The phrase “New World Order” is so loaded with explosive assumptions and perceptions that its very usage has become a kind of journalistic landmine. Many analysts (some in the mainstream) have attempted to write about and discuss this very real sociopolitical ideology in a plain and exploratory manner, using a fair hand and supporting data, only to be attacked, ridiculed, or completely ignored before they get a chance to put forward their work. The reason is quite simple; much of the general public has been mentally inoculated against the very whisper of the terminology. That is to say, they have been conditioned to exhibit a negative reaction to such discussion instinctively without even knowing why.
Some of this conditioning is accomplished through the stereotyping of New World Order researchers as “conspiracy theorists” (another term for loony) grasping at fantasies in a desperate bid for “attention”, or, as confused individuals who attempt to apply creative logic to a mad chaotic world swirling on the periphery of a great void of coincidence and chance. I know this because I used to be one amongst the naive herd of “rationalists”, and I and many I knew used the same shallow arguments to dismiss every cold hard fact on the NWO that we happened upon. After seeing the conspiracy crowd made iconic and ridiculous in hundreds if not thousands of books, movies, TV shows, commercials, and news specials, it becomes difficult for many to enter into the topic without a severe bias already implanted in their heads.
Another circumstance that leads to the immediate dismissal of NWO research is, ironically, the lack of open discussion on the subject. Yes, it’s a chicken and egg sort of thing. If more people were less afraid to shine a floodlight on the truth of the matter, more people, in turn, would be more willing to absorb it. And, if more unaware people were willing to listen to the information with an open mind, more people with knowledge would be willing to share it. The psychological barrier to the information, therefore, is not based on any legitimate argument against the existence of the NWO. Instead, people refuse to listen because they fear to embrace concepts personally that they believe are not yet embraced by the majority.
What an idiotic post from a "credible" source.
Graffiti with punctuation...
Reality.The actual time frame confuses people.We can't grasp anything gradual.We only realize the here and now issues that occur in our lifetime.This has been in progress for hundreds of years,but not a man made transition.The NWO will be a natural change brought about by cause and effect.Everything changes naturally & should not be confused with an intentional man made design or preconceived plan.
We all know masons have ruled this country since before its founding.
Hold up Yo, da NEW BLACK PANTHERS run da show now YO.
It's funny but Alex actually represents what the article describes. People who dismiss the information without even looking or thinking about it because they have been trained like animals to close their ears and eyes.
Also, the article clearly shows that the NWO is a DELIBERATE effort on the part of very powerful men. Its not "natural" at all. It is engineered.
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