In a recent radio interview Don Rush asked me this question. While I knew ANY answer wouldn't be popular, I openly exposed one of the areas in which I'll campaign on. Considering this interview will air tomorrow morning and knowing he can't allot enough time to explain it in full I thought I'd take this opportunity to share what I expressed.
Ladies & Gentlemen, 7 years ago the entire budget for the Salisbury Zoo was $350,000.00. They could feed the animals, pay the entire staff and get what was needed off that $350,000.00.
TODAY, the salaries alone are $773,000.00 per year! Their operating expense, (to the taxpayers) is an additional $239,000.00. The overhead is now in excess of $1,000,000.00 per year and that does NOT include local, state and federal grant money! Some say the total expense average per year for the Zoo is nearly $3,000,000.00 a year.
If you're wondering why the Salisbury Police haven't seen raises, well, now you know. If you're wondering why City employees aren't getting raises, now you know.
The Salisbury Zoo has become a major liability, yet you never hear any of this information in the Press. So how can we fix it? Well, that's where things get difficult in the sense that there needs to be some give and take. A gumball used to cost a penny, now it's a quarter. The Zoo just can't be free any more but allow me to explain how my plan can and will work.
I'd like to propose we charge a $1.00 fee to get into the Zoo. Now before you get your panties all twisted, listen to how we can make this work.
The Salisbury Zoo is YOUR ZOO. It should remain FREE to ALL City Residents. However, if you live in Laurel, Seaford, Cambridge, Ocean City, etc., you'll pay $1.00 to get in. I'd propose that the Zoo be open one day a month FREE to ALL visitors. This will resolve any issue with those who cannot afford to get in.
Now follow these numbers. The Zoo claims they get 350,000 visitors per year. While I do not believe these numbers to be accurate, let's just go with what they provide. If we were to get 350,000 paying visitors into the Zoo, we'd only have $350,000.00 towards the relief of Salisbury taxpayers. IF we were to be far more realistic, I'd say, (giving them credit) 100,000 paying people per year we'd only relieve the taxpayers by $100,000.00.
Considering the Zoo staff payroll has increased almost 3 fold in the past 7 years, $100,000.00 isn't much, but it's something. You have to admit, the Zoo doesn't look $400,000.00 a year nicer than it did 7 years ago. However, every time someone upgrades the Zoo, (look at the numbers) the expenses go way UP. Similar to the new Fire Boat. It may be all nice and shiny but give it a few years and wait until you see what it costs to keep it up.
The Salisbury Zoo is an incredible asset to our City. You should know that 99% of ALL the Zoo Directors across the United States are responsible for 100% of the overhead to run their Zoo's. IF the Director cannot fund raise to cover ALL of their overhead, they're fired. The days of the Salisbury's Zoo Director getting a free ride off the taxpayers is over. We no longer live in an economy where the Zoo can remain free. That is, unless your a local citizen living in the City.
I cannot imagine ANYONE who would say no to this proposal. It is fiscally responsible and the very people who live in the City would continue to have free access to their Zoo. It's a win/win for all.
I didn't want people hearing bits and pieces of this radio interview without having the full knowledge of my proposal. Again, I will not run and hide behind my intent should I get elected. I will always be up front expressing my ideas as I have nothing to hide. We cannot continue to give things away, especially when the overhead rises 200 and 300%. We have mouths to feed. We have employees who have not seen COLA increases, let alone pay raises in several years. We continue to hit employees up with health insurance increases every year. We must do something to offer some relief and I really do not believe a $1.00 charge is going to break anyone.
So there it is Ladies & Gentlemen. It may not be popular but it IS fiscally responsible.
I'd Like To Add: I'd also like to see ONE entrance to the Zoo instead of two. This would get rid of flashers, skateboarders, bicyclists, people trying to drive cars into the Zoo, joggers, pets, people sneaking food in and pedophiles. It's almost impossible to police the Zoo in any way when people can run the opposite way and get out. This is a ZOO, not a park.
You have NO idea how big a problem the above has been over the years. Where do pedophiles hang out? THINK about it Folks. I know for a fact this is a problem at the Salisbury Zoo but has been kept quiet for all too many years. Charge a buck and they won't pay to get in. Close the east gate and have everyone enter from the west gate where it's much safer for children.
