Many gathered at the Salisbury Police Department at 2 PM today to celebrate National Police Memorial Week. Mayor Ireton stated that every person working in the Police Department no matter what their position is, even IT people are hero's.
There was plenty of food and beverages, (including a big cake) for all who attended. In fact, there was more food there than ALL of the Christmas Parties the City has held for its employees over the past 4 years. Oh, that's right, there haven't been any, so maybe that's stretching it a bit.
If I have time later I'll get into more details from this event.
I see JT in the background. He is Ireton't go to boy.
Salisbury City Police knowingly hired a cop with a criminal record - I will not respect Salisbury City Police until they fire him.
When is Refuse worker memorial week?
They have a much more difficult job and statistically much more dangerous.
Why all the hype for these guys that carry guns with a chip on their shoulder?????
Take that cop hate out of here, 4:08. Disgusting.
WOW, what ungrateful Adam Henry's you are. The most dangerous job in the world daling with PEOPLE. Trash man fall off trucks, not shot at, spit on, punched, kicked, etct etc etc
Mr. Photo Opp - that's Jim Ireton.
He was ready to furlough the hell out of all cops last year.
Thank you, Cohen and Campbell from stopping him from taking officers off the street.
Leave society's protection to the police. Big job little reward, not working. In my opioin they do not deliver any protection what so ever. The courts are shallow and weak...ALLOW MD our constitutional right to bear arms. We have a right to protect our selves against the tryanny of government and criminals who threathen our lives. I pray for Gods protection over those who choose to serve.
National Police Week is also a HUGE Memorial Service that honor's those that were killed in the line of duty the previous year. Until you have sat in the crowd and hear a Fallen Hero's name read, you probably would never understand.
The Candlelight Vigil is held on May 13 every year in Washington DC at the Law Enforcement Memorial Wall. If you have never been there maybe you should go and see the names of those who have given their lives to protect yours. Watch as family and friends touch the name and weep, maybe then you will understand.
If you can't go you can always go to and sign up to watch it streaming live. You can go to the website now and see all the candles that were lit during this year's vigil. I was there and not a word is spoken during the lighting of the candles.
Anonymous said...
Salisbury City Police knowingly hired a cop with a criminal record - I will not respect Salisbury City Police until they fire him.
May 16, 2012 3:48 PM
Name names...
@ 4:12 It is disgusting huh.
They reap what they sow.
Wake up and read the articles about these crooked corrupt law men,at least the articles that make the light of day as most are buried by the MSM.
Police need to clean up their act to begin earning respect in the community's again.
There is very little real honor among this clan of FOP/Troopers association folks.
I can see 11:40's point and the problem I have is how enamored they get and expect us to be all 'ga ga' over our local LE attending all these federally sponsered training and seminars by useless fed agencies like Homeland security-the very same agencies whose goal is to chip away the rights of US citizens.
Okay what the hell is with the statement "even IT people"?
Screw you Mayor!
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