There is a bomb at Food Lion Rt. 50/Tilghman Rd. Salisbury MD 21801
Salisbury Police & Fire in parking lot.
Bomb Squad FM 84 FM 83 coming in from Baltimore on a helicopter.
UPDATE: 9:54 AM, 30 Min ETA on helicopter, the bomb is real.
It was found in the parking lot by Mc Donalds
UPDATE: 10:14 AM Helicopter Trooper 7 is landing at Food Lion.
UPDATE: 10:40 AM Salisbury Police just announced that the device was not real they are in process of opening it to see whats inside.
Again, the device is NOT real and ALL traffic is open for business. No restrictions!
Posted at 9:06 AM
It is a possible live grenade. It was found in row one at Food Lion. They looked at it through binoculars and said that it looked real.
The helacopter has landed at MSP hanger on Leer jet way. SPD is bring them to the Food Lion.
Please keep with the updates. My son is working at the McDonalds and I am worried.
i would certainly hope they have evacuated the area (including mcd's) if the bomb is credible.
Any up dates Joe. Please keep us posted.
How's that new Fire Boat working now. Seems to me a bomb squad would be more important.
No they didnt evacuate McDonalds the Fire Marshall will not allow anyone to leave. How crazy is that?
Listening to the police scanner... Said the device was "not real."
Oh thank God! Thank you Joe for having this blog. I would have never known if my son who is working at McDonalds is safe until I waited to hear from him. I can now breath a sigh of relief.
I'm relieved that it was not real. Hope they catch the sick-minded individual.
Water ways need to be dug all over salisbury for the new fire boat.
What a bunch of freaking idiots. Why would you not evacuate the area. The fire marshall needs to be fired.
Good thing we have that big fireboat for events like this!
Seems like the type if paranoia that brought us the TSA, patriot act, and indefinite detention of American citizens. Stay scared people
What a joke! Poor leadership in the Salisbury Fire Department.
Sounds like it was unreal over there
i was in food lion. they would not let us leave. the grenade was in the parking lot and it had been real and went off it would have taken out alot of cars. the staff at food lion were very nice and made the ordeal not so bad. Better safe than sorry...
10:43 AM
why leave? It's not real. What terriost group would bomb salisbury? Remember the kids story "chicken little" the sky is falling?
Probably one of those toys that children have.
A granade has a pin in it..if it still has a pin it is not dangerous.
How much money did this cost us??
You starting to put ads in your comments Joe?
A couple of comments had words underlined and highlighted and when I put my cursor over them an ad showed up.
Just an FYI this was a police incident.... They were in charge of this incident. The fd was only there at the request of the PD.
Right 1:33. Why should we go to ANY lengths at all to protect our citizenry? Screw 'em! That's what I say! It's the American way! YEE HAW!
It was made of plastic. A model. A kids toy.
Who is the fire Marshall working this case, Harr?
I don't understand why people are complaining about the way this incident was handled. I know people were upset about being held at McDonalds and Food Lion; however, what if it had been real?? Is it really worth the risk?? I think they handled this situation well. I'm glad that they took all the precautions that they did.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just an FYI this was a police incident.... They were in charge of this incident. The fd was only there at the request of the PD.
May 19, 2012 3:14 PM
It doesn't matter if it was a police incident. It was overkill and the police doesn't control the fire department.
It might be something new blogger is doing. Can you please tell me which post and comment so we can check it out. Thanks!
May 19, 2012 6:53 PM
There are several on the blog and on different threads.
10:13 AM, 10:51 AM, on this thread had the words linked to an ad.
The name of the pop up is 'text enhance'. One is about penny stocks and the other is about walmart gift card.
I haven't checked them all out. And I have clicked on none.
For the uneducated: If it looks like it could be real you treat it as if it is real. For a small device such as a grenade, you are safer inside the building than you are if you are outside walking to your car (being evacuated). The incident Command System dictates who has control of the scene. If the police officers on scene outrank the Fire Dept personnel on scene they are in command and vice versa. If somebody else shows of higher rank up from the sister agency the that person now assumes command of the incident. If they started evcuating people and letting them leave in their cars and the device went off and injured those people then they would held responsible for these injuries. Emergency personnel are trained for these type of incidents and I'm pretty sure they handled things by the book. Lots of Monday Morning Quaterbacks trolling on SBY News. As I've said many times before, if you think you can do better get involved. Join the Fire Dept or your local law enforcement agency.
To 8:22 and 6:53 PM, I just checked those 2 comment windows with my mouse with no result that you are describing. FYI. You may want to do an Adaware scan....
Anonymous said...
For the uneducated: If it looks like it could be real you treat it as if it is real. For a small device such as a grenade, you are safer inside the building than you are if you are outside walking to your car (being evacuated). The incident Command System dictates who has control of the scene. If the police officers on scene outrank the Fire Dept personnel on scene they are in command and vice versa. If somebody else shows of higher rank up from the sister agency the that person now assumes command of the incident. If they started evcuating people and letting them leave in their cars and the device went off and injured those people then they would held responsible for these injuries. Emergency personnel are trained for these type of incidents and I'm pretty sure they handled things by the book. Lots of Monday Morning Quaterbacks trolling on SBY News. As I've said many times before, if you think you can do better get involved. Join the Fire Dept or your local law enforcement agency.
May 20, 2012 12:43 AM
Someone really doesn't know what they are talking about, but they read it in a book somewhere.
8:42 AM
ok if I was the only one to see it, it must be on my end. I did scans and don't seem to see it anymore. Thanks.
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