Dude this is a great idea. Why the hell hasn't anyone else come up with this idea. You are on a roll Joe. I live in the county and I would have no problem paying a dollar per person to get into the zoo. Count us in for two votes.
As a city taxpayer I had no idea we were paying out that much money for the zoo. Holy cow. Those increases are outrageous. Ireton needs to go and I want some answers from our council as well.
i live in the city and $1 wouldn't make or break me
A soda now cost a 1.50 in a vending machine a dollar for the Zoo is cheat!
Great idea!
Why hasn't this been done already?
The friends of the zoo organization screws over the tax payers. They sell concession stuff and pocket the money. The money should go towards our tax relief instead of always coming up with ways to spend it on stupid stuff. I heard last week they have two new gators to ride around in. Not gators as in animals. That's a lot of money. This is a good idea Joe.
Since you raised the topic of "overhead" costs associated with assets, (and the fireboat was mentioned) consider floating a nationwide sale of the boat. You immediately eliminate the overhead cost and take in income in the form of pure profit for what you sell the boat for.
With ideas like these you can't fail!
Are you kidding me? There are people who really want to go to the zoo but can't afford a buck? That is laughable on it's face. All of our american poor have cell phones and cars. Everyone has a buck. I know it is a county issue but I think the ferry should be handled the same way. charge a buck to ride. It easily saves that much gas. Have those that benefit the most pay the most and take most of the burden off the rest of the citizens. These are the ways taxes should be applied in a blanket fashion where everyone is punished by the beaucracy
This is leadership material.
Where does the money go from the stuffed animals and tee shirts?
You do know you are really upsetting some powerful people Joe. Be careful.
anonymous 3:40, it doesn't go to the taxpayers relief, if that's what your wondering. It goes to new toys, as in the gators mentioned in an earlier comment.
The City is NOT being run like a business. It's a TOY for certain special interests.
The information I'll expose throughout this election will blow peoples minds. This is just the beginning.
What in the world is wrong with the people in this area. This is small and easy thing to do but no one has ever attempted it, why?
anonymous 3:41, the truth usually does that to people who have forgotten where they came from.
The smallest changes can make the biggest difference sometimes. You are moving in the right direction.
anonymous 3:42, why did we build a $14,000,000.00 Fire Palace? Are we seeing more fires than New York City, because they don't even build them that expensive in Manhatten.
I plan on changing ALL of that.
The President of the Zoo Commission, Ron Alessi has been in charge for too many years. In fact Mr. Alessi stated and I'll quote, "the Zoo will be free for as long as I live".
Well Mr. Alessi, I suggest you pony up at least the cost difference in salaries alone over the past 7 years.
It money is being missed used why doesn't someone do something about it.
"Anonymous said...
What in the world is wrong with the people in this area. This is small and easy thing to do but no one has ever attempted it, why?
July 18, 2012 3:42 PM"
You know why? Because no one want to do any actual work and they are too comfortable with going to the city with their hands out and the city has been to complacent in forking over money with no questions asked.
Are people over paid?
Excelent idea Mr. Albero. I'm a city resident but I have to admit I don't always make donations at the zoo. I really wouldn't have any problem putting in a dollar for each of us to go in. This is kind of like an incentive. I like it and I agree with it.
Are you telling me if I buy something from the Zoo it doesn't go back into the Zoo?
Can't imagine anyone complaining about a buck to get into a decent zoo.
anonymous 3:49, There are only a few people who are overpaid and the Zoo isn't one of them.
There are way too many people working there, that's for sure.
Plow the whole thing under, just like downtown!
anonymous 3:50, I didn't say that. The money goes into a fund in which your elected officials have NO SAY in how it's spent.
Joe, Question.
How will you tell the difference between locals and people coming from out of town?
I as a city resident would be OK with the Zoo being shut down and that area made into a picnic section or some other rent-able gathering place.
Every time I go to the Salisbury Zoo with my kids I get depressed seeing the animals in a small confined place, and here lately I feel like I need a tetanus shot just to walk around the place.
As a City taxpayer I am also concerned how much it will cost to fix the run off issues.
