My father taught me at an early age that each of us must serve somebody else before we can get around to serving our self. Thanks to your support, I have had the privilege to work in partnership with Governor Martin O’Malley to serve the people of Maryland and help move our State forward through these difficult times.
I believe elected officials have a responsibility to serve all those who we represent, and to help me better serve all Marylanders, today we’re launching a brand new website:AnthonyBrown.com.
This website will help me communicate with you about what we are doing in Maryland to strengthen our communities and, also, to hear from you about what more needs to be done.
To go along with the new site, we’ve put together a series of web videos that give you more information about my background and service, as well as two issues I believe very strongly in: ending domestic violence and encouraging more Marylanders to become foster or adoptive parents.
Poor guy - he's delusional.
our self?
tsk, such grammar
Mrs. Woods would have rapped my knuckles for such in 5th grade.
He hasn't served the people of Maryland,he has helped rape the people of Maryland.
ANOTHER politician (spit the taste out of your mouth now) who PROMISES to "help" us. "Represent" ALL of us. Change things for the better. Uh huh. Why don't they just print a speech card that they can just read to us, with a blank space, of course, where they could insert their name. How long will the American sheeple keep falling for these SAME lines from BOTH parties? How many times do you need to be scammed before you realize you LIKE getting scammed, WANT to get scammed some more, don't really care who is scamming you, or lastly, get fed up with the scamming? These politicians openly lie, cheat, and steal --- OPENLY!! --- then go in the back rooms and laugh hysterically at how stupid the American citizen is....its like they negotiate with each other about who's turn it is to lay the "I'm gonna change things" rap on us....and we dance to that tune like its American Bandstand....
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