It was very disheartening for the Jaycees as they had been such a great supporter of the event for so many years.
We tried reaching out to the new County Executive and Mayor for a small donation but they refused to participate. The East Side Chamber of Commerce dug in deep and reached out to local communities in the Willards area and were able to raise ALL of the funds necessary to pull off an event.
The Chamber worked with the Board of Education to secure the Elementary School in Willards. They made sure they had all of the proper things in place to make it work. They secured an insurance policy for the School in case anything went wrong. They secured the Fire Marshall, Fire Department and the Chamber made very sure that any trash was cleared out no latter then the very next morning. However, most was cleared out that night.
This week the Chamber got a call from the Board of Education stating they didn't have a contract. They replied, we never have had a contract. The Board then stated they didn't have the School insured for the event but it was immediately proven that the School was in fact insured right then and there over the phone.
It absolutely amazes me that the Board of Education is doing everything in their powers to actually shut down an event many thousands of people visit and enjoy. All of a sudden Mike Dunn creates an event in Salisbury, (the very same guy who helped shut down the 4th of July event years ago) and now the Willards event is being challenged.
There's no reason we can't have both events but you know how local politicians work, or should I just say Good Old Boys. The Willards event is expected to happen July 3rd. However, the Chamber isn't so sure they'll be able to do it again next year due to politics and NOT because they don't have all their ducks in a row.
There's no question in my mind this is politically motivated. Salisbury News has supported this event from the very first year. We have helped bring in a large group of people to enjoy the event as a grass roots effort and have enjoyed watching its success and support. Man, I sure do hate how elected officials and politicians can destroy such a great thing. We need to make a difference in the next election Ladies & Gentlemen because I would never, (especially behind closed doors) pull such a stunt. These people want to stand there and act like local hero's, yet these are the same people who shut the 4th of July down without a care in the world. God Forbid a small group of people show it can be done without them. Are you really going to let these elected officials shut down ANOTHER 4th of July?
No, I will not allow them to shut it down. We will come together and picket if necessary. This is America's celebration and enough is enough.
Before you know it we will not have any fireworks anywhere. Bunch of old coots have nothing better to do then to try to take away our fireworks. Just quit it and get a life!!
I'm sure one of the local farmers could plan his crops around a 4th of July fireworks show. We really don't need the BOE for a fireworks show, or anything else, for that matter. Stop paying them money, maybe they will go away.
Is there another place which is large enough to hold this. Someone will be kind enough to come forward. We are county, patriotic people and where there is a will there is a way.
i hope the people in this area will not allow this to happen. it's been a great celebration for alot of people.
IT is an east wicomico event involving many businesses and organizations from Parsonburg, Powellville, Willards, Pittsville, Salisbury, and beyond...started by the east wicomico chamber of commerce
(non- affiliated)
Dr. Freddy: why did you do this to us?
As some have stated a farmer or someone might let them use the property. However WHY should this be necessary? This is a great place to have the event since the school is not being used during this time of year. Schools are used all over the country to have fireworks shows and it is never a problem. Those jerks in Salisbury need to worry about Salisbury and leave the Willards fireworks alone.
I LOVE the fireworks at Willard's school and know how hard the organizers worked to get it done. Please don't take this away. It's a great FAMILY night something we don't have enough of as it is.
Somebody should ask Mike Dunn if all of his paperwork is complete. I don't think so.
WTH - I work all day on a holiday weekend looking forward to the 4th of July and this what I come home too. Has everyone in this town gone mad. Why can't they just leave a good thing alone? WHY??
Are you saying anti albero people are trying to shut this down because of Joe?
i'm really not surprised to hear this. i don't plan on going to the salisbury fireworks. we have had to make other plans for years and are quite happy with what we usually do. i'm sure the city of salisbury is trying to find a way to profit from this event, maybe paid parking or some kind of scam. i doubt they want anyone to have a choice as to where to go but i'd sooner drive an hour in traffic than spend the 4th in New Jack Salisbury
I live in Salisbury but have gone to Willards fireworks ever since they started them and I will continue to go there no matter what Salisbury does. Willards fireworks have it all over Salisbury anyway and they do welcome everyone to attend.
