Mayor Jim Ireton will hold a Press Conference at 1:00 PM to go on the attack against the reasonable members of the Salisbury City Council for not agreeing to his Downtown Revitalization Plan.
Ladies & Gentlemen, why not sell ALL of the City owned parking lots then? THINK about this for a minute. Would you sell the parking lots to a FREE Zoo or even place parking meters there? Would you sell the lots in the City Park and or add parking meters there?
NO, you would not! Yet the Downtown brings in millions of dollars in revenue in sales tax, business tax, property tax, meter income, permit income and yet this Mayor wants to take valuable property and give it away for a song and a dance to special interests to build entitlement affordable housing and section 8 housing.
IF it makes no sense to sell the Zoo and Park parking lots, then it makes NO sense to sell off what will become much needed parking that is already bringing in income. Once I revitalize Downtown Salisbury as your next Mayor we will NEED all that parking.
This Mayor needs to go and I'm very serious Ladies & Gentlemen. In his radio interview he showed how scared he was that I might get him off track and screw up. Heck Jim, your doing that on your own without any of my help. Go back to teaching because your proposal was the most amateur attempt at a business plan that I've ever seen.
Come to my Office Ladies and Gentlemen and listen to a REAL revitalization plan. Even Jim's liberal friends have come here and couldn't believe what they were hearing. One Radio Host came back for a second time to do another interview with me because he was so impressed and wanted more details. He flat out told me they were the best ideas he had ever heard of for Salisbury.
"This isn't Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens election to lose".
Yeah Jim, let's hurt the business people who ARE paying taxes and bringing people Downtown even more. This guy is just a joke, hence the clown face.
This is exactly why I'm going to vote for you Joe. You make great sense.
I think we've all been passive with this mayor. It wasn't until you stated your intentions that we started paying more attention. Its clear to me you would make a much better mayor.
Thank God for Salisbury news because I would not have anything to do at work.
Go Get Um Joe!!!!!!'!!!!
Most of the parking lots are on land within the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area or other protected zones. Parking lots are the highest and best use because it would be impossible to get permits to do almost anything else in those areas.
EVERY politician I have ever known has had one thing in mind... How can I make more money once I get in. Once I am in the office who can I get in bed with to make the most. If ABC is supporting me then I owe them.
Joe are you going to be really different? Look at Lewis, I guess he wants a political career so he lines himself up with who will help him get there.
I hate suck ups, or in Ireton's case Suck Downs.
The downtown will never thrive if they put in section 8 housing. A retirement community might have a chance but doubtful because they won't want to live there with the crime that is in Salisbury.
It costs me $30 a month to work downtown because I need a place to park. He wants to take my money now? Then just give it away to some land sharks? What an idiot, he's just grasping for straws now because he's got nothing else left.
At least the coucil's decision is based on hopes of a revitalized downtown. Jimmy boy is ready to give up already and give all of OUR city property away.
He's so stupid, sure glad he doesn't teach economics!
Could you please post your revitalization plan on the blog?
Why not sell Mitchell landing apartments that the city owns and subsidizes (operates at a loss)
I'm curious. Just what did Ireton teach when he had a (part time) teaching job?
If the City needs money, sell the fireboat to the highest bidder and replace it with an under $50K boat. Anything they get for it is pure profit for Salisbury.
Sell the zoo.
Concidering Ireton's theory to give away parking lots, I would guess his idea would be to just give the fireboat away because we don't need it, just like the parking lots. City assets, are city assets, just give it all away?
That's his reasoning to give the parking lots away, not being used, let's just give the whole city away to the county!
anonymous 2:27, IF there's ONE thing these parking lots do for the City it IS the FACT that they bring in income. You can't say that for the marina, the park, the zoo, station 16, shall I go on?????
It AMAZES me how SIMPLE minded some local business owners are too. Those supporting selling these parking lots are fools, or so your supposed to believe they are fools. Are they, or are they in it to make MONEY?
Years ago Gary Comegys refused to participate in raising the parking fees because the City makes so much money in that department they didn't need any more. Government is NOT supposed to be in the business of making money, yet 50% of the money raised from parking meters, fees, and permits goes into the general fund.
I say, pull the majority of parking meters Downtown and ENCOURAGE people to come visit our Downtown. Stop by my Office and let me tell you how we can afford to do just that without it ever costing the taxpayers a penny.
I say turn station 16 back over to the fire department and let them run one ambulance out of there. Then the bridge wouldn't be such a big problem. If we are trying to bring more people downtown shouldn't we consider their safety?
after he would sell the lots and spend the money then what
Step 1 - no vehicles on the plaza so it will be safewr for pedestrians.
What do you mean when he "had" a teaching job?
Tell us about your business experience Albero.
anonymous 3:20, Stop by face to face and I'll be happy to do so.
Just remember, I own multiple properties across the Eastern Shore, ALL paid for. I retired at 40 years old.
I look forward to meeting you.
If Downtown had Thrashers French Fries, Hooters, Bull On The Beach,Arby's, McDonalds, Best Buy etc. People would go there. Untill then let a sleeping dogs lie.
Which radio host said that to you, cause I couldnt tell which way the Russo guy leaned in that interview?
I thought he was almost too fair to you and Liarton.
It couldn't be Mike Dunn's guy could it?
How in the hell can anyone justify having a pansie a$$ mayor. I've never heard so much crap as Ireton dishes out , he's not in school anymore , we are not school children!!
How can a radio host be "too fair" ever? Russo is a journalist and shouldn't ever display a bias towards either direction.
Most of the radio talk hosts I listen to are slanted to one side or the other, and it's pretty obvious because they spend alot of their time on air soapboxing and spewing their "this is what I think chatter." I thought Russo was very fair, asked good questions with depth and ones that I wanted to know the answer to. I don't know about "too fair", because I don't think there is such a thing. Joe's supporters will listen to that interview and think that Joe came out on top, and Jim's supporters will think that he closed the case and proved his innocence.
And the bickering will continue.
It was not Russo.
He has no chance and is grasping at straws. This is like the circus to watch unfold. I can not wait untill you win joe and it is time for some house cleaning and real changes.
Bassett just didn't have a lot to say during the Russo interview due to the fact he's governed by a corporate muzzle, to keep Gannett out of the lawsuit. I knew that as soon as he was done talking.
I love it when you put the clown face on Jimbo.
Joe, I've never really liked you, but I think you'd make one heck of a mayor compared to dumb@$$. Good luck and I hope you win. By the way doesn't the city charter require you to replace any parking spaces taken away? Also, good idea remove the meters, keep the parking permits (however, reduce the price, workers should be required to subsidize the city's lack of revenue) and attract area business. I wish you the best of luck. Jimbo gotta go!!!!
I can tell you for a fact that Jimmy offered me a valuable piece of property belonging to the City of Salisbury for $100,000. I will be more than glad to testify against him in court under oath if it brings him down. These City assets are not his to sell. He is a criminal and he needs to pay for his corruption.
Obviosly you don't know Russo.
Anonymous said...
Step 1 - no vehicles on the plaza so it will be safewr for pedestrians.
July 3, 2012 3:08 PM
Hey dumb dumb, you've got to have pedestrians on the plaza before this is a concern. Basically there are none.
Second, the plaza was dead when there was no vehicle traffic with your idea, only when they opened it up again did people come down town again. Your idea is antiquated. We need the plaza opened with numerous parking spaces. It isn't a playground.
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