I would rather have well payed law enforcement officers protecting the area than a Zoo that keeps increasing its operating costs every year.
I hope the voters do the right thing.
I have never liked the idea of zoos. I do not like to see animals caged. However , if there are endangered species , then this can't be avoided.The $1.00 charge is a good idea. Even a $5.00 charge would be good.
Having said that , I would like to see the animals released into the wild after rehab. , then other animals could take the place of the released animals. Most animals can be acquired with cost of shipping , the economy has brought many zoos to their knees.
Good luck with this Joe! I know your wife would be a guardian angel to the zoo.
I like the idea Joe, but if the Zoo is costing tax payers that much then let's get rid of it. I have been there maybe two times in the past ten years and it looks like the same old dump to me. It can't be attracting 4 millions worth of tourists.
What does the director make a year?
if your serious about wanting help and or need or want Ideas to SAVE Salisbury, Then I have a radical Idea that WILL work PROVIDED SOMEONE HAS BALLS TO even just talk about it or to have proposals made and the like... I could save this city, this county and this state at least a million a year for each meaning 1 million saved for city of sby and for the county and state which equates to 3 million and could be more...
If thy right hand offend thee , then cut it off.
We should have learned something from The Planet Of The Apes.
How did the zoo get so out of hand. I am not very happy with the mayor and council right now. I'm in favor of closing the zoo. Your proposal may be their last life line Joe.
As a city resident I'd say I'd even be for making the cost higher than a dollar with some plans for new and expanded exhibits. We should want our Zoo to not only be cost effective and not a burden of the taxpayer, but also attract people to the area and possibly become a revenue maker or at least a break even.
Lions and tigers and bears!
Did you know there is a park tax for people facing the park..I guess they are taxed to view the beauty.
1 to 3 mill!!! For that rinky dink hole?!?!
Sounds like a den of thieves!!!
Close it down, donate the animals to a real zoo. There is absolutely no way they are spending even 1 mill a yr on that property! THIEVES!
No wonder our taxes keep going up. Ireton wanted to give raises to his employees in the mayors office but he had to raise taxes to do it. Don't jump on the council too much. They rejected those pay raises. I'm in favor of closing the zoo if they don't agree to this.
Make it cost effective or close it down.
I'm not sure who I'm madder at. Is that a word. How did this get past us.
How is the money collected? Do we have to hire an employee? I am sure there will be money to set it up.
The Zoo is a pre example of what is wrong with this city and country. Why literally WASTE MONEY just to do it? The Zoo is doing absolutely nothing for the city of Salisbury.
anonymous 4:25, I disagree with that. It could be an incredible and valuable asset, IF it's run like a business.
anonymous 4:24, Volunteers. The Zoo has always had volunteers. I know I'd be willing to do a shift, just like ringing the bell for the Salvation Army.
Absolutely in favor of closing the zoo - costing Salisbury residents way too much for the thieves over there to buy gators and ride around.
anonymous 4:00, sorry it took so long to get you an answer but here goes.
The Zoo Director 7 years ago made around $30,000.00 a year.
The current Zoo Director now makes, ARE YOU READY, $66,364.65 per year.
$350,000.00 a year 7 years ago to an overhead of over $1,000,000.00!
"This is not my election to lose, it's the citizens election to lose".
I remember reading years ago how the water continues to flow non stop in their exhibits and all of us are paying for it on our water bills. Someone really needs to dig into what the zoo is actually costing the taxpayers.
I vote to close the Zoo, The times we live in are changing and higher costs are every where. Some services need to be cut or eliminated. The Zoo may be on the chopping block !
anonymous 4:38, you are correct. I brought this up multiple times in the past but Mayor Tilghman refused to be accountable with any answers. At least the run off isn't running directly into the river any more but I do see your point.
Are you serious. The zoo director gets paid almost 70 grand a year. I never see or hear anything about him. If they keep the zoo open your idea is a really good one.
How do you know where someone is from - who to charge, who not to charge? I have been to the zoo when Wicomico School buses come in loaded with kids. Do you stop each one and ask where they live? Tell the ones living in Salisbury, they get in free but their best friends have to pay. I guess the buses I see from Virginia or other MD counties will be required pay.
