Mayor Jim Ireton got served paperwork today and even after getting served he called me a "Delaware Blogger" in his radio interview with Bryan Russo.
Ireton throws a fit saying, do the taxpayers really have to foot the bill for this!
So much for his worries about it costing the taxpayers.
Let me get this straight. You filed a lawsuit against Ireton for calling you a Delaware resident or blogger or whatever and after he was served he did it again. What an idiot.
anonymous 7:17, yep.
Here we GOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!
Pretty boy got some explaining to do!
Love the photo!
"Delaware Blogger"
"Next Mayor Is More Like It"
This event gets more and more crazy!
Leave Brittney alone!
I assume he's being sued personally and not for anything he did in his capacity as mayor? If so, the taxpayers don't pay for his lawyer.
Since when does he care what bills taxpayers are footing afterall HE used the PD and the states attorney's office in an attempt to clear his name?
I wonder how much the cell phone records cost because the providers do charge when records are subpoenaed.
Well, from what I've read and learned, Ireton's phone records can now be requested by Mr. Albero's legal representation since there is now an actual case before the courts. We don't know what the suit actually accuses him of but, it's up to the Council to decide whether the City pays his legal fees because he was acting on behalf of Salisbury or whether his actions were that of an individual.
why did it take so long for Ireton to be served - you filed on the 22
His little silk panties are in a wad!!
My goodness , the truth will set you free!!
I wonder if someone said I called them and I didn't, if the PD would investigate for me?
Get him JOE...get them all.
WTH! When is he going to learn?
They are fools, all of them.
We once had a mayor named jim ireton
who got kicked out of town
cause he lied a ton
when confronted by joe,
he got the popo
to make up some stuff so now she is done
was he sober?
Anonymous said...
was he sober?
June 27, 2012 8:53 PM
We all hope for the best with these representatives but it just gets WORSER! bad English somehow uti you do crazy things and use the excuse I DON'T REMEMBER Good Luck JOExx
Joe as a city taxpayer, I say go ahead and sue, I don't care. Whatever it takes to get Ireton and Company off their high horse. A lawsuit doesn't have anything on the money shot on the WWTP and a $1,000,000 fireboat we don't need.
Has the ladder truck even been used yet for the reason it was purchased? I could go on and on, whatever it takes to get rid of Ireton and his minions.
Was Ireton at EVO to meet with O'Malley with Mitchell, or was the temptation to drink just too much?
You know, the whole SPD investigation about this was much like the investigation on the damage done at the homes of two council people, Debbie Campbell and Tim Spies, not much of an investigation at all!
It's like the actions were not meant to be solved in either instance, the damage to the homes, or the phone call.
What a P.O.S. Liarton is.
Your suing because he called you a Delaware Blogger or am I being mislead by a comment made at 7:17 and your reply at 7:18?
so what are you suing him for?
excuse me if i'm wrong joe. but arent u the main reason the idiot got elected mayor?
June 28, 2012 7:00 AM
Joe Albero is a very big part of the reason Jim Ireton got elected to the Mayors Office. And so were Debbie, Terry and Tim and the fact that he rode in on Debbie Campbell's Coattail. Not to mention numerous friends and city employees who he turned his back on and screwed over. He promised to clean the city up of corruption, he promised to replace Lore Chambers, John Pick and Paul Wibur. That did not happen because Jim Ireton jumped in bed with them. He jumped in bed with Barrie Tilghman, Bubba Comagees, Louise Smith, Shanie Shields, the Daily Times and Mike Dunn. Than God the Council Majority had the guts to change the law to get rid of the City Solicitor. Jim Ireton has to go.
There has not been a deceny MAYOR in Salisbury since Paul Martin left office. Go Joe
Please let all of us know the date for the big court showdown! I want a front row seat.
Joe you got this all wrapped up prettier then a Christmas present.
Good Morning Mayor,
How are you doing today?
Loyal Follower
"Ireton throws a fit saying, do the taxpayers really have to foot the bill for this!"
No Jim we will not have to pay. Just tell the truth.
Joe Albero is a Maryland Resident!!
I will cheer for you Joe.
"Joe Albero is the man, if he can't do it no one can!"
Go Joe Go !!
All the girls can jump up and down and chant your name.
And the crowds goes wild!
Tic Toc
Tic Toc
This is grounds for punitive damages.
If this was a lawsuit against you it would be all over the news. Our local media sucks.
Anonymous said...
If this was a lawsuit against you it would be all over the news. Our local media sucks.
