Our View: Is there hope for Salisbury's future?
Who can make our once-proud city rightfully proud again?
Did you read today's editorial? Allow me to explain EXACTLY where the Daily Times is headed with that piece.
You see, the Daily Times is setting the public up, no doubt about it. How can anyone deny things aren't dysfunctional? However, how come they never delivered such a hit piece when Barrie Tilghman was in office. The only hit pieces they delivered were personal attacks against Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen.
What the Daily Times is doing is, (remember my survey question last week saying someone was going to be a HERO) they already know who THEIR candidate for Mayor is going to be and more than likely it will be someone from SAPOA.
Today's article is a pre courser for an eventual announcement to who will be that hero. Notice how they never once mentioned my name. Look, these guys are in the newspaper business. Do any of you think for a second they don't know I moved to Salisbury and that I'm going to run for Mayor.
Well, I'm NOT that Hero the Daily Times is looking for. They want to use what little power they have left to try to announce in the near future they have their candidate. The fact that they refused to mention my name, the fact that they have refused to interview me clearly states they'll never throw any support my way and for what its worth, I'm cool with that. I knew what I was up against but don't you think for a second that today's editorial is anything other than a set up so they can eventually say they found their HERO.
To me, the Hero's are Debbie Campbell who stood alone for how many years against the special interests. Debbie Campbell said NO to developer reimbursements. Debbie said NO to the WWTP change orders. Debbie Campbell said NO to the Old Mall TIF. Debbie took one beating after the other and stood her ground.
Terry Cohen and Tim Spies are Hero's. These three Council Members went door to door explaining their positions and won the votes overwhelmingly. The Daily Times, Jim Ireton and several others have done nothing but attack these Council Members for years now. However, why didn't their article offer a solution or even a recommendation, other than asking WHO will step up and fix things. They know I'll beat Jim Ireton hands down. That is exactly why they even picked on him in today's article.
Yeah, the Daily Times knows exactly what they're doing. They are setting you up because they MUST have someone in the Mayor's Office who will play nice in the sand box and HOPE they can beat Joe Albero.
So let's just keep these thoughts in mind and see what happens down the road. There's a whole lot more to that editorial than you think, you'll see.
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The book may have a new cover but the story remains the same. I agree with you.
I read it this morning and hadn't thought about it that way. Now that you mention it though I believe your right. Bassett has something up his sleeve.
I just called and canceled my subscription after 12 years. They tried everything to sell me other packages and it was very frustrating. I hope you win Mr. Albero.
They are setting someone up to take the reigns, but I'm sure they will be a thread from the tightly knit yarn that already runs this city.
Did you really move to Salisbury? I didn't know that. There are others who are not taking your campaign seriosly because they think you live in Delmar so can not really run for mayor of Salisbury. Please explain that it is the truth that you live in Salisbury now.
anonymous 2:35, I moved to Salisbury back in March. I did so in plenty of time to be a resident of the City a year in advance according to the rules.
The only people questioning this are the nay sayers. I absolutely qualify to run for Mayor and it is my full intent to file in September.
I am a registered voter in Maryland and I have a Maryland Driver's License.
Take my word for it. Joe lives in Salisbury. Do you think he would do all this for nothing. He lives in Salisbury and will be the next mayor of Salisbury.
I agree with the Daily Times’ excellent Editorial concerning the present Council and Mayor, which means your interpretation comes off different from mine. I did not need the DT telling me how foolish the six elected officials act, just as I do not need you defending the Camden 3 after every meeting. I have seen the Council and Mayor in action on PAC14 and in my opinion; each one has shown they are unable to put aside differences to work toward the best interest of our city.
You say “However, why didn't their article offer a solution or even a recommendation”, other than asking WHO will step up and fix things”. First off the Daily Times did not print an “article” – it was and Editorial. I say there is no need to even try to find a solution as long as this Council and Mayor are in office. They have been unable to come together for the City in 3 years, so it looks as if no solution can be even tried until after the 2013 election.
This remark you made confuses me. “Notice how they never once mentioned my name. Look, these guys are in the newspaper business. Do any of you think for a second they don't know I moved to Salisbury and that I'm going to run for Mayor.”. I have read on your blog that you intend to run. A person running for office, files with the election board and/or has a press release/conference. The Daily Times should not mention your name, until you actually go public with your intentions. Is there any reason to NOT believe the DT Editorial (and I quote “The only hope is that the people who really care about Salisbury -- who really care about its reputation, future, prestige, infrastructure and quality of life -- will be the ones who rise up to finally address the perpetual embarrassment.“) was speaking of Joe Albero,
anonymous 4:00, Dear Daily Times Employee, IF the DT's was in fact speaking of me they would have said so.
