The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce that Deputy Allison Herrman was awarded top academic honors from the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice academy June 13th 2012 Deputy Herrman graduated number one in her class. Deputy Herrman joins her brother Sgt. Nate Passwaters in serving the citizens of Worcester County.

Deputy Herrman is pictured in the center flanked by the Worcester County Sheriff Reggie Mason and Chief Deputy Dale Smack.
New member of the gang.
Now the actual learning can start.
How about a weight loss program? And maybe uniforms that actually fit.
Should be very interesting back at the station house since she was just arrested for DUI by another ranking deputy from her own agency last year and received PBJ. Now we got drunks arresting drunks. Good. Choice Sheriff. This wreaks of nepatism.
damn guess there was no physical fitness test! talk about a load!
we're gonna need bigger squad cars with beefier suspensions!
To Anon 4:39
Though that did happen, this person actually paid her own way through the academy and took responsibility for her mistake while also showing dedication to doing what she truly wanted to do in life. So get over yourself.
Though that did happen, this person actually paid her own way through the academy and took responsibility for her mistake
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