INCIDENT: Burglary Investigation 74-12-2023
Date /Time: 06-01-12 03:30 Hrs
Location: Delmar Pizza (State Line Plaza) Delmar, De
Date /Time: 06-01-12 03:30 Hrs
Location: Delmar Pizza (State Line Plaza) Delmar, De
Suspect: Unidentified Black Male wearing a Baseball Cap, Dark Colored Shirt, Tan Pants, and Tennis Shoes. The Suspect was armed with a Tire Iron.
On 06-01-12 at approx. 03:30 Hrs, an unidentified Black Male Entered the Delmar Pizza Restaurant by breaking a window at the front of the business. The Suspect then used the Tire Iron which he brought with him to pry open the Cash Register and removed an unknown amount of currency.
On 06-01-12 at approx. 03:30 Hrs, an unidentified Black Male Entered the Delmar Pizza Restaurant by breaking a window at the front of the business. The Suspect then used the Tire Iron which he brought with him to pry open the Cash Register and removed an unknown amount of currency.
The Delmar Police need your help in identifying this suspect. If you have any information that may be helpful in identifying the suspect, please call the Delmar Police Department at 410-896-3131.
If I broke into Delmar Pizza I would be less concerned about money and more looking to get some of that delicious pizza and brocoli bites.
Nice pic, shouldn't take long. What a moron.
If Obama had a son, he'd look just like this guy.
Anon 12:33 is an idiot
Anon 12:41 - So is Obama!!
Is that Dave Chappell?
And Obama was an idiot for making that statement about Trayvon. Photo to follow if Joe will post it.
Anon 1:24 I saw the picture of Travon at the age of 17 he looks like a gang banger.It sure looks alot different then his school picture the media should post it for the people to really see what he looked like.The guy that broke into Delmar Pizza smile your on Candid Camera!!
Didnt the alarm go off. Where was Delmar P.D. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sorry I have heard audible alarms go off for periods of time and no cop. What is going on with the midnight cop in that town.
2:40 there is only one cop on duty overnight. The Delmar Maryland council voted to add an officer and Delmar Delaware refused to pay for their share. They have an election this fall. Remember that! I live on the outskirts of town in Colonial Mills and can tell you we need more officers! We have about 5000 people and only a dozen police.
What busines leaves cash in the the register overnight. We were always told to leave the drawer open so the register doesn't get broken into. Also where is their alarm system. Delmar only needs one officer over night IF THAT, because all they do is sit at the station and thats a fact. I have ridden around the town on several nights and looked for them and they were either no where to be found or sitting at the station.
When compared to other towns with police Delmar has the fewest officers vs population in the area. Fruitland has 20+ cops!
Sorry 12:41 I must be an idiot to cause I never grow tired of hearing that line. Yeah yeah I'm one of those ignorant from heres not one of those highly intelligent come heres like you I guess.I do wonder why people like you do move here since us backward people are so annoying. Just don't make sense. Oh and stop hiding behind the anonymous thing, be brave and tell us your name ;)
This is very interesting for once there is a store/restaurant that has good security cameras that doesn't look like a five year old with a square stamp drawing it one pixel at a time.
Delmar has 13 sworn officers including the Chief. Fruitland has 29 sworn officers. Delmar has 500 more residents than Fruitland. I was talking to the Chief of Fruitland about that just yesterday. He told me he thinks that Delmar had better get a few more officers pretty quickly if they want to stay ahead of the curve on crime prevention. There are saturation patrols and zero tolerance efforts going on right now in Salisbury's troubled areas. When these efforts push the criminals out, Fruitland will be ready. Delmar won't. Someone said the Delaware part of Delmar didn't want to participate in hiring another officer. Then the increase in crime coming to their town will be on their shoulders.
That looks like Truvor Beale without the Dreads
Just FYI: Fruitland PD has 19 full time officers, and one or two part time officers.
Joe- can you verify 9:30's comment and run it as an article asking people to run for office in Delmar DE? I don't think any of them including the Mayor have actually won their seats. They just get appointed because nobody runs. This leads to idiots being on the council who fight adding a police officer!!! Help us!
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