Last night there were TWO people missing from the City Council Meeting. Jim Ireton and Sarah Lake. Funny how she's always there for his hissy fits and leaves immediately following his rants but last night both were conveniently absent.
Mayor Ireton came forward to tell the public that they had settled on $10 million but here's the reality. The taxpayers will be very lucky if the final numbers come anywhere near $5,000,000.00.
You see, first of all there's all that money that went to Paul Wilber. Then there was that Aqua Firm who were the environmental law people who, (I believe) were booted out of the case because of a conflict. Then there was the arrangement for a contingency to Howard Goldberg out of Baltimore.
After reviewing the numbers Howard, (alone) stands to make around $3,000,000.00. WHY, because Ireton and his minions are IDIOTS. You might pay out 30% to a Firm IF it goes through a trial all the way to the end but a settlement, NO WAY. However, the City agreed to do just that and Howard will make out like a bandit.
You see Folks, this is exactly why you need a businessman who has experience in dealing with such cases as your Mayor. If Wilber EVER told ME this was his recommendation I'd ask the Council to have him removed immediately.
Last night they skirted around all kinds of percentages and numbers but when I asked no one was willing to tell me the facts within the final numbers. Today we did some checking around and quite frankly Mayor Ireton should be ASHAMED of himself for implying the taxpayers were feeling a $10,000,000.00 relief from the case.
Also, I'd like to add this. There are other names who have never been brought forth in this entire fiasco in which we will be delivering soon. There are former Council Members who AGREED to this type of treatment system and it was before the Dream Team era. Mind you, the Dream Team agreed to particular contractors but the former Council agreed to the system itself and these people need to be brought front and center.
The Daily Times should have been more respomsibble in their reporting because there's a HUGE difference between $10,000,000.00 and $5,000,000.00.
New Posts to fall below.
The problem with the entire country , is lawyers and judges.
When I ride down main street it stinks so bad , I keep my windows up.
For the most part , all lawyers take advantage of ignorance.
Goldburg took advantage of Wilbur's ignorance is what it sounds like happened.
how were you able to obtain those old approval documents? will you be able to print them or will they be behind attorney/client cloaking?
What was John Pick's involvment with the WWTF? As City Manager, he should also be held responsible.
It is almost unconscionable to take that large of a fee for a case like this. The retainer should have been on an hourly basis, maybe with some incentives. And Wilbur should have gotten next to nothing. If he wasn't able to handle the litigation, he shouldn't be paid for holding the door and carrying the briefcase of the other guy.
Please let us know what Wilber was paid.
And who agreed to his contract - was that Wilber too?
Say it ain't so, Joe.
When will Ireton let the taxpayers know how much our rebate check will be?
The paper makes it sound like a sweetheart deal, so when do I get my check Jimmy boy?
The FBI should have been called in a long time ago, how else could the elected bums sign off on this plan? Somebody got a sack full of money on the back steps to approve the plan.
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