It's been reported Miguel Mitchell, husband of Salisbury Councilwoman Laura Mitchell, who was named as the Wicomico Democratic Club's President in January just resigned.
In the 6 months as president, he pretty much did nothing, including NOT doing any prep for the Club's crab feast, its biggest annual fundraiser, and NOT doing the regular, year in and year out annual prep work for the Club's prominent attendance at the Tawes Crab Fest: no tent, no literature, no banners, no promo stuff, no permits, no nothing.
Club members reportedly asked him again and again if he wanted their help, but he always refused. Laura Mitchell and Jim Ireton were evidently no help at all. This all may be hushed up, but it's kind of a black eye for all involved, right up to the Governor.
Sounds a lot like Obama!
Democrats are lazy, stupid people.
Great Job once again SBYNews.
He was to busy kissing up to Jimmie!
It's a black eye for all concerned.
Not good at all. At least we won't have to deal with Salisbury democrats at the crab feast.
She should do the same. For the good of all.
It reminds me of the "Just Say No" drive.
NO Democrats in Office
NO Jim Ireton reelected
NO media bais
Typical Democrat. Wants the title and glory but can't handle the work load that comes with it.
The democrats have proven they are tearing the shore apart and destroying our quality of life.
C'ya wouldn't want to be ya!
If I woke up and found Laura laying on my arm, I'd chew my arm off and run!
Didn't Jimmy do the same thing on the council.
It is like watching them blow up an old building. Everything caving in on itself.
Anonymous said...
C'ya wouldn't want to be ya!
If I woke up and found Laura laying on my arm, I'd chew my arm off and run!
June 25, 2012 10:45 AM
Hope you are hungry! LOL
What next?
I don't think it is fair to lump all Democrats together as a source of all the problems. I think the real source of the problem is Republicans and Democrats not being able to work together.
Birds of a feather , flock together.
People in high places need to make decisions. It's obvious that all democrats are not capable of this , right obamie.
I'll bet you won't see this for days or at all in the daily rag.
Someone is going home and kicking the dog tonight.
Looks like he & his wife have the same amount of industry and effort in achievement - neither does anything positive except suck off the resources of those who bust their buns for themselves and others.
George Bush made decisions for 8 years and he was one IQ point away from mentally retarded. Someone who will vote for a tree branch just b/c it's running as a Republican is just as stupid. There are idiots on both sides of the aisle. Now local politics are different b/c i would say that 99.9 % of local politicians are people who have no business being there but won a popularity contest b/c they had the best posters or nicest campaign t-shirts. I don't agree with how the city is being run but i don't think that witch hunting is the most productive way to turn things around. Fire the people that need to be fired and elect the people that need to be elected and move on. I just can't see how this stuff is productive. I don's always agree with Joe but i do respect his opinion b/c that is how it should work. I think a good idea would be to post 2-3x a week on a positive change Joe would like to make and how it would affect our city. I understand it is a blog but everyday its a negative article and I am just a positive person.
Have a great Monday everyone!
I like Laura.
Anonymous said...
Someone is going home and kicking the dog tonight.
June 25, 2012 11:06 AM
What does that mean?
I bet this has "some people" wringing their hands and crying!
Uh-oh...no more free meals at fancy restaurants
Another wannabe who doesn't have the stuff to be
Is that picture her husband?
Not good at all. At least we won't have to deal with Salisbury democrats at the crab feast.
Nice manners, bet your one of those proud southerners who talks about your great hospitality.
There's no difference between this guy and Ireton. Can anyone tell us what Jim has done since he's been elected.
Jimmy has been busy!
Ireton tried to follow Barrie's footsteps by wasting money on "The Bricks," Accepted a contaminated property (Linens of week) which clean up funds were secured from more taxpayer money while letting the coirporation that abandoned it go scot free from contamination liability.
Wasted more what he thinks is free money on a $1,000,000 fireboat. He turned on those that supported him during election, a bridge that's been burned to never be built again.
He had a lot of nerve before he was elected to stand in front of the council and bash Louweasle, when he wears the exact same dress!
There is soooo much more I just don't have all day. Somebody else just pick up where I left off!
I wonder if Bill Reddish can get his hands on any of those interviews of lies by the MARE!
11:08, your comment about bush shows you are democrat. Ask your boy obummer why he wont release his transcripts. I would take someone who's had to run a business (read that as reepublican) over a blood sucking parasite (read that as democrat) sucking off the public any day of the week!
Shows you where I stand!
Obama will resign in November
10:52, i don't know how old you are or what your education level is or where you were educated, but saying "the problem is the dems and repubs just don't work together is very naive.
yes, there are ocassions where they can come together and "compromise" on an issue that can be compromised on, but there are other issues where we are literally "miles" apart. some examples: economics (budget), nanny state, moral issues and more.
we would be in "real" trouble if they agreed on everything and sang happy songs all day. there is such a thing as right and wrong ways to govern and run a city, county, state and nation.
let's pray we get more qualified leaders with good moral character for our future and the future generations to come.
I am now a registered democrat but I voted for Bush the first time around. Also, blood sucking parasite? So he is a vampire now?
I'm a democrat and I attend crab fest in Crisfield every year with the company I work for... didn't know i had to be republican to attend.wth??
One would think the Democratic party would at least check the work history and background of the person they intend to appoint as President of the Democratic Club. Sounds like he could have easily been a pedophile and stiil got the position. Does he even work, or is everyone in that household on some form of assistance and does HE pay any of HIS bills either?
Didn't the Somerset club meet a similar fate a few years ago and is it still around
FYI, 1108: George W. Bush scored a 1206 on his SATs!!!. Typically, people who are developmentally delayed (the term, mentally retarded is considered offensive by educated persons) do not achieve that high of a score on that standardized test.
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