DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, May 21, 2012
A Letter To The Editor 5-21-12
I am very concerned about my son, he is incarcerated at the Wicomico county detention center, he is a 20 year old, being held on a $25,000 bond for violation of probation charge for a drug charge, he is a young man who has never been in jails before, yes he has a drug problem, but not a bad person, a very kind hearted young man with a 2 yr old daughter, struggling with an addiction problem. I went to visit him and found him with 2 black eyes, a razor cut across his nose, swollen lip, bruised mouth, bloodied inside his lip, swollen eyes, he was attacked by a man in his 30's , extremely muscular with a jail house made weapon made with a razor attached to toothbrush, in the bathroom where he was cut and beaten. When I complained to the detention center they told me that shower areas were private. They have female guards and they can't supervise that area. Are you kidding me? What kind of society do we live in when our young men are being caged like animals for drug addiction, there is a drug store on every street corner to buy “legal drugs” but if you possess drugs you get arrested and caged, treated like an animal. Big “Pharma” and our corrupt government gets richer, “peasants and royalty” we slide through time into our new “tech-world” totally oblivious to what is going on around us, nothing ever changes.
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My hope is that an elected official will investigate this complaint.
bet there are two sides to this story.
Sorry,no sympathy. He broke the law. Why isn't he in a rehab facility?
I also bet there are two sides to this story. If he only had an addiction problem he probably wouldn't be incarcerated at 20 years old. There is no mention of a wife but only a 2 year old daughter. He sounds like he has other problems as well. Mom needs to stop making excuses and make the young man grow up.
This letter is a perfect example of what is wrong with society. Poor little Johnny. Him being in jail isn't his fault, it's everyone elses - government, pharmacies, technology. Wise up! Little Johnny isn't in jail because of his drugs, he's in jail because the judicial system gave him a break, put him on probation, and your little Johnny made certain promises to the court to keep his sorry weak ass out of jail. He lied to the court and didn't hold up his end of the bargain. He went ahead and did exactly what he wanted to do, which is probably the attitude he's had through his entire life. If he got his ass kicked in jail, good. Maybe once he gets out he'll learn a valuable lesson and never want to return. Life's lessons are simply ones. Biggest one is: You choose the action, you choose the consequence.
It's easy do not break the law. Then there is no issue with being in jail. It's really not that hard to stay out of jail.. you have to work at it.
Maybe he will sober up and learn his lesson so he will not return to jail again and get the help he needs.
I feel your pain but maybe its tough love time for your boy. If he is on probation that means he knows the system and has been in trouble before!Maybe just maybe he will see the light this time and realize he does not want to go back there. The only way he's ever gonna get clean is he does it on his own accord but a little help pushing him from HOME may help him realize this. Taxpayers end up spending tons of money on programs to help people such as your son, time for you to investigate how to get him in a program to clean him up.
Maybe he'll learn his lesson. Sometimes jail is the best kind of recovery for an addict. Sorry he's going through that but, welcome to jail.
And don't be so dramatic, he's not caged like an animal. he's got three meals and cable TV. More than most in under-developed countries.
For those of you short sighted a-holes that have never dealt with the correction facilities...keep your know it all comments to yourself. As a parent it's disturbing to watch a child struggle and deal with these type issues. I agree that hopefully he will learn the lessions needed..but still no excuse for being treated this way. IMAO
8:30 and 8:31 I couldn't have said it better. I do understand the anguish this mom must be going through, but it's time for him to take his big boy pill and get through without Mama's help.
As a mother I understand your pain. It is also true that perscription drugs are out of control in our area and there is no help in sight. We do not have rehabs that take people in around here and the few that are somewhat close are packed full. My cousin tried to get into one for heroin addiction and was turned away because they had no beds. While everyone on here only looks at it like he is only a criminal I understand. Jail will not help an addict. Also this is everyones problem, wake up and see perscription pills and thebig companys that produce them are killing are youth n towns. 9 out of 10 burglaries are pill related. It is out of control.
Now if we say its ok for inmates to do whatever or hurt anyone cause hey its jail they are all criminals......then why would we expect for them to get out and treat anyone different? Its ok to break the law while in jail? This needs to be addressed by the jail. Court action should be taken. This is exactly why people go into jail bad and walk out worse
I feel the jail situation should be investigated.. I will ask just like everybody else why are you accepting the fact that he has a drug problem? Why have you not made him go away to get help? Please don't say he wouldn't go because if he was my son and would not go I would wash my hands of him and make him learn the hard way. "Everything you do has consequences, whether for good or for bad."
Drug addiction is a medical problem not a moral one. Putting someone in jail who is sick is a disgrace. if drugs were legalized then the profit would be taken out of it for those who become rich feeding off the misery of others.
sounds like everyone but momma is on the same page. he was actually given at least two chances (was already on probation). no sympathy.