Then the NAACP and ACLU come a calling and the fun begins. Even though I carry my 4 kids to the Zoo and Ben's Red Swings, several times a year and give the kids money to donate while there my opinion is to bulldoze if the Zoo is costing Salisbury taxpayers as much as you say.
kive in the county
I very large storm is coming!
Prepare yourselves Salisbury things are coming to change!
What does he do that gets him the kind of money?
You are unlike any Political figure I have ever seen. You are a man of the people.
anonymous 4:49, are you serious? ALL children should ALWAYS be accompanied by ADULTS. The adults have driver's licenses. IF you show you live in Salisbury you get in free, along with your children. IF someone brings a guest you'll have to pay a dollar, OUCH.
ALL busses would be required to pay a $1.00 per person charge, ALL of them.
"I am not reinventing the wheel, I'm simply inflating it with air".
Joe Albero
We have been waiting all day for one of your personal posts thanks for not disappointing us at the office. All of the Girls just love you and some of the guys too! LOL
"I am not reinventing the wheel, I'm simply inflating it with air".
Joe Albero
anonymous 4:56, Thank You Ladies. The guys can vote for, well, nevermind. LOL
Will the zoo accept Independance Cards?
Joe off the subject but Salisbury News is running slow. I think it is because all the people on here,you are all I hear about every where I go. Sometimes I think people are talking more about you then Obama.
I must say this has to be one of the best platforms to run a campaign. You are your own media. Just Brilliant, Just Brilliant!
To the Mayor's Office and Beyond.....
anonymous 5:00, it's probably the healthies dollar they'll ever use on that card.
Love It!
Must be liberals running it.
Albero For Mayor
Are they still doing the bike trail?
Dleo9148 said...
Will the zoo accept Independance Cards?
July 18, 2012 5:00 PM
Must be a Obama voter!
Ireton wants to clean the river so we can swim in it. Joe, your platform had balls and Iretons is all fluff. You started cleaning the river many years before Iretopn was elected and you actually got things done to improve it. You nailed the zoo and the wwtp and the mde forced them to fix polluting the river. What has Ireton done. In fact, can anyone tell me what Ireton has done since he was elected.
I don't think Jim saw you coming Joe. Even if he did there clearly is no way to prepare for someone like yourself. You have business wisdom that just, well it leaves me speechless.
A new day is dawning! I believe we will once again be the Crossroads Of Delmarva.
Question- Maybe we should come up with a new slogan once you are elected?
anonymous 5:19, I hadn't thought of it that way. I think the Mayor put filters on SOME of the pipes draining into the river but that's about it. That certainly isn't going to make it swimable in ten years, that's for sure. Oh, he had that barge removed in the north prong. I personally would have gone after the company that dumped it there but leave it to a liberal to spend good money, (our tax dollars) after bad money.
Jim Ireton is a school teacher, not a businessman. He has absolutely no clue what he's doing and is in WAY over his head.
If I've said it once I've said it a hundred times, they never saw me coming.
Joe how can you ask for proof of township if it is against the law to ask for ID. ACLU, NAACP will appear, rest assure. Last week there were more persons of color and Hispanics there acting like animals with no supervision than whites. We did not stay as long as usual.
anonymous 5:28, IF someone wants to access the Zoo for free they will have to provide their ID. It is NOT against the law IF this is your policy. Post it and it is legal.
People are required to give their name and address at council meetings. I doubt being asked to prove your residence is against the law.
I heard a guy exposed himself down there a few years ago. My friend was so upset. I'd bet the swing area has the same problem.
When will we know if someone(other then Jim) is running against you?
Should we charge for parking as well Joe?
I'm going to ask about this at the next council meeting. How in the hell did this happen.
anonymous 5:34, NO. However, as an example to some people I've talked to recently I did say, how about we move the meters from Downtown to the City Park and Zoo. They replied, you can't do that. The Park and Zoo are free and that's the beauty of it. I replied, BUT it's OK to charge those people spending millions of dollars a year with businesses Downtown but it's NOT OK to ask for money from a Free Park and Zoo? They realized at that point that the city has if bass akwards.
