"Bateman Street will be one-way between South Division and Wayne Street (where the SU parking garage is located), heading toward South Division only; it will remain two-way from Wayne Street to Route 13".
It will NOT head towards S. Division Street. Instead, it will head towards the College. The IDEA is to get traffic off S. Division Street.
The paper went on to say, "We applaud the City Council for making the right decision, for Salisbury's sake".
Are you still applauding the Council after WE got it right?
The Loser Newspaper.
Can't believe or trust a word they say.
Hey they got a new leader.Just that nothing changes.
SU had offered the city a portion of the northeast corner of its athletic field which runs along S. Division and Bateman Streets. Will the council consider using the plot SU is willing to deed to them for help in fixing the problems. The council has been working on this since 2007 with no solution or (I believe) no approval.
I am aware of the city's 2006 traffic study, on the intersection of Onley Road/South Division Street/Bateman Street, the school system paid the city $25,000 to cover its portion of the cost of improving the intersection. During construction, in accordance with the terms of a public works agreement signed with the city, the school system also spent more than $1 million to redesign the access. Lord only knows how much this has cost tax payers over this seven year period. When the school was finished a year early, the council has now spent another year in non agreement. Pathetic
Is this statement in the Daily Times true? "The Council actually voted to move forward and approved the plan, just before realizing additional publicity is required before the decision can be made official." (referring to the meeting on July 2nd)
I read the DT's article and thought, "How the he!! is this going to help traffic at this intersection??? Let's just funnel more cars at it?"
Okay, so now Bateman will be one way for the block leading FROM Division. Better. Question is, will this be a sign installation job or a $20 million dollar intersection rebuild?
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