A friend wrote me and said, "you're in good company. Mother Superior and Tinker Bell signed it, too!"
So the BIG question is, WHY hasn't the Daily Times, WMDT or WBOC come to me and ask what my plans are for the Downtown area? Because they are ALL so afraid that one guy just might have the actual answers on how to actually turn the Downtown around. It's because they are a group of liberals sticking to each other because they are failing. They are losing business to ONE guy who is up against supposed experts in their field. A novice who simply decided to fight back.
Now they allegedly spoof call me, they create bogus investigations against me, they call the Comptroller with bogus information to defame me, they create false names on Facebook, they stage someone to say nasty things about me, (all untrue) they threaten lawsuits that never happened, television station is right there with three crews just to make sure they get every second of the staged speech, what's next?
The funny part is, Salisbury News keeps growing and the Daily Times has to bring in a big hitter to help save what's left of that so called newspaper, probably to sell it before they go belly up. By the way, how many of you didn't get your newspaper this morning?
Will the Daily Times, WBOC and WMDT publish the false names on this petition? Yeah, leave it to the DEMOCRATS to stage a successful campaign by using false and bogus names. Leave it to your local Main Stream Media to pimp this crap just to continue to defame those people they dislike.
I'll close with this. Do ANY of you actually want your children to be taught by a man who leads in such a way?
Its probably the people at the Daily Times. Didn't they take Salisbury News as their Twitter name too?
Don't feel bad, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln signed too, as well as "Your Local Crack Dealer." He listed his address as Church Street.
Desperate people do desperate things.
Their server is down. Have they pulled the petition?
I think you have them by the nose hairs Joe.
It is unbelievable to me that anyone, even those with similiar political beliefs , could support Jim Ireton. The man has proven many times over that he is no leader. In fact, his game is that of a playground bully. Do it my way or I'll pick up my toys and go home and call you names along the way. What a child! What a bully. He is just terrible for Salisbury. But, there are those of the liberal persuasion who continue to back this fool. That puts them, and their points of view in serious doubt in any sane person's mind. How can anyone support anything this idiot has to say without being branded an idiot themselves? They can't! These fools including the General Mgr of WMDT, Greg Bassett and his minions, the news team at WBOC, Laura Mitchell, Mike Dunn and all those who think like them could just as soon follow Woody the Woodpecker right off a cliff. This is where they're determined to take Salisbury. They'll do this, believing they are pure and Joe Albero and any of his ideas represent the anti-christ. I'm so tired of this bulling by people that are governing us. The MSM should be ashamed of themselves. Have I always been naive? I thought once upon a time, the MSM in our area actually reported all the news instead of directing the news to their particular position. Maybe it was always this way and I was unknowingly "drinking the Kool-Aid" along with the rest of fools. Joe, a lot of us are very happy that you've come along and told us what is really happening in our little town. Thank you for the hard and often thankless work that you do. Debbie, Terri and Tim, please keep trying and don't let them get to you. Salisbury needs the kind of leadership that you have been providing. We'll hopefully add Joe to the team, drop Laura, and continue to get some more work done in our community without the backroom dealing and arm twisting and bad mouthing that has come to symbolize Salisbury government. The MSM has allowed this to happen by spinning the news "their way" and are just doing a terrible job. I'm sure I speak for many when I say every time I read your paper or listen to your broadcast, you just make me sick with your attempts to form public opinion instead of actually reporting the news. Barrie, it was a great day when you stepped aside. Same with you Mike Dunn, hopefully to never return. Matt and Mike, you're hopefully done as well. Stevie, many of us will never forget your vote on BMS, both the 1st vote and then your succumbing to the bullies with your 2nd vote. I say let's clean up this style of government and bring some hard working, truth telling people in to represent the citizens of our community. Wonder why we have such a mess? It's because we voted in and support the kind of people I mentioned above. Joe, you have my vote and my support for the work you do at Salisbury News. Debbie, Terri ans Tim, stay strong and good will prevail!
Sounds like this petition is turning out to be a big flop-just like the last one.
It also appears as though the majority of those legitimate signatures and comments are made by people who haven't even read the plan.
Alot are saying they can't wait to take their families downtown.
What??? So they can wander around something akin to The Projects?
Hey Joe, would you ever consider paying for commercial time on WMDT or WBOC? Since they are intentionally ignoring you this might be a way around their shutting you out.
Gee Joey, why all the whinning & crying. I thought you were the big guy in Salisbury.
Somebody putting it to you?
They MUST be desparate!
You know you are somebody when they start pretending to be you. Go Joe Go!
Gosh it makes me wonder what they will do next. They just don't give up do they. Well I guess they will in April LOL.
I thought I heard thunder but then I realized it was Jim throwing a fit in Salisbury.
Are you giving up yet Mr.Albero?
King White is full of stuff. He's been away so long, he has no idea what he's even talking about. The downtown is dead. Let it die. leave it to the lawyers and the rats. haha!
I will say this Joe. You and your staff do an awesome job of getting the local and national news out there. I also enjoy the survey questions and the fill in the blank.
You Rock!
Love The Blog
How do these people keep getting away with stuff? If you did just one of these things you would have been arrested.
Idiots the lot of them.
I am donating to your campaign Sir. I have had it up my neck with this crap Jim keeps dishing.
I am just amazed how the local MSM is handling this.
Jim has lost his mind. Section 8 housing in Downtown Salisbury. I guess he means The Crossroads Of The Ghetto.
