Beware of this vehicle sitting on Jersey Road across the street from Salisbury Middle School near Jackson Park. Inside is a speed camera for Wicomico County. No doubt they're getting a LOT of people coming through that area so you have now been warned.
Why do we have cops still using radar if these vehicles are everywhere?
Is that legal? Do they have signs up in that area saying it is photo enforced?
Sounds like a good time to lay off some cops.
Don't know about the legality of this, however---why worry if you aren't breaking the law anyway!
@12:30 because that is like saying well I hope the police dont bash my door down since I have beer in the fridge and I am 20. Why are you worried about it if you arent breaking the law? Because it is my constitutional right to worry about it.
@12:59.. Just as it is the County's constitutional right to place a speed camera... If it were not legal it wouldnt be there.
Cars parked around Fruitland and Delmar schools with cameras in them too. White Ford Escapes.
Joe warned us the other day that Sheriff Mike said they would be starting to use them.
They leave it there too long it is gonna get stripped down to the frame.
Just as it is the County's constitutional right to place a speed camera... If it were not legal it wouldnt be there.
May 31, 2012 2:13 PM
Do you really believe that?
They leave it there too long it is gonna get stripped down to the frame.
May 31, 2012 5:42 PM
Ha. I wish. That would be too funny.
There is probably a camera aimed at the vehicle just waiting for someone to try to strip it down. Gotcha!
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