Yesterday was what, TUESDAY? That would make it pretty unusual that after last nights city council meeting I went to Delmar to meet with the Mayor and Council and stopped in WaWa on my way and the image above is what I saw.
So your thinking, so what, right? Well, what you are seeing is the SUNDAY paper still on the racks and obviously not sold. There were no Monday or Tuesday papers, just Sunday.
While speaking to another long term professional yesterday they said, the Daily Times is broke. They have no substance and no reporters who have a history here to know what they're reporting about.
Well, a lot can be said about the rest of the local MSM as well. After last nights little rant by Mayor Ireton, the Daily Times reporter just thought Jimmy was cute as a button and started giggling and looking at me. Hey Daily Times, let's see who's laughing when this election is over. I said it in my radio interview, screw with me one time and you'll be looking for stories because you won't get one from City Hall. You may also want to put a poll out there and simply ask who the voters would vote for if the election was held tomorrow. I think you'd be majorly surprised. In fact, I know you'd be.
If we're lucky they'll be out of business by then anyway. Remember Daily Times, pictures don't lie.
i hate to see them fold, right here at crab season.
There used to be a time when you couldn't find a Sunday paper. We used to get it for the coupons. You are better off getting another paper with coupons the ones in the DT are really bad.
The Dispatch is free and has more local news in it!
"Why kick a man when he is down?"
The Daily Times article today makes it appear they are in cahoots with Ireton. All that drama over the fireworks is more fireworks than the fireworks. Gannett should be ashamed to have such a paper like that one.
They have a very nice Go insert, which focuses on local entertainment on Thursday. I like it and look forward to it every Thursday. It is not the only paper having struggles many are since everthing is online. "The Times They Are A Changing"---Bob Dylan
8:31, I've lived here for over 20 + years, stopped getting the daily disappointment over 10 years ago. They do a dis-service to the public for not presenting all the news and the little bit they do present is always slanted with their liberal pablum puking views!
Will be interesting to see where they all end up getting jobs!
Is it just me or does it look dark outside. No one buys a paper at night.
It's appalling that they no longer have "news" in the paper. We still get the Sunday edition (yea, I know, stupid me). This week they relied on a story from 19 years ago, an OC murder, to plaster the front page. Nothing new, no news, just regurgitation of old, meaningless stuff.
If the Times was free, I'd probably pick it up once in a while, like the Dispatch. The Times news is always old anyway, so why pay for it?
I heard the vote for fire works was 4 to 1...who was the one?? Laura or Shanie?
7:49 Good one! Too funny!
There big headline today is:
"Council cancels fireworks funding"
Of course Lake wrote the article along with contributor McKinney.
Between the 2 of them I would think that one would know the definiton of "cancel" which means: deciding or announcing that something PREVIOUSLY PLANNED will not take place. Obviously they do not.
Ned White and Mel Toadvine must be going crazy
"Why kick a man when he is down?"
For the same reason that "man" wrote a front page article about a minor traffic accident when the other "man" was involved!
He who lives by the snark...
it's dark outside because it is TUESDAY NIGHT. if that is sundays paper it has been sitiing there for 3 sunrises and sunsets and a dent has not been made lol
They support Obama and all who do are fading away. For examole: CNN now only has 54,000 viewers. They will go out of buisness next.
Support Obama you will fail!
I read the obituaries to see if my name is there. That's about all it's good for.
Just wait until they follow the rest of the Gannet newspapers this summer and put their online news behind a pay wall. You'll have to have an online subscription to read the news, just like the new york times...... I predict massive layoff and the place closing down by Christmas.
Why pay full price for 1/3 of the news? And @8:55 did you not read the article? He said this picture was taken Tuesday night and the papers are from Sunday meaning no one has picked them up for a few days.
"Council cancels fireworks funding" was the DT's headline today. As there was no city funding, it can hardly be said that the council canceled it.
I think they did a service in not giving funding to an event that clearly can be funded on its own merits by community donations.
Daily Times needs someone to write good business articles,then I would buy it.
Joe, when you are elected it would be awesome if you stopped the petty stuff that has been going on. Take the high road, 'ya know? Give the people what they want, including press released.
The Times would have been better off to have had a positive article about those who have contributed to have the fireworks, instead of making it just another one sided politicial sour grape article. Journalism with no class at all.
7:49 I almost peed my pants
10:21, I agree with you.
As for pettiness, Ireton wrote the book. And pretty much that Daily Times article, too.
9:27 - Jack Richards
Mel Toadvine and Ned White were at the newspaper regularly overseeing the editorial, sales and production departments of the Daily Times. Mel did a lot of writing and editing too. Both were accessible to the public. Bassett, on the other hand, is only available to his golfing buddies. Even his friends marvel at how little he works and wonder how long it will take Gannett to catch on.
With the free Dispach and the Guide,I have all the print news I need.
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