If ANYONE else MOVED to Salisbury, changed their Driver's License and stated they intended to run for Mayor they would have published that information instantly.
It's only because my name is Joe Albero and the absolute FACT that we're kicking their butt. It is what it is and if they don't want to interview me, again, I'm cool with that. However, don't think for a second I'm not going to remind MY viewers what they're doing.
As for the six of them, look, every one knows the former Mayor is still running the City. The ONLY reason no one can get along is because of outside interests trying to push their weight around to keep control.
Because Ireton is NOT a business man and has NO CLUE how to run a business, he's going with the only flow he knows, as most democrats do. They are followers in politics and NOT leaders. So someone tells them what to do and they do it.
These special interests are scared to death that Joe Albero will win this election and immediately get shut down. What they didn't expect is that my skin is much thicker than theirs. They'll be claiming Joe Albero is screwing every woman in town and whatever else they can make up, just as they did to Ireton. The difference is, I can take it and I have been dealing with it for too many years.
Now, as far as making things work, screw the Daily Times. The ANSWER is NOT throwing ALL of them out. Each and every one of them have wisdom and qualities. The CITY needs a MAYOR who can deliver REALISTIC plans for the future. I have those plans and as I've stated numerous times to others, my plans WILL work. My plans WILL units the Council and guess what, if the Council doesn't agree I will simply than them for their time and we'll move on to another one.
No hissy fits. No pointing the finger and blaming the Council. It's the LITTLE ideas that have screwed up Salisbury. It's businesses like the Daily Times that screwed up Salisbury. That's right, I said the Daily Times has screwed up Salisbury and they did so in a very big way. IF they don't get their way, they throw their own kind of fits just like THIS editorial and they pound their chest until they DO get their way.
The Daily Times happens to be the worst thing that ever happened to Salisbury. The way they have purposely attacked certain Council Members PROVES they are NO different than the Mayor.
Why some of you just can't see that is beyond me. Nevertheless, if it takes me spelling it out until the election I will do so.
As for registering to run for Mayor, that happens in September, along with anyone else who chooses to run. For God's sake, I moved to Salisbury. I now live in an apartment and not a beautiful Ranch in Delmar.
WOULD YOU make such a move? If there's anyone who is giving up more than ANY other candidate Salisbury has ever seen I'd like to know who they are. No one cares more about Salisbury than I do and if you'd like to come back and prove me wrong I'd love to hear it.
Jim Ireton skated through the election on the coattails of Debbie Campbell and then ferociously attacked her. Jim Ireton you might think the voters will forget that, but guess what babe, your political career is TOAST!!
4 p.m. speaks, mentions "the Camden 3" and proves Joe is more correct than any of us stopped to consider when we read that editorial.
I noted that the DT editorial only mentioned landlords as an important constituency within the city. As a homeowner, I find that downright insulting and blatantly biased. I can't help but wonder who will be buying their papers when they run all of the taxpaying homeowners out of town.
Mike Dunn will run for the Mayor of Salisbury. He has said so. Why do you think this fireaworks display is such a big deal for him? He wants to appear to be the hero in the city for bringing back fireworks. Big deal Dunn! Not only do you have too much baggage which we remember, you are simply not a good person period.
John Robinson was the first commenter on the times article; is he the "ringer"?
The thing they are most afraid of is Debbie Campbell running again and winning her seat for another term. If you were here six years ago and have beeen paying attention you know that she was right about all of the things that were being done by Tilghman Dunn and the "Dream Team" and its buddies to rip off the honest hardworking people of Salisbury.
If Mike Dunn thinks he is this cities new Golden Boy he is sorely mistaken. He isn't even qualified to run the flower planning committee.
Sounds like their just beign realistic
I agree with you Joe and I was very surprised when I read this editorial. For years the DT's has constantly vilified certain council members with the goals to build a wall between the majority and the minority and to further sway public opinion.
They have purposely mislead readers and have been known to omit certain facts and quotes if it didn't fit their agenda.
Those who know Dunn's whining style of writing can see that this "editorial" was written by none other than he.
So much for not politicizing the fireworks, Mikey.
Will your self-serving lies never end?
If you want a full time respectable mayor increase the salary and expectations to full time. A Salary of $100,000 per year would be comparable to other jurisdictions. To justify the salary eliminate John Pick and Lore Chambers positions and create a new City Adiministrator’s position at half the current salary. Problem solved.
I was surprised to see the paper pointing the finger at Jim Beau, maybe that was the final straw that led him to his drucken binge and calling you Joe! It's a little late now jim
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