I want to make this very clear. I am in no way encouraging ANY meters at the Zoo or Park. This was simply an answer to OPEN the minds of nay sayers who think meters should stay Downtown. IF I am elected I will get rid of the meters Downtown.
I sit back and think about Greg Bassetts editorial the other day and then I look at this article. Joe, you are night and day over that jackass.
Call me stupid but I had no idea they had a problem there with pedophiles. It makes sense though.
I have seen many people skateboaring and riding bikes through the zoo.
It works for me.
I'm glad you shared this. Like many others, I had no idea this was going on. Your mother would be very proud of you Joe.
It is such a simply plan but I bet the council will vote it down.
I would be willing to pay five dollars if we get another donkey for the zoo
Joe why haven't we heard of this pedophile problem before?
You are looking out for city employees and you have my vote. Guess where I live and work.
You are right Joe. People that are there for the right reason will have no problem paying one dollar. There is not another Zoo for hours.
anonymous 6:02, you obviously haven't followed Salisbury News. I used to break that kind of news years ago but too many people were saying I was beating up on the Zoo too much. They may have been right, (at the time) but it needed to be exposed. Never once did the Daily Times expose such information, nor the rest of the local MSM. My Wife worked there for 18 years and can tell you stories about these pedophiles for hours on end. They'd try and track them down but they'd run out one of the two gates and got away.
anonymous 6:02, let's get rid of the one in the Mayor's Office first, then we'll talk. LOL
I assume the person checking identifications will be equipped with a map or google maps? I have a Salisbury address but live near Eden, definitely in Salisbury city.
anonymous 6:07, Close Enough! Come on now, do you really think people would be abusing this rule if their driver's license says Salisbury on it. Come on nay sayers, you can do better than that. Not one comment has come in showing it is not a good idea. I seriously welcome anyone with an opposite opinion to tell us all why it wouldn't work, why it wouldn't help the taxpayers or why it would hurt the Zoo.
They send tons of money out of the country to buy land in Africa and stuff like that. The money is supposed to go to the zoo and it doesn't.
If the city council reads Sbynews they are right say "YES' Thank God someone has come forward with a brain.I am sure they will be with you all the way. If not we will get rid of them. Because most people are not only behind you but will walk with you. The tire thing is great, any chance of a bumper sticker with that saying? My car is tilted with your bumper sticker on the left side and I need something for the right (lol) Mr. A, you are a breath of fresh air. Thank you. map
Anonymous said...
It is such a simply plan but I bet the council will vote it down.
July 18, 2012 6:00 PM
Not if you keep the council majority you have now. Debbie Campbell is coming up for reelection in the spring, and the "haves" are going to put every effort forward to get her unseated.
Shanie Shields is coming up, too. Her middle name is "Free".
I hope you get elected so these idea you have come true.
Your passion is just wonderful Joe. Anyone with your drive will make a difference.
When will the great Laura Mitchell be leaving us?
Anonymous said...
They send tons of money out of the country to buy land in Africa and stuff like that. The money is supposed to go to the zoo and it doesn't.
July 18, 2012 6:14 PM
What the hell do we need land in another country for? Cut the grass right here in Salisbury!
When you get elected I hope you are able to keep Salisbury News going.
Its not a simple plan but a great one.Joe start with the Zoo Commisson first.Aloota graft there I think????>?>
My goodness Joe , Ireton will have his little pink panties in a wad when he reads this. Let's see how he and his grusome two-some react to this(shanie and the other white woman).
Here I am , I'm drunk again!!!
One thing
How much and who do you pay to collect the money... and $1.00 per person may cost more or break even paying for the collection, bank fees, accounting fees, etc..
So don't everyone get all excited until a study of how much it costs to collect the money and how much you then make. You will have to pay someone at least minimum wage to collect the fee, bank fees, accounting of the money, security of the money etc..
Some of you are new to watching city politics. Debbie Campbell, with support from Terry Cohen, supported a $1 charge at the zoo to help stop a double-digit tax increase. Barrie Tilghman, Gary Comegys, Louise Smith and Shanie Shields turned their minions out in force and insulted these women. That former zoo director, what's his name, was rude and disrespectful to them.
