Yesterday afternoon Mayor Ireton presented an uplifting proposal in which he clearly stated he did not author. In fact he used the word "stole" it from an idea created 30 years ago. The Mayor presented his plans to revitalize Downtown Salisbury.
As many of you have seen, Mayor Ireton is a very charismatic person who excels in public speaking, (some call is BS). Nevertheless, I was entertained by his excitement but let me explain why it is so wrong, seriously.
Mayor Ireton wants to surplus all of the parking lots in Downtown. His claim, (and that's all it is) is that barely anyone is using the parking garage, therefore if he takes all of the other parking away and people simply started using the parking garage it would be fine.
So surplus the parking lots and sell them for pennies on the dollar. You know, like the old Fire House 16. I offer $250,000.00, they refuse my CASH offer and then sell it to someone else for $100,000.00.
Ireton wants to build 200,000 square feet of new commercial buildings/space and 500 new residential units. Of course Mayor Ireton doesn't mention any of this being low income or subsidized housing units but nevertheless he's putting the cart before the horse because I'll simply ask you a couple of simple questions.
The first being, what about all of the available retail/commercial space sitting vacant in Downtown Salisbury?
The second question, what about all of the condos and apartments available right now?
The BIGGEST question would be, WHY? Allow me to expand. Please tell me WHAT is drawing people to the Downtown area first. There's not even a grocery store people can walk to. In Jim's speech yesterday he conveniently mentioned the Salisbury Festival, "it's a destination place". OK, for TWO days it is. There's still 363 days to fill to attract people here. Then he mentioned 3rd Friday. Again, that's a few hours 12 days a year. There's still 351 days left.
My point is, as a BUSINESS MAN or INVESTOR, you DON'T build such mentioned space unless there's a much bigger plan and that's why I'm calling it the cart before the horse.
Now, here's where things get really interesting. Remember the old Feldman's deal where Palmer Gillis wanted to purchase the building but said he has forever backed out of that deal. NOT TRUE! Behind the scenes for the past several months, (once against without ANY knowledge to the Council) Ireton has been working with the Historic Society, the Bank of Delmarva,(by the way, who do we know who has stock in Bank of Delmarva) and Palmer Gillis to demo the old Feldman's building with exception of the historic 3 story building.
Ireton has plans to totally revitalize that area BUT AT WHO'S EXPENSE? Guess what, the answer is YOURS and MINE. That's right, we'll pay to tear if all down and when I asked the Mayor why he's not tearing down the 3 story portion he said, because the Bank still owns it.
So the BANK is somehow willing to allow these structures to be torn down, very interesting and unusual. That is, unless you have someone like Palmer Gillis waiting in the background to purchase that property for, (GET THIS) $45,000.00. PRETTY DARNED SWEET!
Now, I need to be very open here and state that I truly respect Palmer Gillis and his ability to see things very few of us would envision. He also puts his money where his mouth is, as long as it's a sweet deal. Can't blame a man for that.
Even with all this being done behind the scenes, the Mayor never confronted the Council about any of this and will once again shove it down their throats expecting them to fold and agree to it all. Well, you and I both know that this project will never fly when you disrespect the actual LEGISLATIVE body who actually represents YOU far more so than the Mayor does.
A good Mayor would have brought this proposal immediately to the Council and NOT be a Mayor who went out yesterday, (for example) and confronted everyone at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon as well as the Lower Eastern Shore Mayors Association dinner last night. He's trying to sell the business community first, (not the voters) and completely ignoring the Council. Oh, wait just a second, let me correct that statement. Stick with me for just a second.
I attended most of these meetings yesterday, one of which was the most important, the Budget Work Session. Guess who WASN'T at the most important meeting of the year, Shanie Shields. Shanie was too sick to attend the budget meeting but when it came to a MAYOR'S DINNER, oh you can believe Shanie mysteriously got a LOT better and was there to support the Mayor. Getting back to my point, Laura Mitchell also attended that meeting as well as the Chamber Luncheon.
So, all that being said, TWO of the City Council Members are FULLY aware of not only the well hushed up Downtown Revitalization Plan, they also know about the Feldman/Gillis project. ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME NOW?
You see Folks, these THREE, (Mayor and two Council Members) know the Mayor's proposals are crap. They also know there are three other Council Members that aren't going to buy into these games. The Mayor runs around selling his snake oil and gets the big crowds while the responsible members say NO. This is how everything this Mayor has proposed has been done. He wants your PITTY while completely screwing the three responsible council members not only in public meetings but the Daily Times is running with everything the Mayor wants run.
You only get the TRUTH from Salisbury News. Yesterday I personally witnessed former Council President Mike Dunn looking at Parker Place with the owner. HMMMMMM, now why all of a sudden do you think there's special interest in the building just across the street from Feldman's? Could it be someone on the INSIDE knows more than the general public? Hey, maybe I made an incredible investment on my building after all.
