David Fitzgerald is husband to Bonnie Gordy's niece. In October 2011, David was interviewed & hired by 2 (TWO) Board Members with a third being called on the telephone to get the vote they needed to hire him. He has NO EXPERIENCE in this field & now he has gotten rid of Linda Lugo & Sandy Hudson the two EXPERIENCED PEOPLE. The animals are not SAFE!!!
He is not an accountant & stupidly gotten rid of the long standing accounting firm of Pigg, Krahl, & Stern. Now he wants to run the Humane Society without any experience & take on the accounting too. Who is going to be watching THE DONATIONS???
He was hired for $45,000 (more than Linda was making) & promised a $5,000 raise in 1 year. They didn't hire a qualified EXPERIENCED Shelter Manager from Delaware because he wanted $50,000 & Bonnie said they weren't going to pay that.
Sandy walked in on a Saturday morning two weeks ago & David told her he didn't need her anymore because he was RESTRUCTURING. They are hiring a lot of young kids & you should see the condition already. FOR REAL --- I have never been out there that the outside cat food bowl was empty & the water bowl NASTY. It was awful on Thursday morning at 8:45 a.m.
My friend, Larry Larmore, has a dog named Andy. Two weeks ago at night, Larry fell & his dog got away when the ambulance came to pick him up. I found Andy at the Humane Society & wanted to take him home. I took them Vet papers proving he had a current rabies shot & was up-to-date on vaccines. Larry's name was on the paperwork from Somerset Animal Hospital. Larry talked to them on the phone & explained he was in a neck brace, has Palsey, had just lost his son by suicide & could I bring Andy home. David said he knew me but Larry had to come & get the dog. That was early morning & David left & we had to wait until about 2:00-3:00 p.m. before I could take Larry out to the HS. We went & the Shelter personnel took Andy out to my van to prove it was his dog. Then they wanted me to pay $50 because the dog had been turned in as a stray. A neighbor had taken him to the HS. I reiterated the story about Andy escaped when Larry was taken to the hospital by the ambulance. He wouldn't give in but Sandy snuck it by him & didn't make me pay.
I have an acquaintance that has pit bulls. He had two good & two bad...one of the bad would kill another dog. He got lose & the HS picked him up. My acquaintance called me & told me he needed to take a paper to them to prove he had given this dog to his relative so the relative could get him back. Now this was a mean PITBULL. I went out to the HS & talked to David & Sandy & explained this dog should not be returned to the owner. I explained that this dog had hurt the Pitbull I had gotten from this acquaintance & that he would admit this was a DANGEROUS dog, David gave him back & did not charge him ONE CENT!!!. I know because my acquaintance called me to let me know.
Robin Cockey's wife brought me a very undernourished Yorkie that weighed about 3 lbs with every bone sticking out of his body. She had found it in front of her house. Someone must have seen her pick up the dog because the owner went to her house & threw a fit to get his dog back. She wouldn't tell him where the dog was at first. He called her & threatened her saying he was good friends with Jim Ireton & he was a Social Worker His name was Christian something etc. She finally told him I had the dog. He came down my lane & I pretended I wasn't home. He called Robin back & Robin told him he had better stop the harassing...that I was going to take the dog to the Humane Society & let them handle it. I KNEW THEY WOULD NOT GIVE THIS SKINNY & SICK dog back to that man but DAVID gave it back to him. This dog was so abused it was incredible.
This DAVID should get out of there. We need people that know how to run a SHELTER & most of all how to LOVE & PROVIDE for this stressful time in the pet's lives.
Joe find out why David was kicked out of PITTSVILLE!!! Fire Dept, City Council, etc.
Find out why he was fired from his job in Cambridge after Pittsville.
Linda Lugo was crucified on this site now we have someone worse.
He was also on the town counsel in Pittsville at one time. He was shady back then. I guess he has not changed his ways.
I sure do NOT recall Kevin being FIRED ! I hope someone with accurate information will respond to this.
I have been looking for a puppy for over a year now who will not be a big dog when fully grow. I look at their site once a week and have found many dogs that I would love to adopt but after visiting one of the pups posted on their site one week to see the pup in person, I left without even trying after watching and hearing how they treated someone at the front desk who came in to claim their lost dog. They had the poor woman in tears. This was done in front of about 7 of us in the front lobby area looking at a litter of pups who were in a round pen and were up for adoption. A few of us just shook our heads at each other at the UNHUMANE way they treated people and could only wonder how they treated the animals! The only employee who showed ANY compassion was a young lady named Jena, don't know her last name. Because of what I saw and heard myself that day, I will not support them. Needless to say, I am still looking for a puppy but now I am just hoping to find someone who has a litter of puppies and looking for a good home and loving owner for them.