June 28, 2012 9:55 AM
And on the day Joe wins his case we all will be standing outside with our Albero For Mayor t-shirts on. They will not able to miss us.
While not a fan of the current mayor I am not sure a lawsuit against him because he called you a Delaware Blogger (if that is its premise) is worthy of a hearing. It belittles you both to entertain this sort of dialog. There are actual issues of merit to be discussed and acted upon. Just my observation...
anonymous 11:12, I disagree but respect your opinion. That is NOT the only charge in the lawsuit. However, Mayor Ireton is allowed far more opportunities with the Press and PAC 14 in which he continues to SUGGEST to the citizens I am not qualified to run for Mayor. This is not true. Mayor Ireton has in fact personally held my Maryland Driver's License in his own hands and knows for a FACT that I am in fact a Maryland resident.
He has been warned to STOP and he refuses to do so, even after being served legal paperwork.
I personally think its a disgrace that as Mayor he would immediately go out and repeat exactly what he's being sued for, especially after yelling in his Office that this will cost the taxpaters, not him. Jim Ireton needs to grow up and start acting like a responsible man, especially with our tax dollars at steak. Or is that, stake? I don't have Interns to correct it.
Mayor Ireton has been told, IF he goes public by recognizing I am a Maryland Resident I will reconsider my lawsuit. IF Mayor Ireton refuses to do so, it's on him, not me. If any one of you have a problem with the whole thing, contact the Mayor and insist he stop making defamatory statements.
Joe, you ARE a Delaware Blogger who is Maybe living in Salisbury part time. Doesn't sound like much of a case to me. Hope I can get on the jury for this one. What about you calling him a drunk for all your readers to see? Sounds to me like a more valid basis for a lawsuit. And I don't like Ireton! But this is ridiculous!
anonymous 11:34, well, IF the Police Chief had interviewed me on the record she would have heard from my lips that Jim Ireton admitted on the phone that he was intoxicated. I never lied and I never defamed Jim Ireton, I told the truth.
I AM a full time resident of Salisbury Maryland and you just cannot accept that fact. Probably because someone like yourself has NEVER given up important things for the better of your community.
As for those people who challenge me as to why I haven't registered as a candidate, I've stated several times that I will do so in September. That being said, if you have a problem with how or why I do things the way I do, don't vote for me, it really is that simple.
This is NOT Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the Citizens election to lose.
I hear Josh Roberts has a lot to worry about too. Word is Joe's wife and grandson are filing lawsuits against him and his wife.
I remember the local news saying Mayoral Candidate Jim Ireton was previously arrested for being arrested after frolicking on the beach and then running from the cops.
Circuit Court of Maryland
Go Back
Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
Case Number: 22C12000999
Title: Albero, et al vs Ireton
Case Type: Other TortFiling Date:06/22/2012
Case Status: Open/Active
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below)
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:2
Business or Organization Name: Salisbury News LLC
Address: 300 West Main Street
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff/Petitioner
Name: Rommel, Esq, Luke A
Appearance Date: 06/22/2012
Practice Name: Otway Russo & Rommel, PC
Address: 108 Downtown Plaza
PO Box 4096
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21803-4096
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Name: Albero, Joseph
Address: 300 West Main Street
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff/Petitioner
Name: Rommel, Esq, Luke A
Appearance Date: 06/22/2012
Practice Name: Otway Russo & Rommel, PC
Address: 108 Downtown Plaza
PO Box 4096
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21803-4096
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Ireton, James
Address: 125 North Division Street
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Document No./Sequence No. order)
Doc No./Seq No.: 2/0
File Date: 06/25/2012Close Date:Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Instructions to Clerk
Filed by PLT001-Albero, PLT002-Salisbury News LLC
Filed by Attorney: Luke A Rommel Esq
Doc No./Seq No.: 3/0
File Date: 06/22/2012Close Date:Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Complaint
Filed by PLT001-Albero, PLT002-Salisbury News LLC
Filed by Attorney: Luke A Rommel Esq
Doc No./Seq No.: 4/0
File Date: 06/22/2012Close Date:Decision:
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Jury Demand
Filed by PLT001-Albero, PLT002-Salisbury News LLC
Filed by Attorney: Luke A Rommel Esq
Doc No./Seq No.: 5/0
File Date: 06/25/2012Close Date:06/25/2012Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Writ of Summons - Civil Issued
Doc No./Seq No.: 6/0
File Date: 06/27/2012Close Date:06/27/2012Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Return of Service - Served
Writ of Summons served 06/27/12
Ireton looks like the blow hard that he really is in that picture. No pun intended : O
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