Laura went to meetings all over the state without getting permission from the Council and used up 65% of the entire Council Expense Budget on her very own.
I filled out paperwork last night to ask a question. I asked, if LESMA, (Lower Eastern Shore Mayors Association) is for Mayors, how many times has Mayor Ireton been to one of these dinners? None of the Council Members could answer my direct question. HOWEVER, they did say that they are working on changing the name because now its more about REPRESENTATIVES from each Town/City than it is for Mayors. Leave it to the democrats to start an organization to make it look like a good idea and then steal it and make it something else without the public ever knowing.
Now THAT is too funny! I have learned through multiple contacts that this is more of a drinking fest than any kind of real networking. In fact, Council President Terry Cohen stated she had attended one of these meetings and it was more about drinking than it was gathering helpful information, therefore she'd rather be at home with her children then waste time at one of these meetings.
It has been reported that Laura Mitchell was covered through an Annapolis Newspaper making statements from a Gay Marriage event in Annapolis. We want to know if this trip was also at Salisbury Taxpayers expense?
Mitchell stated she goes to all of these events, (uninvited, mind you) to represent the City. I can think of a few other people that could better represent the City than someone who is so fiscally irresponsible as Laura Mitchell. Laura claims she never added up her expenses and couldn't believe they were over $1,400.00 SO FAR! The rest of the Council is broke and will not be able to afford to go to any other unscheduled events for the rest of the year.
Thanks Laura. I'd hate to see your credit card bills.
LOL, they don't get paid either
And this woman is an accountant studying for her CPA?
Joe, The discussion on changing the name of LESMA was stopped by the members. Council members are allowed to attend and in some instances the official pays for themselves, but not always.
So bascially she was indiscriminately going to whatever floated her boat on tax payers dime without even considering if her presence benefitted the city, the voters and the residents of the city she represents?
I'm really curious to know if the gay marriage event was on the tax payers dime.
How can this woman blindly spend money without anyone knowing how much she has spent? That is insane.
Screw her out of the money like she has done to plenty of people around here.
She follows in the grand tradition of Barrie, Bubba, Louweasel, Mikey and Lovely L. C.
Please tell Mike Dunn so he can file an ethics charge against her!
Does she have a legal right to go to these events and charge them to the city without council approval? If not, wouldn't that be malfeasance?
If she is allowed to attend, and does, her expenses should be paid. If Cohen chooses not to attend, there's more money for those who do. Kwitcherbellyaching!
12:08's comment is typical of the entitlement crowd, the ones who never get ahead and wait on their tax refund money to get things like big screen TV's since they have no other way to pay for one.
Just because the money is there does not mean she has to spend it on every little whim. It's a limited amount and must only be spent on events that directly benefit Salisbury.
I have no problem with this. Salisbury should be represented. It's called networking. Maybe if the City wasn't spending so much money on the new City Attorney the cost of these trips would be covered many times over.
@12:08 SO she should be able to spend the alotted budget for the entire coucil BY HERSELF for no apparent reason and then turn around and say oh my gosh I had no clue. Come on lady get a grip.
There certainly should be an ethics violation in there. Spending money the city doesn't have with no regard, shows her leadership skills, NONE!
She probably thought all those pork/booze fests were an entitlement.
1:01 You use the term "networking" loosely. At the very least she is taking advantage of these funds provided and set aside for those events with are either a concern or a benefit for Salisbury.
Going just to go so the city has a representative present is not reason enough and is downright absurb.
Mrs Cohen is correct again (as usual.) Those MML workshops and seminars are nothing more than a drinking fest place to socialize on the tax payer dime.
The organization is nothing more than something that was 'invented' by politicians so they can sit on the board and then they think it looks good on their resume when election time approaches. It was also created as a way for them to party on tax payers money.
Oh of course they claim it as way for minds to get together and come up with ideas blah blah blah.
The only ideas the politicians need to hear is from us the voters.
Any 'networking' should be done in their own communities amongst those they represent.
MML is a body that lobbies for municipalities throughout the state. Without their help the state would pocket even more of the highway user funds they (with Norm Conway's help) would never give towns/cities any voice in state law. LESMA? They are a chance to network, but should never be confused with MML which puts in work.
Do not confuse LESMA with MML! The Maryland Municipal League is an excellent resource for local officials. Education of state and local governance is worth it alone, but the efforts to thwart Conway types who milk monies away from cities and towns are really where the benefit is. LESMA? Not sure about that one....
12:08 is not a woman, 1:16, nor an unemployed handout taker, 12:56. FYI, stats on 12:08: male, retired, owns 3 homes, no debt to anyone other than one mortgage. Worked for everything all my life. If Ms. Mitchell wants to represent this city, I say go ahead - if the money is there for that purpose. It's available to all of them, as I understand it. And don't start crying about saving when they are proposing bonuses for the workers. I have nothing against a bonus program, provided the money is available and it is based on merit. Who is going to decide that?
If a council person doesn't use their travel trying to save the taxpayers money, another council person should not spend the money like it's theirs.
I don't mind bonuses for employees unless they are getting raises too. Maybe this is instead of raises. They haven't had any in years have they?
I am just amazed by what you have posted about the city today, Joe. This post and the others should go front and center tomorrow.
This woman is watching over my tax dollars? This is crazy!
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