As a member of pittsville fire co for many years I can tell everyone Mr fitzgerald was a great supporter of the fire company but was not a member
David is also the president of the Berlin fire co. There is a ton of controversy there with sexual harassment charges and the recent firing of the paramedic. Supervisor. He is hiding the details from the community someone needs to look at this.
pittsville's town council is among the biggest, corrupt bunch of thieves and always has been
Someone from Pittsville needs to give accurate info. about that situation. Almost all of the current board members are from Pittsville and hired him anyway. There was not a quorum the night he was hired, I do know that for sure.
I think their volunteer of the month is a 15 year old boy whose dad or mom is a good friend of David's. My daughter wanted to volunteer there and was told she had to be 18. That's what the website says too so I told her she'd have to wait and follow the policy. This is not fair if it's true. Does anyone know?
On this blog someone wrote when David was appointed that the Humane Society better have their books audited frequently. If the accountants there are no longer keeping track of the money, I want to know why. Is it true he works on Monday when the shelter is closed and takes off on Saturday when it is really busy? That can't be true.
I also heard that the executive director does no night calls or anything like that but has started taking the Humane Society truck to and from his home in Berlin recently. Is that true?
Would someone who has factual information please tell us what is true and what is not?
No wounder HS is broke. Sneeking dogs out with ouy paying. How many more bills go unpaid because of a soft heart.
just what we need, another county lackey
I deal and support out of county humane societys. WHS cost too much. You can adopt a child cheaper than a animal t WHS !!!
I saw two or three people working at the rabies clinic after normal hours the other night helping and with a display and one of the sheriff people told me they answer calls when needed more than they have in a long time sounds like this is as usual people talking without all info just bits and pieces and grasping for comments
Kevin Usilton was fired and replaced by someone with no experience running a shelter. Being a friend or in the family of the president of the board of directors seems to be enough qualification.
Jim Ireton sure does pop up in streange places -- not just on the beach at night.
bonnie sugar sweet to your face gordy and charlotte littleton are responsible for hiring the stuck up know it all a@#&*$@. i knew when i saw he was director the animals and the good animal ppl were doomed there.i say get rid of gordy and littleton and the rest of the crap will roll downhill.
Is this a comedy central skit?
I don't know anyone connected with this and have had no contact with the Humane Society apart from sending a donation from time to time. I truly have no axe to grind here. Might it not have been better to do some fact-checking before printing a letter like this? Some or all of it maight be true, but it has the feel of a hatchet job to me.
I wish we all could just get along. I wish u all would know the true story before your alligator mouth overruns your chipmunk ass.The animals at the shelter r taken cared for on a daily basis.The animals there would not b there if the owners were responsible.Take a ride sometime to various areas of the county.Whether its the eastside ,west or anywhere some of u people are not fit to have pets.You live in poverty or below and are not capable of taking care of yourself.So get all your facts before u go barking up a tree.
If he has no training or experience and is being more than an experienced, qualified female executive director was when she left, I smell lawsuit.
Is this the reason why we can't get the animal control officer out to Delmar to address the abuse of two dogs in my neighborhood? These guys often go a day or more without food or water. They regularly break their lines and run the streets. Recently they've started to get snappy with the people they encounter while running loose.
If the board of directors wouldn't pay a qualified person $50,000 because that was too much money, why are they paying an unqualified person that amount?
Is Kevin Usilton related to a Eddie Usilton?
Hey 4:21, If I knew who you were I'd punch you right in the face.
It's a proven fact men are better workers then women.
sounds like 6:09 is upset ,so be it. if the shoe fits wear it.i guess the truth hurts oh well.
Well I gotta say I believe this is the 2nd or 3rd time that I've heard serious allegations about Mr. Fitzgerald. What I do find weird though is the fact that no one really address the allegations or explains the things in his past. I just think if he was really this corrupt that someone would speak up louder.
David worked for Worcester County Emergency Management before he came to the HS. He was hired under a grant then tried to take over emergency management. They eventually seen the light then when the grant money ran out he was informed that his services were no longer needed. He can't be trusted and has caused turmoil everywhere he has been.
