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Monday, May 28, 2012

NUGENT: God bless America’s warriors

Freedom isn’t free. Never has been, never will be. Very special warriors have provided freedom at supreme sacrifice since time immemorial. Good people will never forget, and we celebrate Memorial Day with a hard-charging spirit in appreciation for hard-charging warriors.

With his lifeblood pouring out of him from a mortal RPG wound to center mass, Pvt. 1st Class Todd Balding from Texas was, on the surface, but a bundle of red gauze and bandages, a jumble of tubes and numerous electronic apparatus beeping away. He was surrounded by a dedicated team of U.S. military medical experts at the Landstuhl hospital in Germany doing everything in their power to save the young American’s life.

Toby Keith and I literally stood in the young hero’s blood and said a very solemn prayer. Moments later, Pvt. 1st Class Todd Balding died. He was 21 years-old. He died fighting for freedom. That was one of many defining moments that struck me deep inside during my USO tour in 2004, and a defining moment in my life.



Anonymous said...

We were talking to my neighbors yesterday about Nugent. They have made his life a living hell lately.

Those of us who have served know the cost of freedom. I'm 70 years old and still have vivid memories
of some things.

He has it correct, "Teach your children", freedom is not free.

God bless America

Anonymous said...

Mr. Nugent made a statement that if Obama was elected again , he would either be in jail or dead this time next year.
I would love to stand by him has my leader , because I feel the same way.
Our freedom is slowly going down the tubes because of this idiot president, or should I say a very smart president.
He doesn't believe anything connected to our history of freedom. He does believe in dictatorship and the Kuran.
This year will be the deciding factor of what happens to America as we know it today.
If you think this is scarey , then you are on the right track.
49% of the people in the U.S support the other 51%. Most who have never worked and never will, if we don't take control.
Wake now!!!

Anonymous said...

So says the draft-dodging coward Ted Nugent.

Bullard Construction said...

Joe, The More link seems broken...

Mr. Mcgranor said...

Its blind -- Memorial Day.

Anonymous said...

Did you serve any time in the service, if not you have no room to talk.

Bullard Construction said...

Is working now, maybe they were editing the page when I tried it before...