Cohen was talking about the business owners. So get your facts straight and quit lying to people.
It doesn't matter to Jim Ireton though Folks because the rest of the BS Press, (not MSM, now called BS Press) will simply produce whatever this guy says. In fact Mayor Ireton stood there and actually BEGGED the Press to go to the Council Members homes and demand an interview on this matter. Jim, I really hope they do because the public will actually get the truth, unless they edit out what the Council Members say.
The Mayor went on to beg people to come to his Office or come find Laura Mitchell to sign a new petition they will be starting against the Council majority. STOP acting like a little girl Jim, seriously. Just because you don't get your way doesn't mean you stomp your feet and go running home to Mommy. He stated that they have worked very hard on this plan for the past two years. NO JIM< you have even admitted that you STOLE the plan from as far back as 30 years ago, YOU did NO hard work on it at all. You just wanted something to throw in the Council's face once again. If it WASN'T good enough 30 years ago it certainly isn't worth a crap today.
The biggest thing that bothered me was when the Mayor turned to Public Works and Planning and Zoning and demanded their staff come into his Office and sign the petition. THAT is abuse of power! Beside the fact that the majority of people there were City Employees, (once again) and the FACT that we taxpayers are PAYING out of our pocket every single time you don't get your way and or want to make it look like people like you, you bring in as much of the City staff as humanly possible.
You have to wonder Jim, did your parents stick a pork chop around your neck just to get the family dog to play with you?
A good Mayor, a true professional would have said, Ladies & Gentlemen, I must not have worked hard enough to impress this Council that this is a good idea. I will not give up and with your support together we can perhaps dig a little deeper, listen to both sides and make this thing work. TRY IT SOME TIME JIMMY, YOU MIGHT JUST LIKE IT.
Thanks Joe. We'll just have to suffer with this mayor until the next election but I'm done with him. I hate to say it but I'm actually starting to hate this guy.
If the plan didn't work 30 years ago what makes him think it will work today.
That deserves a big DUH!!
So the idiot is starting another petition against the Council majority again? Jimmy Boi your last petition failed and that unemployed moron Mitchell worked the streets every day on that petition. She should attempt to expend that same energy on seeking out gainful employment.
How about sending Ireton a bill for the city employees' time spend at the meeting.
When is the mayor going to realize that the majority of voters and residents agree with the council "majority?
Ho Hum~~~Another petition? If they have nothing better to do then we can't deny them their fun (for the feebleminded) can we?
That little sign should say
Since when is that considered a crowd? lol, can't wait til you're sworn in Joe!
Fine-let them do another petition. We can sign it with names like-
Shanda Lear
Chris P. Bacon
Anja Mima
Sherwood Lovett
Ben Dover
N. Emma Daily
If you always do , what you always did , you gonna get what you always got.
lol.. ireton is out there! he is a great example of why the gov should NOT have made parents quit spanking kids. he still needs a switch!
Personally, I'd like to see the signature pages from the last Mitchell-led petition. I'm betting that half of the signatures were bs or non-residents. She would never give them up, though, for fear of once more being outed.
I know the signatures on Mitchell's petition were fake. I signed three times using three fake names and my wife did the same. I know several other people who did the same.
This was nothing than a big D'OH!
Jimbo is a laughing stock of Salisbury!
It's a shame that Salisbury has a leader that is considered insignificant and small by so many people.He is a laughing stock.
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