ECI is a joke. I am sorry to hear about the young boy, someone with that type of problem does not need to be locked up in a cell with no treatment. The "security officers" and warden over there have let that place go to hell.
9:16 What part of he wasn't put in jail because of his drug addiction, but because he violated the terms and conditions of his probation don't you understand? Drug addicts are notorious thieves. First and foremost, my concern is with the general public whose personal safety and property are in jeopardy when a drug addict isn't doing what he is supposed to. No doubt conditions of his probation were he was to remain clean and attend drug treatment. I bet he did neither. If he doesn't give a shit, I'm certainly not going to.
Well it is a detention center and not the Hilton. While I believe every attempt is made to protect the inmates fights do occur. Jails, prisons, detention centers are filled with the worst of the worst so unless everyone is caged 24/7 violence does and will occur.
I don't understand our society and the people in it...he's doing his time but he doesn't need to get the crap beat out of him for doing the time. Come on people...please!! Life inside that hole is hard enough...though, I know he also isn't in there with honest hard working people either...its hard to see your kids going thru that..
Mom is an enabler here and I doubt this will be the only time he is in jail.
So why is it we hear so many of these incidents happeneing? Between that and escaped convicts they are running a muck at ECI. I am sure those who have no sympath would be singing another song if it was their child in jail.
I think the Mom has the right to complain about her son having the crap beat out of him. After all he is a human being and no one deserves to be treated like that. The whole shower area is private is stupid. These people who are in jail for a reason and need to be supervised so that attacks like this don't happen.
As far as why he is in jail, that's on her son. I'm sorry that drugs took a hold of his life, but he made that choice. I know that as a mother this must be difficult to watch your son in jail, but it could be the best thing that happens to him. Maybe he will get himself together after this.
May 21, 2012 8:26 AM
AMEN, in the old west, we would have hung him for being stupid...
Black eyes, little cut, if I was his dad hed be lucky thats all he get.
Poor little Johnny
These same people that beat him probably do drugs with him on the streets.
Lack of rehab is nothing but an excuse. If an addict WANTS to stop they CAN with or without rehab. It's nothing more than the desire and the very hard commitment to change.
Everything has to change including your friends if they use drugs. If they are a bad influence then they gotta go and will go if someone is serious about becoming clean.
It's just not about NOT using drugs but a complete lifestyle change and anyone can do it IF THEY REALLY WANT TO.
Just because he's incarcerated doesn't give anyone else the right to hurt him. Drug addiction is a real problem. Until you have a son or daughter living that painful addiction, STOP JUDGING!
This young man may need rehab. However, they are not easy to get into. From experience...........
@10:33 you are a complete idiot. In the old west you would have slaves to im sure you redneck. I hope you aren't anyone's "daddy" talking liek that because I would feel bad for your children.
And @11:00 AM have you ever been a drug addict? I am pretty sure you can not speak from experience if you do not have any genius...
Quit already with the drug addicts have a medical problem or a disease! It's very annoying!
Addiction is a condition caused by the ones who CHOOSE to put drugs in their bodies!
Rehab is very expensive and the "state" beds have a very long waiting list. The average person cannot afford to pay privately. When they do go to rehab and return to the same friends, it is a losing battle. After many years of addiction, and several rehab attempts, my son couldn't break the habit. Jail would have been the best thing for him. At least he would still be alive. I would still have my son and his son would have a father to watch him graduate in a few days. Mothers never stop loving, but sometimes that is not enough. I will pray that your son can be successful.
I'd rather see him in a rehab that he is paying for and not a prison the I'm paying for. Jails should be used for real crimes.
Im not judging, Im saying be a better parent, have good morals go to church keep them off the streets. Stop divorcing and maybe with TWO parents you can get the job done.
Oh and two parents of DIFFERENT sexes
Enjoy Sodom and Gamorah Maryland
For those of you that don't know, I grew up with most of this generation of drug addicts. Most of them got their start raiding their parents prescription drug cabinets. There was also a time, when doctors handed out prescriptions for pain killers for almost anything, and at the handy touch of just a signature. Most people presume, if it's a doctors prescription, it's got to be safe. What doctors were giving out was the same thing as street heroine. Alot of people got into a habit that they were really blind to what it really was. I bet most people on here commenting have a prescription from their doctor at home in their cabinet. But that's ok, my doctor gave me a prescription. Wait and see what you think about the side of effects when your doctor doesn't fill the prescription for a couple days. Then you can join the rest of the belittled drugs addict club, maybe so low, as to be in the shoes of this ladies son. People should really not be so harsh and quick to judge, America itself created the drug problem we have, and our country needs to realize it's going to take more than the court system bullying people to clean it up.