Anonymous said...
Gee Joey, why all the whinning & crying. I thought you were the big guy in Salisbury.
Somebody putting it to you?
July 8, 2012 6:40 PM
Hey buddy I think you should reread the article. It is the other way around!
Jim you do know there is help out here for you don't you? The county has a lot of free programs for people like you.
Do ANY of you actually want your children to be taught by a man who leads in such a way?
Jim Ireton is NO Leader. He just make excuses for his short comings.
Before SBYnews came on the scene - The Daily Times had full reign of the local politics. They molded, fabricated, and could pretty well shape public opinion by their manipulation of the news. I mentioned this observation to Greg Bassett on several occations - particularly when our tri-county area started losing many large multi-national employers - (Halliburton, Campbell Soup, Crown Cork Seal, etc).
Then along comes SBYnews and challenges them on several fronts - and then all of a sudden we have a classic clash of titans similar to that of FOX verses MSNBC, CBS.
I can tell you that SBYnews tells the news like it is, irregardless, of the consequences. Bottom line - wouldn't you as a reading audience rather have a media that promotes our 1st Amendment rights verses one that tries to hinder and obstruct your 1st Amendment rights.
Hey Joe,
Us girls have our Cheer Leading uniforms pick out and ready to wear at your first Meet And Greet. We just have one problem. We don't know what to call the Team. Do you any ideas?
Maybe the Little Joey's
Don't let them get you down Joe. You have so much support in this area. You have this in the bag. I don't live in City but I know several people who do and they are huge fans and supporters.
It's really quite simple why they didn't come to you and ask you about your plans for downtown. They simply don't care!! You are a nobody to them and for good reason. While you may have some very good ideas it really doesn't matter because it comes from YOU. You could hold the key to the universe and I would never listen to you because....well.....you're YOU!!! You don't have any respect for anyone who disagrees with you, you are a narcissist, you have no formal training in anything, as far as I can tell you have no discernible skills to speak of, you are a bully, a blowhard, and worst of all.....A COTTON HEADED NINNY MUGGINS!!! Please Joe, just go away. While there are a few folks who follow you here and love you, the majority of thinking Salisbury sees you as a pariah. Now look, I'm no Jimmy fan in the least but I can tell you this. Given the choice between you and him as mayor. I will do anything within the confines of the law to make sure you not only aren't even on the ballad, but that you are brought to justice for all of your crimes against this city. Push hard enough Joe and there are those who will push back ten times harder and I guarantee that you will wind up on the short end of the stick!!
Yes, you are right that Jim Ireton is not the best mayor, not even a good one. however, please keep his teaching profession out of it. Two totally different fields, and one can be good at one and not the other. Politics are completed. He is a great teacher!
You want to get on WBOC, you move to sussex county delaware
Come on Joe, don't let these people down. File and get the campaign started. Playing the victim won't get you elected. Run, Joe, Run
Joe, you need to get down to the PD and the SA's office first thing tomorrow morning and report that someone is posing as you, afterall isn't this the type of thing they both concern themselves with?
If the mayor was allowed to use them both as his own private detective agency then tax payers should also get the same courtesy.
What I can tell you from my view is that certain interests are attempting to turn Salisbury into a gay community. THAT is why some incumbents are pushing for public housing. It's not for those that cannot afford at all. Rehoboth Beach is not year round enough for this crowd. Sorry thing is that it will happen as people continue to sit home and not vote (then bitch afterwards).
I lost power and starting having DT's. All is good now. And BTW Jim your plan sucks!
7:59 Only an illiterate troll would vow to keep a candidate from getting "on the ballad."
7:59- a ballad is a song,the word you are looking for is ballot :)
and i hope Mr. Albero has reported the fake fb page so it can be shut down
Mr. KING White is still as big a moron as when he was here.
Dear 8:10
I think your comment to disconnect Jim Ireton's teaching career and his political ambitions is going in the wrong direction. When I taught,I was smoking in the student center and got my ass ripped for not being a good example. I was working with high school kids not elementary students like Ireton who get to see his incomplete sentences and rude out of place interuptions on television. I fully question his abilities as a communicator as a leader I have no respect of examples of his ability to do that at all.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yes, you are right that Jim Ireton is not the best mayor, not even a good one. however, please keep his teaching profession out of it. Two totally different fields, and one can be good at one and not the other. Politics are completed. He is a great teacher!
July 8, 2012 8:05 PM
Are you a lunatic? He is a pathetic teacher and has been in trouble numerous times.
8:05 you don't watch the news?? how many teachers have been on there in the last couple years for some kind of sexual abuse? he's definetly showing that he has a mental problem! i could only imagine what he teaches his students! lol
7:59.. you sound like ur goverment issued! may i ask what branch of goverment?
Raleigh has the college downtown so of course its booming.Move Salisbury University downtown and see what happens.
The facebook thing is not even important. It is a waste of time to do anything about it.
well JOE,
Have not worries, if they were to publish false names, then that would be a crime... So let them, and take them out after they lie...
Let's all create some more Jimmy Ireton's on facebook and run for the roses! Or pansies, whatever the case may be.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Let's all create some more Jimmy Ireton's on facebook and run for the roses! Or pansies, whatever the case may be.
July 9, 2012 11:59 AM
If you do that then he might want to get Barbara Duncan to investigate it and pout at another press conference. He will say he had someone in his bedroom again to prove something.
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