Now it's happening all over again with Ireton, Bassett, Dunn, etc.
anonymous 6:55, please do tell the tens of thousands of "DOLLAR STORES" they can't make money at what they do.
You don't have to prove you are from Salisbury in a dollar store.
Has anyone seen Jim at the Zoo lately?
You need to patent this ideas or Jim will steal them for his own. Just like his "New" idea for Downtown.
Wow you have many supporters Sir!
6:55, there were lots of ways to deal with that, but they didn't want to listen to Debbie and Terry back then either. Every idea those two have had for years has been slammed down by the Barrie-Dunn-Ireton crew, the true culture of no.
My way, or the highway, right, Barrie Dunn Ireton?
Are you going to be able to do anything about city taxes?
Joe you have some fabulous ideas for the zoo. I just don't see how you will ever get Teresa Gardner to cooperate with you and to help bring any of your plans to fruition regarding anything in her department.
If I had a dollar for every broken promise Jim Ireton told on his campaign well I would be able to get 5 bus loads of kids in the Zoo.
lmao, what a bunch of boneheaded morons you folks are. Do you think the zoo is the only entity in this city / county being run like this. remember the dump? look at the board of ed. fire department, the airport, humane society and every other commision or group that has a say over city county property.
you all can't possibly be that stupid!
What a bunch of fools you all are!
You are crazy for going against the powers at be. I worry about you.
I keep having beers for your election at this rate I am going drunk.
By the amount of comments I am starting to think the voters are tired of Jim and his games.
anonymous 8:02, did you not read this Post. This WOULDG help Salisbury taxes.
As for Teresa Gardner, if she doesn't straighten out her act real soon I can assure you she'll be on the unemployment line so fast she won't know what hit her.
Every voter should know right up front, I do NOT play games. ANYONE who is abusive, man or woman, will not have a place working for the City of Salisbury.
The Zoo looks like a dump. It is not well groomed and after reading these increases I am madder then hell.
Joe, please save those poor animals at the zoo.
Once again you have shown more business sense than anything Ireton has done in three years. I do believe the council would support this plan and I will support it by giving my vote to Joe.
I can't wait to see you first Press Conference as Mayor. Watch all of them eat crow.
See you on 3rd Friday! I will be the one wearing my Albero shirt and so will hundreds of others!
Maybe the Zoo should be closed. It is very poorly maintained.
Can we have a wet tee shirt contest?
Just with your shirts of course.
anonymous 8:49, I have no time for press conferences. I will be hired to do a job. I am not an actor who has a daily desire to be in front of a camera. I am not a drama queen who must be liked or I'll throw fits. I have one goal, proving, (for once) that the job can be done right. That we can give relief to the taxpayers.
Besides Jim Ireton, do show me the big names with the biggest mouthes home addresses. The majority opf them do not live in Salisbury. They want all the business that can be thrown their way but they do not live here.
Maybe we should check ID's at the door for every forum too.
anonymous 8:53, no, sorry Jim, not a good idea. ;-)
Anonymous said...
Can we have a wet tee shirt contest?
Just with your shirts of course.
July 18, 2012 8:53 PM
Be very careful with this Joe. Big girls need love too. ;)
I wonder what corner Jim is crying in tonight. Sorry Jim you have not done the job you promised you just have to go.
Have your first Meet and Greet at the Zoo.
I like what you have said so far however with all the time it takes to run Salisbury News how will you have time to run our City?
Time and time again people you have endorse get elected. You are a wise business man and seem to know what, we the voters want.
As much as some people would like to see me shut down Salisbury News, don't think for a second we didn't pre plan for this run for Mayor.
I start my mornings at 4:30 AM. By 8:00 AM I have all the Posts up for the entire day until midnight.
I'll be in my GOB Office before anyone else shows up and I'll be the very last to leave every day. NOTHING is going to change. We will have people prepared for ALL breaking news stories throughout the day and we'll deliver just as many fresh articles once I'm Mayor as we do every regular day.
We know about the new alleged newspaper coming to Salisbury. I'm sure they're hoping I'll stop doing what we do but they're sadly mistaken.