Someone should investigate this facility to ensure all policies are being followed. It sounds to me ECI has gone to the dogs. No one needs to be beaten up regardless of status. I hope he learns his lesson this time.
I've been on the other end of living & dealing with a drug addict/alcoholic who has also spent time in jail. Even though we are no longer together because of these same issues, and while I understand these are offenses in the eyes of our laws/courts, I agree jail is not the best place for these drug crimes unless violence/weapons were involved. He also came out of WCDC with a broken nose, black eyes, concussion and broken ribs and he was a grown man in his 40s. We were told the same thing, "we can't watch everybody all the time, stuff happens". These people are addicts and addiction is a medical issue, not always a choice, especially since most addicts are also diagnosed with other mental health issues. There are a few drug rehabs locally, but not many; however they are so inundated with clients more than ever and yes, there is a waiting list for beds, especially for men, many of which spend years in them. If there's a way to get this BOY out of there and in a rehab it needs to be done.
Eastern Shore inhabitants are, for the most part, literally to stupid to even have a realistic opinion.
People do become addicted to drugs, it happens. Usually after some time of accident or injury. The doctor gives them pain meds and that is all it takes. Getting off them and finding help is the harder issue. Can it be done? YES but trying to find help in the Salisbury area is not easy. The pharmacy is making money by selling the drugs and there are thousand of rehab places that are also making a killing.
This is also another example of the wrong person for the job. They SHOULD have male officers that are watching those showers. If this is a male prison than a female should not be hired that can not do the entire job. Just like a male should not be at a womens prison watching the showers. This seems like poor management to me.
Inside jail life Law inside a jail is you get a beat down when you get there.All new ones get a beatdown. My sons jaw was broke. He was a disabled person before he went to jail now he is worse off. They do not care at all. No one cares, sorry to have the break a reality to you.
Jail is no rehab, most addicts go in and out in and out of jail. It is a place where criminals get schooled more on how to do more crimes.
Jails are big business for our area.
Only your son can help himself if he has a drug problem. He needs to learn how to cope with his cravings, feelings and never mind hanging out with other drug using people. Will he go to Nar-Anon?You need help also or you are going to live a life of bailing him out all your life.
I hope for your sons sake this experience shakes him to his senses to see he is just wasting his time and life and he decides to do something positive with his life while he is still young.
9:45 and 10:43 - READING COMPREHENSION 101 - This article is in no way about ECI. I know you don't know the difference between WCDC and ECI because you can't READ.
A detention center is not a prison. No one "deserves" to be beaten up however some people just can't help but piss people off. Correctional Officers cannot be everywhere in the prison at all times and on occasion people get into fights. He most likely received better treatment for his wounds in the infirmary than he would have if he jacked someone on the street for his fix.
People sometimes make mistakes. The irony in your post just cracks me up. Tell me please what 10:43 said. Oh wait you can't there is NO POST at 10:43
For those who are using the rehab not available as an excuse FYI drug and alcohol rehabs have a 90-98% FAILURE rate.
Lack of rehab facilities are an excuse. When someone really really wants to give up drugs and/or alcohol-they CAN-IF THEY WANT TO. And again it's not just enough to stop using-it's a total and complete lifestyle change.
One must be committed to and willing to give up old so called friends. They must not put themselves in situations where these substances are in close reach. You have to find a healty hobby to get involved in.
It is a daily, hourly and a minute by minute struggle but it can be done-if you want to do it. And it does get easier with time.
Finding one that is affordable is the problem and yes they only quit when they want to. When they are ready and it's not afordable it gets a bit tricky. They have to given the chance and help that most need. Not all are a horror story. Sometimes it just takes time. It is not something that is done over night.
The WCDC is a jail, not a torture chamber. It has been that way for over 30 years. The guards are terrible, the superivision is lazy, especially fatty and the now exec. could care less as long as the money keeps coming in. Gangs are overwheliming and racial attacks: black on white exists all the time. Everyone has investigated and somehow these clowns get off or move on to other jails. I pity the few professional officers who are there and do their best despite all of the above. Hope you kid sues and wins. No one should be beaten without the system charging them for assault or attempted murder.
So the punk azz momma boy got his azz beat according to mommie. So What. It's a jail. Don't do the crime then ya won't do the time.
As for female working in these facilities, they do their jobs as good as or if not better than the men. Most Men do want to do a proper strip search on another man. Now you want them to stand in or near a shower while your son take a bath. Mommie, you do it. Get a job as a corrctional officer and watch over your son. You son violated the condition of his probation and ended up in jail. Now he has to deal with the consequences of his incarceration. If you don't like the condition of WCDC, put the boy in rehab. Jails are not rehab or mental health facilities. But, most of you think it is. It's a place were people go who refuse to obey the laws.
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