Berlin and Ocean City were packed this weekend with classic cars just about everywhere you turned. We're told this is a record turn out and we couldn't be more excited for these Folks. This is good clean family fun.
It's a shame Mayor Ireton didn't monopolize on these kind of events to help boos the local economy. That's about to change!
i wish downtown salisbury looked like downtown Berlin
Good Job Berlin and OC!! I don't mind traveling from Salisbury to Berlin for their events. Not once did I see any dilapidated houses, ghettos or thugs running around. I am seriously thinking about moving my family to Historic Berlin.
I was just in downtown Berlin for brunch, cupcakes, then went to the park. I wish Salisbury was like this :(
sadly downtown salisbury will never look like downtown berlin for several reasons. berlins town center is still surrounded by homes with easy walking access to the center of town. downtown salisbury isnt set up that way.Berlin is a small town compared to salibury with no major roadways going thru it.No matter what you do you will not bring downtown salisbury back to its original luster. The thing to blame is progress not town leaders and politics.I dont care who the mayor of salibury is the downtown will remain the same more do to with its location than anything else.you cant compare berlin to salisbury so lets all grow up stop pointing fingers because it make you all look very foolish.the mistakes of over development have done the damage to salisbury lets not let egos in politics make it worse. Time has changed what downtown salisbury was and no one single person will fix it. not joe albero nor jim ireton.Berlin is a quaint little town that has kept its charm....Salibury has lost itself to urban growth and you cant go back.
The current administration has no interest in boosting the economy unless it involves getting "free" money from the state or federal government. They all have to go.
Notice how smooth the paved road is.
Ireton is too busy spending money with his pet projects to get something real done. Oh, there's a stretch of new paving here and there where he wants to get votes, but he has neglected this city for his pie-in-the-sky bullcrap.
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