George V. Kirk Middle School, 140 Brennen Drive, Newark, DE
Date of Occurrence:
Monday, April 16, 2012 at 9:25 a.m.
13 year old Newark, DE male (student)
Defendant and Charges:
Iris K. Saunders, 38, Bear, DE (pictured below)
Assault 3rd degree
Disorderly Conduct
Arraigned at JP Court 2 and released on her own recognizance.
Newark- The Delaware State Police have arrested a teacher at the Kirk Middle School following an investigation into an assault of a student that occurred last month.
The investigation into the incident began on Friday, April 27, 2012 after the Delaware State Trooper assigned as the School Resource Officer at the George V. Kirk Middle School, located in the 100 block of Brennen Drive in Newark, was informed by school officials of an incident in which a teacher allegedly struck a student.
The investigation revealed that on Monday, April 16, 2012 at approximately 9:25 a.m., a 13 year old male student was inside of a classroom at the school when a female teacher walked into the room. At this point the male student made a comment about the teacher which was overheard by a second teacher, Iris Saunders. Upon hearing the comment, Saunders approached the student and told him to apologize. The student, however, refused to apologize, at which time Saunders “plucked” the victim in the mouth with her finger causing a minor injury to the victim. The victim then responded to the school nurse for treatment.
Iris Saunders was arrested this morning, Thursday, May 10th, and charged with the above crimes. She was then arraigned at JP Court 2 and released on her own recognizance.
Please contact the Christina School District at 302-552-2600 for any questions concerning Iris Saunders’ employment status or district policies.
i don't know what comment the boy made, but perhaps if his parents had "plucked" him in the mouth more as child, he'd have a little less smart a$$ things to say. more kids could use some pluckings.
LOL this story is hilarious. give this teacher a slap on the risk and send her back in there to keep doing her job.
I hope she gets Teacher of the Year in her district!!!
How about we call and complain to this school district for taking it this far in the first place?
Maybe the kid will learn to not run his mouth anymore.
This is exactly why I decided to stop teaching 35 years ago! The lack of support for teachers disciplining students was starting then. It's a wonder anybody wants to become a teacher.
this teacher deserves a raise!!
She will get off scott free;
Good Work!
I think I could have put half my teachers in jail. They were always smacking me for being a smart mouth.
Question is, what was the comment made by the student that started all this? We all assume it was some derogatory comment (easy assumption to make) but it may not have been. We don't have all the facts.
anon 4:59 --She should get off scott free. If the boy made a disrespectful comment to the other teacher, he should have got his a$$ knocked out of the chair.
Most of the idiot parents ( or in most cases one parent, with multiple baby daddies) in this area do not teach their kids how to respect others. Someone has to stand up and do it.
Good for her. More adults should teach children some of the hard lessons of life. Respect is a big one and more kids need to learn it.
Exactly my feeling also Brian. If that teacher said apologize the little SOB should have instantly.
The sad thing about this is the teacher will probably never be allowed to teach again. I agree with the other comments that stated the kid needed more than a pluck in the mouth. A lot of kids these days are not held accountable for their actions. It's a sad sad time.
I'm betting he made a suggestive comment.
I agree - give her a slap on the wrist for touching the thug, some hand sanitizer and put her back in the classroom to continue standing up for what is right.
Students (young people) have taken over the disciplinary issues in school, on the streets, in the stores or where ever. If an adult says anything to them, the adult will be charged with verbal abuse and if, lord forbid, a teacher, policeman, or correction officer slaps one, they will be forever the most terrible person in the world. Unbeliveable, but true.
Teacher of the Year! Smart mouth Punks! My dad would have plucked me again!
We go from teachers padling students (me included) in the class room in the 80's and early
90's and our parents being ok with it and getting more when you got home, to a teacher getting arrested for plucking a teenager who deserved more and he was treated for a minor injury (what kind of crap is that). This kids parents should be appalled that their son did this and now a teacher who obiviously cares is being put on the street. All teachers should just quit, and let the parents baby sit them as this is what most teachers are required to do with kids these days. Parents don't care about education, tney just want free daycare that has become our public school system.
good for her!
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