Joe, Just cancelled our account after 50 yrs. Dialed the local number and after many minutes was connected with someone in Kentucky and told in detail my issues. She said that she would send these issues on to management.
Publisher's Notes: May this spread like wildfire with an 80 mile per hour wind. Ladies & Gentlemen, it says a whole lot when someone cancels a subscription after 50 years. Now it's your turn. Make that call.
Cancelled mine 4 years ago.
I had been a continuous subscriber for 28 years before I had enough and cancelled it.
Since then I figure I've saved hundreds of dollars in subscription costs/fees I have NOT had to pay!
Soon the Daily Times will be charging you to view their web page. However, the same bias reporting will be on the internet.
did mine in 2008 after about 30 years...
I used to read the obituaries , but they can't even get them right.
but i have pet birds
guess i could use the Sun
I don't subscribe to the Daily Times and I do agree that it is very poorly written and untrustworthy. Nevertheless, I enjoy reading newspapers. There is something about feeling the paper in my hands and shaking it when you turn ther pages to straighten it out. And I need paper to start a fire in the fireplace in the winter. And there is a need when you eat crabs...and so forth and so on...
what were his issues?
anonymous 6:44, If you only knew who this person is! To be frank, I'm amazed they lasted as long as they did but I'm very proud of them for finally telling Greg Basset & Co. where they can shove it.
6:41-use pine cones to start your fireplace. They work great and you don't need newspaper. I use about 5 or 6 tucked in around the wood and a few scrapes of junk mail or other household paper trash. You need very little paper with the pine cones.
When I get paper bags I twist them tight. Makes good fire starters. Even better if you get greasy food in them. See I dont need the newspaper either. Try it.
I used to subscribed to the Daily Times for many, many years. After approximately twenty calls regarding poor customer service (they couldn't or rather would not deliver the paper properly on my property. They threw the paper in the street, curb, yard, bushes,it was stolen many times still I had to pay for such poor service. I got so sick of their false promises to improve, I cancelled my subscription and I have not missed them at all. They are poor representatives of newspaper reporters!
I got a subscription a year ago at a local gas station and called them tonight. They were scrambling trying to make all kinds of deals but I told them I'm done.
Sorry I can’t MY Salisbury local wife won’t let me, but I’ll work on that. HOWEVER I will encourage all my friends, co-workers at Wallops to join in the boycott. I will however not shop at any store advertising in that paper north of the Pocomoke. (Guess were I buy my Liquor, cigs and Gas—O’Malley) This paper has made me puke since I moved here in 88. I was happy to see that Libtard Sahler leave. This paper has NEVER been fair, balanced, informative, never been the watch dog for the citizens!! Only pathetic lapdogs for the closet Marxist Socialist Politicians you all seem to elect. (I live in MD but not Salisbury, but I have been following SBYNEWS since the zoo days. Your blog is a breath of fresh air and truth. Something lacking in any other form of media in this area) So as I saw today with the letter from 3 good patriots, there is hope and it now appears you finally have a crew you need to keep. Just KEEP the freedom flag flying at SBY NEWS down with the DT, Fiscal irresponsibility, so called “Free money” projects, SEC 8 ghettos housing , FAT cat BOE execs, left wing policies and corrupt journalism, and unions. These ideologies have gotten us were we are today and chased away allot of good jobs and industry from this area. The bloggers are the new wave of info and empowerment. Newspapers, TV news days are done. They don’t have a “set” to stand up for what is really right for all us anymore. If they think this Left agenda is the way, Man they are very out of touch with reality. Those policies have gotten us here! It has to stop now! Or we will be engulfed in the socialist sickness we see killing Europe. Just keep it up and remember they live in LIBARTD LAND. So fight them with truth justice and the American way....
P.S. Hey Joe can we sue WBOC for false advertising? Their motto Delmarva’s News leader is false advertising!
Who is next to dial the number???
I did over 30 years ago
That Gannett guru from NY will soon be canning the Bassett bunch -it's long overdue - and good riddance.
I just signed up. I'm new to the area. I have to give them a shot
I called today to place a yardsale ad and was quoted 25$ for a 2 day ad. I told the girl that every year I put a yardsale ad in and its around 17$. So I asked why the increse, she told me that they have never had 17$ ads and its always been that high adn actually argued that with me...thats great customer service right there...lets argue with the customer! No ad placed!!!! The Daily Times has been going down hill for a while!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Joe, I was wondering if they still 'love' the competition! lmao.
Goodbye Daily rag and good riddance.
You were all so haughty and better than everyone else in the past when you were the only game in town.
Joe Albero, the next Mayor of Salisbury, has kicked you butt fair and square. ( Well, at least on his part. We all know you don't know the meaning of the words fair or square).
Personally, I am glad you got your ass handed to you. It took a while but that day has finally come.
Let this be a lesson to the bunch of you in any future endeavors you attempt.
Karma is a bitch. Remember this feeling of being humbled. It is good for the soul, if you can find yours.
Joe, as a former Salisburian for almost 40 years and now living in Florida, I have to admit that I pull up the DT web site every day primarily for the obits. Promise me if they shut down you will do the obits daily.
Had a professor at SSC back in the 80's that referred to the DT as "The Daily Fishwrapper". Funny then but even more appropriate today.
Reprinted court documents is all they want to print. They wouldn't think of actually doing any investigative reporting. Court documents are old news in today's world.
If they would do a little reporting on local corruption by elected and appointed officials, I might consider buying the paper.
You people make me laugh. You buy the paper to line your bird cage and to start your fiteplace...without reading it first?
I think Jack has a great idea as far as you posting the Obits on your site.
I used to buy the Daily Times on Sunday exclusively for the Obits & coupons, but have been buying the Washington Post on Sunday for the past year. Not only for the coupons, but also since they publish informative reading material and news.
Perhaps many of you don't realize this. If you click on the Holloway Funeral Home link it takes you to the obituaries. We have provided that service for more than a year now. I will start working on getting the rest of the Funeral Homes to provide such information.
There are many more funeral homes in the area than Holloway. Being a person of color, I have had no reason to go to friends funerals at Holloway's. Will you carry black person's passing?
David T-No one said they didn't read the DT's first before using it for other purposes. It's the repurpose factor that is the most useful is the intent.
And why is this news? LOL
Complain to the funeral home...they give the D. Times the information.
I personally like reading the Daily Times, and I read Joe's site every day also. There is some information in the Times that I wouldn't get on Salisbury News, and vice versa, that's why I read both. Keep up the good work, Joe!! :-)
Comes in handy I eat a lot crabs.
And my re-purpose is recycle....as any responsible person would do,either in a recycle bin,eat crabs on, or clean windows with it. It does a great streak free job on windows. BUT I READ IT FIRST
Years ago the DT used to give away the ends of their paper roll. I still have it and use it for crabs and such. It's great. I got it for free, there is no ink on it....and I don't have to read anything the DT has to say!
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