These are pictures from Hazel Ave in Salisbury. Watched the gentleman from the Housing Inspector's office speak to the Management company about the trash sitting in the front yard and public sidewalk of this home ( owned and slum rented from management company).. Its now 7 days later, the renters are gone, house condemned and this trash still sits. Both parties have been by the house numerous times and the trash still sits 7 days later.. Why does this house and management company not have to abide my city rules? We have enough problems with the students and their trash and destruction no less slum Land lording and the city giving these companies a pass regarding their responsibilities. If this was their neighborhood would they like to drive by this every day? And, If that had been my home, I would be facing fines within hours of my noncompliance!
Mind your own.
After you drove off, you missed the payoff, the Slum Lord slipped him a $100 to leave him alone. This happens all the time with civil servants, they make more under the table than their regular pay.
Which management co?
Where is ireton with his slumlord of the week photo? Oh that's right, now he's buddies with them because he's lost all of his base support. Barrie Comegys Ireton likes this feeding from the trough like his idols, O'Mally, O'Conway and O'Bama
"And, If that had been my home, I would be facing fines within hours of my noncompliance!"
Yet more factless and baseless accusations. You really do think this town revolves around you, don't you?
10:15, that was a stupid comment.
You don't know what the letter writer has experienced dealing with the city.
Maybe he's one of those who has been cited for grass in sidewalk while looking at garbage like this.
No body slipped anybody money. Saw the whole thing. The owner said she wanted to come back and get her belongings. You should be blaming the tenant that lives there and won't pay her rent and has no water for 7 kids. The city ties your hands when you can't evict them for so many months.
If you cut your grass you would be fine though. Worry about your own problems.
The problem in this case is the Renter, not the City Inspector or Management Company. The Renters are the ones throwing and piling THEIR trash on the street. Let's crack down on them!! Place the blame where it belongs...with the pigs that live in the house!
Blame the people that should be blamed. The people that live there is responsible for all of this. It's not slum lords and Property Management companies, it's the slum tenants that to blame. They condemned this house because of the tenant!!!
So the tenant leaves.. The property sits.. And what ? All that stuff stays? Who's responsibility is it then? How about the pool they set up in the alley way still full of water?Who is responsible when a child drowns in that pool? Or the cats they left behind? Can I go in and trash it all? Any of you want to live next to this?
Ok so where do you live? I'll dump it on your lawn...
Please.. It seems that they only fine private home owners and those who will comply
Well, let's the correct information first. The city posted the violation on July 9, 2012. They were given till July 19, 2012 to correct the violation. I guess the owner will have to eat the cost for the removal since the tenant won't. You win with this. Let's blame somebody.. Why don't people get off there butts and go to work. They sit on their butts and collect money to help with there children. They don't pay their rent, water bill or even buy food and they are still given the money???What is wrong with this picture. Let's correct the real problem.. Let's stop giving these people so many rights..Stop blaming the people out there trying to make a difference. Live a good clean life and we would not be dealing with all of this..Start giving drug tests as part of the application process for these money people sitting around collecting money to go buy drugs. Owners should be aloud to evict these people that don't care about their homes or their children. If they don't pay they don't stay!!!!!
Who "wins" is the neighborhood..... Whats wrong with that?
I agree with 12:53. I am a property manager and the rights of tenants is far greater than anything the landlord can do. I don't begrudge anyone who needs assistance to get ahead, but the tenants that have their rent paid in full, receive cash assistance, food stamps, medical, and utility allowance and continue to have more children and have drug dealing boyfriends living in there homes, are able to trash a unit, leave the landlord high and dry with clean-up, pissed off neighbors, and move on into another rental to do it again. If the City gives the tenant 10 days to comply and the tenant doesn't, only then can the landlord step in. Even when rent is not paid or water is cut off, the court system takes at least 30 days for the process to have someone removed. Put the blame where the blame belongs!!! The renter holds all the cards! Sorry, but this just pisses me off!!
Would it not be funny if someone stopped there and picked up the tires and rims only to find out it's a sting operation run by the cops. Go figure.
Sounds like something the cops would do!
I get it.. I really do but for the sake of your neighbors clean up the front.. That should be done not because you are legally responsible but because as an owner you are a part of this neighborhood and should feel morally responsible to make it the best environment for your property and your neighbors. Have some self respect and respect for your neighbors
It's not the city that won't let you evict tenants quickly.
It's state law.
The landlord makes the money and the landlord takes the risk. If the tenant leaves crap on the property, the landlord owns the property and has to clean it up. That's the law pretty much everywhere.
People toss crap in my yard often. It's on my property. Guess who has to clean it up? You guessed it.
Thank you to the property management company....they cleaned up the mess and hauled it away. Looked nice for about an hour, then the tenant returned and placed 3 more mattresses out front with more trash.
Kudos to he property management company as they checked the area laer, saw the "second" pile of trash and quickly got that hauled away too.
The tenants are the trash and seem to be moving. The system fails us...the Courts are first to blame..not the management company
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