I know this Post is long so let me start wrapping it up. Please tell me what attraction is situated in Downtown Salisbury that would warrant 200,000 sq ft of new office space and 500 residential units???????
I talk about removing the parking meters to make it more convenient for people to live and shop Downtown. Ireton wants to pull the meters to build apartments/condos/office space on those very same parking lots and force you to park in the parking garage.
You know what Folks, you are going to have another option for your next Mayor. I put the horse before the cart. I will assure you I will make the Council aware of EVERY project brought to my attention immediately to the Council's attention, ALL 5 of them.
This Mayoral Term is only 2 years and I refuse to WASTE any of my time playing games behind elected officials backs. There are 10,000 out of the 12,000 registered voters that do NOT vote. We're going to need YOUR help reaching out to those 10,000 voters and get them to the polls. Are you with me?
New Posts to fall below.
That proposal - "RUDAT" -- was dumb then and would be absurd now. Now doubt the Chamber of Commerce and "Greater Salisbury Committee" are still ga-ga over it.
Jim-beau thinks downtown Smallsbury is hot because a few thousand people were here during the Salisbury Festival.
That logic would support putting high rise condos, etc., at Winter Place becasue of the crowd that went to "Pork in the Park".
He's another lunatic liberal like his idol Barack Obama.
What in the world makes him think hardy anyone parks in the garage? He needs to take a ride through there. If I leave my office at lunch, I have a hard time finding a place to park when I return. Joe, I will be glad when you take over
He also thinks that it's hot because that big condo on the river is now about 2/3rds filled -- several years after it was built.
What a buffoon.
Maybe they could do subsidized housing for the Perdue workers.
RUDAT, Hyatt=Palma, Urban Salisbury -- when will they stop throwing money into the downtown rat-hole?
Joe --
if you think Ireton is a good speaker, what about Obama?
Did he take his shirt off before that crowd yesterday?
Let's call it Rehobeth, south, and build a beach next to Brew River.
Not with you Joe. You're and idiot. I can't get behind an idiot.
anonymous 4:47, You even look like a liberal. No substance, just name calling. Your one of very few who feel that way and that will be proven at the polls.
Many of the units at that condo on Riverside Drive are not owner occupied. They are now going for about 210,000.
I'd trade Pollitt for Ireton and 2 draft choices -- he's that bad.
You tell them Joe. That is why your radio interview went so well.You tell it like it is. Mr.Mayor ! (^_^)
You should put a photo of your bumper sticker up as an ad. Right at the top where it belongs.
Please save us from any more "Jim-beau jizz." He's a born loser, eve if (in your opionion) he has charisma.
Joe,any vision for Salisbury you should keep to yourself until closer to election so Ireton dont steal them!
Joe A lot of people want to build low income housing...Lord look how much we already have. Build something that makes money not something we pay for and they live for free. See how much is empty before building more.
Just More Obamanomics.. Building new slums in the heart of Salisbury, at taxpayer expense.
Just More Obamanomics.. Building new slums in the heart of Salisbury, at taxpayer expense.
Some city employees claim that you will never be elected and that you don't really meet the requirement of living in the city. I personally would love to see you get elected. It is very entertaining to listen to all of the debates happening at the GOB. I hope you have a plan to boost employee morale. It is an embarrassment to work for the city but most of us stick around because we have to work and jobs are scarce.
Jim Ireton wants to sell all the parking lots?
Gary Comegys wanted to do that, remember????
Ireton is a either a sell-out or a liar. He is a complete tool of the Chamber-SAPOA-Dunn-Tilghman group.
Rise up, people!
"A lot of people want to build low income housing.."
That's because it doesn't cost any local money for Capital expenditure. Unfortunately (like the fire boat), you have to take the ongoing support costs out of you own budget (later of course). These things put cash into the pockets of your supporters quickly who just cut and run.
Grants are wonderful things for some politicians.
The arrogance and ego shine through in that picture and I don't mean the building photo held up.
Well, when you are a horse's a$$, that's where you expect the cart to be.
Eight seconds, outside sweetheart.
What about the half built eye sore rotting away between the "harbor" and the ship building facility?
By the way, the roads there are rotting away too.
Don't forget the Greater Salisbury Committee, also known as the House of Lords (thanks to the late Wm. Duvall).
Math yime again. Let's see, 200,000 square feet of retail with one shopper per 100 square feet= 2,000 people. Add to that 3 folks living in each of the 500 living units is another 1,500 people. Is there enough parking spaces in the parking garage to handle 3,500 people's cars? Oh, wait, let's add to that the workers at the stores, the lawyers and secretaries, and everyone in the GOB. Naw, we don't need those parking lots! Heck, the money we'd get from selling them (for pennies on the dollar) would be more than enough to build all those buildings!
WOW, makes complete sense to me?