You can stop asking that question, (which gets rejected most of the time) every day. As my attorney would say, asked and answered.
do you honestly expect to win an election in a democratic Salisbury with all the ultra-right posts that you have here? Tone it down, you need a campaign adviser. I don't live in Salisbury, just a word of wisdom from an independent observer.
thank you
I like your ideas.
I think you could really win. It would be awesome.
For once in many years I am hopeful about Salisbury
Where will they park when you close down east gate. Ben's red swings keep west end parking full.
Haha the donkey is a god idea...
I seem to remember hearing several years ago that there was talk of charging at the zoo.
I think maybe everyone, local or not, should have to pay. Locals $1.00, out-of-towners $3.00. That's cheap.
Mary Ann, with all due respect, yes, I absolutely expect to win this election.
Look, I'm not a politician, so I refuse to put up feel good articles and ACT like I'm going to sugar coat everything to get people to vote for me.
I will either win this election because of honesty and being straight forward or I will not win at all.
I am NOT desperate for a $25,000.00 a year job and that is why I regularly say, "This is not my election to lose, it's the citizens election to lose".
If the citizens want to see things turn around, if they want their tax liability to DECREASE, they'll vote for me. If the citizens want more subsidized housing, including waterfront property in Downtown, vote for Jim Ireton. I'm perfectly cool with that.
However, I will not lie. I will not use words that say one thing but mean another. This election the citizens are going to learn just what the Mayor's responsibility actually is, because what you've seen from Tilghman and Ireton is a totall crock.
Oh, so you know about the new newspaper? So then you must know it's the brainchild of one John Robinson. You two still good, or is this going to put you back on the outs again? Inquiring minds want to know...
Save a cage for Ireton , he would get better treatment at the zoo than a mental hospital.
However , he's not a rare breed in this day an age.
Maybe he will move to California.
I'm glad you pointed out your work hours , most people don't understand that an 8 hr. day doesn't exist for success. We know that obamie is used to the 8 hr. crap , but that's his culture.
2:11 is the newspaper brain child John Robinson the same one who is building Salisbury skate park the same John Robinson who is moving to Virginia?
im a city employee and i havent had a raise in 5 yrs , how have their salaries rose so much ?
Charge $2.50 and be done with it!It is worth it!
You have great plans and ideas I just hope the nasayers are open minded this time.
Why are so many things covered up in this town?
Anonymous said...
Why are so many things covered up in this town?
Because there are so many guilty people with what passes for lots of money.
Joe, I'm a city resident, I think everyone should pay, city resident or not. Having a couple days when it's free each month is enough. Thanks for your visions
As well as the fiscal side, it is great to see someone passionate about improving the Zoo. I live in Laurel, but my daughters enjoy going to the Zoo and it's not uncommon that we go every other weekend in the summer. I usually donate $5 or so every visit, so a $1 per person charge doesn't offend me. It would be great to see some real effort put into the place as a whole. Some supervision of the picnic area might be in order, I nearly got into a fight with some adults last summer for reprimanding kids who were throwing stones at geese. Love your ideas Joe.
anonymous 2:57 & others, I can't thank ALL of you enough for showing your support.
PLEASE continue to donate and support the Zoo.
Joe: I would charge $5 a person. The reason why is when (not if) you have to raise the rate people will gripe. Just set the price the market will bare now and use the extra to upgrade the look of the place. It looks unkept now, but people don't care as much because it's free. Start charging and you'll need to offer more.
Another way to raise money for Salisbury is to make a yearly renters license fee, use OC as an example. I saw a study that showed the average home owner on a street pays as much taxes as all the rental homes on the street combined. This is wrong, it is robbery to the citizens of Salisbury. Make the landlords pay their fair share. It would raise the city income to where it should be to allow for the raises and more cops.
Look into this and you will see.
Wow!!!! DC Zoo pay for parking as high as 35.00 after three hours..Food courts costly and security throughout the zoo...$1.00 or five dollars at the Salisbury Zoo is worth the visit but up grade the zoo and park drawing attention of visitors during the summer months. I love the park area but children love the zoo so either way charging is not an issue. The only entertainment for children and should be enjoyed in all aspect....Whoa!! charge and upgrade!!!
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