Dont taxpayers own the schools?
When will we know what they are doing?
Wow, so what you are saying is after all these years the Board asks for insurance proof, something they've never done before?
Basically it just now dawned on them that having a policy for the fire works is a good thing?
Sure sounds like a bunch of competent on the ball people working there-LOL!
The Board of Ed has ALWAYS been named as an insured party for this event. The Chamber does a great job with this event. I have heard nothing about a cancellation to date. I should know because our company shoots the show.
Mike Ash
Bay Fireworks
Again, why is this such a big deal. If the BOE has people on their property and someone gets hurt or injured, guess who will get sued.
Get the required insurance or move it to some redneck farmer's place that wants to lose his tail.
I think the BOE is being smart here.
Forget that. We own that school and they can't stop us from using it especially if all things are in order for finances and safety. Don't lose your spin and back down. Stand up.
They can't fire a show unless they have insurance. The BOE is not being smart they are being the BOE. Deceiptful
I would love it if they moved it to some "redneck" farmers field. I would rather go to Willards and deal with those people you call redneck than deal with the thugs that will be at the ones in Salisbury.
Did you also complain when Salisbury fired their show from the WIHI?
Politicians are politicians first and foremost, they are definately not Patriots, dividing our country the way they have! All of them are worthless scabs on a festering wound. It's time for some amputations at the neck.
If some of you knee jerks bothered to read something before opening your mouth, you would see that insurance was already provided by the people sponcering the event. The BOE did not have to secure insurance dip wads!
While Salisbury might be the 'county seat' it IS not the end-all of the entire county. Most of the rest of us in the outlying areas are considerably embarrassed by what is currently going on IN Salisbury.
For the powers that be, too inept to govern themselves within the town limits, to reach out and attempt to call the shots elsewhere---
PULEEZE--go away, shut UP, leave us alone. Haven't you embarrassed the rest of us enough?
The continual TRAIN WRECK in Salisbury's City government should play NO part in the rest of the county. You don't rule here--shut UP, pull back, go wash up your DIRTY hands, mouth, and butts before you foul the rest of us.
We don't WANT you interfering in our lives.
Well put, Tidewater!
Central government from the big city cannot permit citizens going off and doing their own thing for major celebrations such as Independence Day. Police officials from the City and County should line the streets in Williards wearing full riot gear so that the people attending this lawless event understand that they mean business.
This event will go on whether they like it or not. It's a community getting together and we will NOT allow a bunch of ignorant people ruin something that we all enjoy so much. There are many other communities that have multiple fire works displays. So why is it necessary to try to stop this one? Joe we hope to see you there and bring shirts and bumper stickers!!
Also the chamber tried to get favorable coverage from the Daily Times, spoke with Joe Carmean.....we did get a blurb on page on page whatever.....this in spite of the MANY thousands of people who have attended since it's inception....
Amen, Tidewater. Thanks, Joe. Hooray, redneck farmers.
Anonymous said...
Again, why is this such a big deal. If the BOE has people on their property and someone gets hurt or injured, guess who will get sued.
Get the required insurance or move it to some redneck farmer's place that wants to lose his tail.
I think the BOE is being smart here.
June 30, 2012 9:31 PM
Is this Mike Done or Jim Liarton?
Plain and simple folks, this is another conspiracy from the anti Albero set. We already know the Comptroller, the Sheriff, the State's Attorney, the Salisbury Chief of Police, the Mayor, Superintendent of Wicomico County Schools, past Salisbury city council members, S.U. administration, Perdue, The Daily Times, WBOC, WMDT and many others are all in collusion against Albero. (I could list more, but you get the picture)
This time they have found a way to "stick it to" him that will hurt all of us. Does anyone else find the timing of this very suspicious? Mike Dunn gets appointed to this job as fireworks planner and suddenly Joe Albero can't have his fireworks anymore...... Smell a rat yet?