Hi Joe
What I like most about you is you’re not a politician. You seem to have common sense and are not afraid to speak your mind right or wrong. Salisbury needs a mayor with common sense that can make the right decisions without self interest or political gain. Already people are running scared you may get elected and why because you are a blue collar common sense guy that don’t take any crap and have a built in bullshit meter. Good ole boy political babies don’t like people like us I hope you know that. If only there were five more on council just like you. Good luck Joe.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jim Ireton wants to sell all the parking lots?
Gary Comegys wanted to do that, remember????
Ireton is a either a sell-out or a liar. He is a complete tool of the Chamber-SAPOA-Dunn-Tilghman group.
Rise up, people!
May 18, 2012 7:18 PM
Yes Jim Ireton wants to sell the parking lots. Just like Barrie Tilgman wanted to sell the parking lot next to the Market Street Inn to Doug Church to build small condo's. He tried to sell the river walk by the old firehouse. He wants to sell the old fire house. He wants to sell Popular Hill Mansion.
In other words his selling is like Joe says pennies on the dollar. He is selling city property, your property at pennies on the dollar to his so called buddies now.
RECALL that idiot NOW!!
Mr. Albero is right. This is a backward way of addressing the needs of the downtown area. Here's why. History has shown that when you have an area that is bustling with decent paying jobs, housing builds up to accomodate the needs of people who work these jobs. Should something happen and these businesses close or move somewhere else, the people living in these areas become jobless. Jobless often become homeless. the homes are purchased by investors and used as rentals. In order to keep the units full the rent is kept at a level that fits the means of the people in the area. Lower rents often mean section 8 assistance. Unfotunately section 8 assistance means the development of inner city slums.
When you take away all the superfluous issues and examine the facts, this is what remains:
1) Residences within a city with no jobs to support the populace;
2) disproportionate number of empty/available housing units compared to the number of jobs necessary to sustain families in that area creating the need for government assistance in order to survive financially in that area.
What you have is the building blocks of an inner city slum which creates the need for larger government infrastructure such as code and law enforcement. Lack of tax revenue will insure that these two legs of government will never rise to occassion of addressing the problems that will inevitably arise as a result of the dismal conditions created by this "plan".
A much more reasonable approach is to create a reason for people to come to the area to spend money and then return to the residences that already exist here or elsewhere. Make it painless for them to visit - such as removing the parking meters as Mr. Albero suggests - and create an atmosphere that is attractive to people from all walks of life. An atmosphere that attracts businesses that service the needs and wants of the people who will visit. And Market the place. Sell it to the people. Make them WANT to visit. And when they get here, make them be glad they didn't miss the opportunity. Yes, the downtown has much to offer when combined with the right vision. Creating affordable housing in an area that won't support that population with employment is a formula for disaster. Betting taxpayers dollars on a losing deal is one all to often embarked upon by government at all levels. It's time to break the chain. It's time to put someone in office with the vision to turn this city around and make it the economic engine it should be. It's time to elect Joe Albero for Mayor of Salisbury.
I know for a fact he wants to sell Popular Hill Mansion. He offered it to me.
No intelligent vision here, as more condos in the downtown area is ridiculous. I haven't shopped downtown for more than 30 years because there is no business there (that I know about) that interests me and I will NOT pay for parking, particularly when there is much more retail business options on the northend of town with free parking!
anonymous 6:52, you just keep telling yourself that. Go ask Mike Lewis where I live. He and others have already investigated it and confirmed my address is 304 W. Main Street in Salisbury. I am a registered voter in Salisbury Maryland and I have a Maryland Drivers License. But you'll just keep coming back here time and time again like you've been doing trying to suggest I'm not qualified. That's OK, we'll see you at the polls.
Didn't you a year or so ago talk/write about trying to make downtown into something like Downtown Disney?
When will the city do something about that eyesore condo on the west side of the river? The photo op about the fireboat had those mounds of dirt piled in the backdrop with overgrown weeds. If that was a home owner/citizen's property they would have multiple citations
It looks like Ireton got Mike Dunn's pal -- Chris Jabubiak, a jack-leg "city planner" -- to cook up this hairbrained scheme. Please find out if he is getting any City money for his "services".
Don't I recall something about Mike Dunn and Barrie tilghman or her husband owning stock in the Bank of delmarva?
That commie libtard Ireton hasn't had a single ggod idea since he get in office. Get 'em Joe!
Joe, do you remember how Jim attacked the landlords and named them slum lords? he also felt that renters and landlords were the problem.. kinda funny that he now wants all this low income housing... oh thats right... he wants to put all the low income trash and blacks.. in one place... that way they arent all around town where they will be seen.. wow Shanie... arent you smart enough to see that you are just a pawn... he feels that if you arent up to his par or his standards, you are trash and beneath him... this is just my opinion tho. Makes sense to me!!!
Ireton did do a complete 180 in his opinion of landlords. Makes one wonder if SOPOA has some hard dirt on Ireton that he wouldn't want made public.
Joe you want to e Mayor, what's your take on parking, FREE or keep it the same?
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