The thing I would really like to know is why they are euthanizing so many of the animals from the county while flying in dogs from other places. I recently read an article from a volunteer pilots group talking about 17 dogs flown in from California to the Wicomico County Humane Society. This makes no sense. Unless of course it's to make money as all of the dogs flown in were purebred animals. Is it fair to kill the animals that tax payers pay them for in the county and take others. This is a can of worms that needs to be investigated. Joe I will send you the info on this that I read.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jim Ireton sure does pop up in streange places -- not just on the beach at night.
July 14, 2012 12:37 PM
Speaking of popping up, did something pop up that night Jimboi got arrested for running from the cops naked on that beach in Delaware?
July 14, 2012 10:06 PM is correct. David was a Paramedic prior to that, but I don't know what happened. Why would someone leave a good paying Paramedic job for a 2 year grant job for less money and no benefits.
12:17. I think he left with a plan to run emergency management when the director retired. Thankfully that did not pan out. He was also big on a county run EMS system that he and one of his buddies (a captain in Ocean Pines) had planned on running. Weird thing he worked to Berlin, they were glad when he left, now he is their President I believe.
He also cost Worcester County thousands of dollars for a reporting system that was never compliant with State policies. He and a select few were the only ones who had administrative priviledges to this software. He refused to work with the State and eventually the State threatened to cut off monies to all fire departments in the county for non compliance. Funny he left right after that!
Had no idea this amt. of money was pd out for the Director. We
have One Animal Control Officer from what I understand. Wicomico County needs More than One!
What the heck is going on with no Accountant. Wicomico county should demand accountability with the money that's given the Humane Society---what the heck is wrong with you people. There never has been any accountability out there---not it's getting worse!
And----Is it not a Conflict of Interest David is related to someone on the "Board" This place is a disgrace to our Community.
Council we want to Know where our Money is going so how about Stoppin all funds given untill they can legally be accounted for & on display to the public who also give extra monies. I shall never contribute again. I would advise people to never ever take an animal there!!
Why doesn't someone with a business that h=could take over the animal care and placement submit a proposal to the county and cities? It could be an option.
I heard that he has taken over the paying of the monthly bills instead of having the accounting firm do it. Also, it's been said that now he wants to take over the payroll, too.
Would whoever knows why comments were made about the Humane Society needing frequent audits after he was appointed please let the rest of us know what you meant. I am worried about this situation.
David is a corrupt, lying, cheating, useless POS. I know MANY that don't like him and don't know anyone who does. He tried to ruin Worcester County. He took over everything he could get his hands on over there and wanted to do it all. He was hoping to become the director once the current one retires. Thank God that didn't happen. He took over as much as he could of the budget in Worcester and was misspending money without approval. He should be removed from the Humane Society. He has no clue what he is doing. The ONLY reason he is there is to complete his time for state retirement. If he was investigated further, I'm sure he would probably be indicted for fraud somewhere.
10:51. The Humane Society is not broke. Last year they were a self proclaimed $635000 a year business. Now tell me where is all that money going.
David Fitzgerald has absolutely no qualifications of being the executive director of the Wicomico County Humane Society. This is definitely the Good Ole Boy system at it's best. Who ever approved his hiring needs to be removed from their positions immediately.
If he has no training or experience, how did he get the job over other applicants? If people like Sandy who could run a shelter are no longer there, who is telling him how animals should be treated and cared for? This makes me sick. Citizens, we need to fix this.
Just reading his background, I can't see where he had any experience working at an animal shelter. How can he be qualified to be the executive director?
Wicomico county is not in the state retirement system so that statement is not correct.
If there ever was any hope of cleaning house from the Wicomico (In)Humane Society, the time has come! For once, finally there are consequences being put into action for those that "worked" at the WHS, who were most likely unethical, unprofessional, lazy, corrupt and manipulating not only towards the animals but towards the people of Delmarva.
Karma... got Lugo out.
Karma... got Sandy out with Dave's help.
Others need to go still, but give it time.
Perhaps David Fitzgerald can make epic changes and turn the WHS into what it was envisioned to be years ago, but never reached due to selfish liars, corruption and greed.
I also saw online a picture of a California Animal Shelter website that posted a "thanks to Wicomico Humane Society......no wonder they are thought to be killing local dogs, much more $$$ in purebreeds. Corruption indeed. I was shocked to see it.
Sandy made a worse mess of WHS than we ever imagined, and was rude and insulting to people. She has no qualifications in public relations or animals that was ever evident. Your letter to the editor is BS, because David is not the issue...the issue is ...IT'S TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE AT WHS AND I THANK YOU, MR FITZGERALD, the first person to have a backbone to kick out the dirt from the kennel.
i hit send to soon, sorry.