Mike, your show always is great to watch. The area (Willards) has that small town feel that welcomes familes to attend. It's like going back in time and having a fun family evening where you forget about your troubles. You talk to strangers without it feeling like strangers. You don't get this feeling when the event is held in Salisbury. Mike, you always did a great job in Salisbury. You were never ever the problem. The people with power were the ones who shut it down. At the time it felt like a slap to all of us. We received something we never saw coming. A small town that opened up their arms and have been kicking butt ever since. No matter what happens, I will not attend the Salisbury show. Isn't that the same area where just weeks ago they had college students throwing bottles at cops? No thanks.
According the this post, yes the Willards fireworks have always had insurance. The point is after all these years the BOE decides to check and make sure? That does not say much for the competence of the BOE.
Makes you wonder what else they have fallen short on in their duties.
Way to go Tidewater!
Do you all know why this is now an issue? Even after all the free press Dunn has recieved for his efforts, there isn't much support from the majority of the citizens of Salisbury for this event. I wonder why?
The Chamber is scrambling for an option play, but their heads are empty with the exception of ruining other local events. If the county residents stop supporting the Chamber because of this mess, they will show the Chamber to not get in the middle of local political dung.
Salibury might be the hub, but without the rest of the wheel they will go nowhere.
I'll be in Hebron at the carnival, it's become a ritual since the Salisbury city council Dream Team dropped the ball on this one.
i heard willards is still having an event tuesday evening for all. please check it out...
I just talked to Bob Harris who was the President of the Chamber last year. He has been helping the new President Trent Molnar with the Independence Day Celebration in Willards. It will be held on July 3rd. The Chamber has ALWAYS had insurance. This is nothing new. What is new is that the person in charge of property useage at the BOE. This woman was unfamiliar with the goings on and went off the deep end. This event will not be taken from us by Mike Dunn and his group. This WILL be a family oriented event with no alcohol, drugs, fighting, traffic problems, and every other problem associated with the City of Salisbury. This is an effort put forth by businesses and citizen from the East side of Wicomico County. We WILL celebrate our Independence Day. We WILL have a good time. We WILL honor those who have sacrificed everything so that we have the ability to celebrate our independence. And we WILL do it in a manner that embraces American family values with respect for those sitting next to us - young or old. We WILL NOT let politics take it from us. We are sick of politicians trying to strong arm the citizens by using their authority to twist the law for their own benefit. Thanks Bob for bringing this up and getting it started all those years ago. We will keep it going no matter what they try to do.
The event in Willards WILL happen as planned. I encourage everyone to attend a great family event. You will not be sorry. The chamber does a great job and needs support to keep this fine tradition going.
Since I have retired I will not be there but it is in very capable hands.
Mike Ash
Mike Lewis is also trying to shut it down because you are involved. They provide officers directing traffic. He also had frequencies changed on their radios because he's paranoid your getting information from a scanner. Maybe Lewis should stop shooting cats as target practice and spend more time at work rather then on the road holding classes at taxpayers expense.
In the years I have been going to Willards it has always been the Willards and Piitsville fire departments that handle the traffic. I have to say they do a great job at it too. It takes little to no time to get out of there when everything is finished.
Keep voting for Rick Pollitt. If you had a REAL leader in the county this would not happen. Unfortunately, we do not. Instead we have a guy that is just there to do whatever he needs to until he gets his state appointment.
4:33, I had heard something about this from a retirement party. Lewis has a big mouth. Shooting innocent cats from your car is just sick.
Shooting deer from your vehicle is definately against the law, I would think that it is also against the law to shoot a cat from wour vehicle as well.
Cops break laws all the time, some smoke dope or used to smoke dope. They think speed limits weren't meant for them. Reap what you sow in this ole world, Karma is a biotch!
I just wanted everybody to know that the fireworks on July 3rd is on as plan, Come out and support your local communities. I would like to thank all who help make this a success!!
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