The many names mentioned I dont know but it seems no one is happy with anyone Lugo, Usiltion, Rose, Smith, Fitzgerald, Gordy, etc. as with everything people change and they will all be gone we can move on to complain about someone else.
Who hires or appoints the Director of the Humane Society anyway.?
There should have to be certain qualifications to even apply for the job-----No One should be hired that is in anyway related to a Board Member----that is a definate conflict of Interest!!!
It in fact, they are so wealthy there as is stated in one of the above mails---Why Doesn't This County Have More than One Animal Control Officer----This is past rediculious & needs to be addressed by the Wicomico County Council!!!
Where are you anyway council?
Praise GOD!! Linda Lugo is out! I may just visit the Humane Society again, afterall. It was a long time coming. Not sure it could get worse. Has to only go up from there. Later Linda!
I acually did some research (stupid concept for some of you I am sure) on the 17 dogs that humane society got from california. It was awhile ago that this happen and none of the dogs were purebreds. I remember their last big tranfer and the dogs that came in from another state were mange dogs with some heath problems. Which they fixed and adopted them out.
As far as the letter to the editor. Come on really. You are supposed to support the humane society for the love of the animals not the people that work there. Why would you want to bring in bad press so that people do not donate anything to help out the animals. I didn't realize that they should be nice to people that let there old dogs go with out being groomed and they have to cut matts off the dog, or the dog is so skinny that you can see ever rib. If that was me that was doing that I would hope that someone would set me straight. Also one more thing the shelter doesn't open until 11 for the animal so water dishes and food bowls outside being empty at 8:45 in the morning is probably what happens every day. Now 2 in the afternoon then it would be a problem. I was just in the other day and the place looks just as good as it always does.
So he's getting rid of experienced people and replacing them with inexperienced people like himself. How is that an improvement?
Sandy was competent and hard working. She was a no nonsense type with people who abused and neglected animals, so maybe some got offended. Her experience had to be better than someone who has no training or experience at all. I want to know what the advertised job requirements were to be the executive director, because I doubt he had a single one of them.
Also, for the record, Linda stepped down as executive director obviously before he was hired. He has gotten rid of Sandy and an office worker who was sick with cancer, not a whole bunch of lazy people.
If this proves to repeatedly appear to be a such a corrupt system and it's approved and/or financed through the county council (but never held accountable) and someone has already violated the rules of the board of directors, and they supposedly kill more dogs than they adopt out by far and the new guy is suddenly in charge of the checking account and payroll.....excuse me, but someone please tell me why they'll be open for business in the morning!??!?!?
Mr. Fitzgerald was not fired from Worcester County. He quit. Some of the items listed regarding Worcester County are true. But the grant money did not run out, Tommy Kane, his replacement is paid from a State Grant.
Almost every fire company in Worcester County hated to deal with Mr. Fitzgerald. Most police agencies had the same feeling.
Mr. Fitzgerald has fooled the powers to be in Worcester County and has said he was promised the Director's position in Emergnecy Services by a top County Official when the current director retires. Mr. Fitzgerald has publicly said he was told "get some good manangment experience" then be prepared when the current director retires.
I suppose time will tell. But the fire, EMS and police agencies in Worcester County are now back on track with communications and communicating with Emergency Services.
As far as the Berlin termoil, true he is in the middle of it, but it is rumored the current Chief and Assistant Chief are stepping down tomorrow (Monday) night, because Mr. Fitzgerald did not support them. Additionally, Mr. Fitzgerald was part of the reason those Chiefs, who are full time employed by Ocean City, got repremanded by the Ocean City Fire Chief.
The turth be told, and asked most of the Berlin Fire Department, Worcester County Fire/EMS and the employees of Worcester County, epecially the IT Department, Town of Pittsville and now the Wicomico Human Society, ....Mr. Fitzgerald is a Control Freak!...period!
I don't think anyone who now or in the past has felt comfortable working for David. He does not know what he is doing, is not letting his employees take proper care of the animals and he is not playing by the rules at all. He has no experience which is VITAL. This Humane Society, like any shelter/rescue is not making money, it costs a LOT to take care of an animal, especially to get their shots, spay/neuter, general care and any other needs that have to be fulfilled. This man is NOT providing what is needed to the animals OR to his employees who were trained by Linda (totally mistreated and disrespected) and by Sandy (an amazing shelter manager). This man needs to get OUT!!
12:28 is right. He does not know what he is doing. Not sure we can blame him for being hired to do a job he is not qualified to do. No experience and no training could not have been in the want ad for the director's position.
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