I expect this piece might be a bit more lengthy that our usual Posts but I felt it necessary to publish.
I started Salisbury News more than 7 years ago. My goal was to get information out to the public the rest of the Main Stream Media, (MSM) wouldn't, or were too afraid to publish.
While there are many examples of what we have accomplished, I'll use a quick one because it will help every one to better understand where I'm going.
One area that bothered me was all the crime going on, yet we weren't seeing any of it show up in the MSM. So I started publishing Press Releases from all of our local law enforcement agencies. The next thing we knew, all of a sudden comments were flying in, where the heck did all this crime come from.
I tried to explain that it had always been here, the local media simply refused to publish it. Then we came out with Salisbury being the 4th most dangerous city, (per capita) in America. Well every one went nuts over that, especially our former Mayor and Police Chief. The information we published came right from the FBI, yet they, (the Mayor and Chief) immediately denied it as being fact. They came up with every possible excuse, similar to there are NO GANGS in Salisbury and we're 99% compliant with the MDE at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, all untrue, all lies.
OK, all that being said, I have always expressed to every one of you that Salisbury News would NEVER be influenced by our advertisers or politicians. Even though I had been sued by the former Mayor, the Police Chief and even the Warden of the Detention Center, I fought back and ultimately won each case. My own legal fees were over $40,000.00 and every day I run Salisbury News it cost me a small fortune in personal expenses. I say this not to gain any pity from any of you. I say this because I know what I'm doing and I personally believe that what I'm doing does in fact and has in fact made a huge difference keeping politicians in check AND the public more aware of the TRUTH.
There's no denying, you do NOT want to be on the bad side of Joe Albero and they all know that. Because of you, (thank you, by the way) the power of Salisbury News is now stronger than ANY local MSM outlet. So much so, now they are publishing the crime information and quite a bit more of what we put out there every day.
Yesterday I received a phone call from one of our advertisers stating they didn't like an article I recently published about Sheriff Mike Lewis. Mind you, this advertiser has always been somewhat skittish about certain articles we have published and we have always held at length discussions over the intent of the article, (at the time) and yesterday was simply going to be different.
I will not, nor will I ever, be encouraged by ANY advertiser as to the content we put on Salisbury News. We do not put up naked pictures of people, we are not racist, heck, we even publish ALL of Governor O'Malley's Press Releases because I believe it is only fair that each and every one of you know what's going on in our state.
I may not agree with everything we publish, (just like many of you feel) but in order to make good solid judgement decisions as to how we all make decisions or even vote, I feel its important we get it out there.
Nevertheless, while I was on the phone, (knowing what was coming) I instantly removed that advertiser from Salisbury News before they could ever say anything. I then told them while we were on the phone I was no longer going to take any more crap from them as we have NEVER done any of this for the money and we will NOT be influenced as to what we do based on their ad.
Now, I could have sat back and never said a word about any of this to you. However, I feel it is extremely important that every one of you know that I do this at my own expense for all of you. I haven't mentioned all of the time, (YEARS) this has taken away from my Family and the price they pay for the personal attacks, threats and even loss of employment because of the Anti Albero people. We have paid a heavy duty price to do what I do.
If you do not like what we do, do NOT return. Don't stand face to face with me at an event, shake my hand or even speak to me IF you're going to talk behind my back when I walk away. I do NOT need your friendship/association to feed my ego. As many of you know, we live a very good clean life. I can shut down Salisbury News in an instant and happily move on with our lives. However, I'll do so on my own terms and not because I'm being pressured into it.
Because of all of you we have achieved so many great things. Because of our advertisers we have been able to "Pay It Forward" by feeding families and so many great things too numerous to mention. You have stood by my side ringing bells and volunteering to do so many uplifting things for our communities and I truly can't thank you enough.
I created this Post to insure that I will not only continue to publish Salisbury News, I will do so the way I see fit. I will never be influenced by politicians or advertisers and I apologize for being repetitive but I must make it very clear.
In closing, sure, I'd love to publish far more uplifting news and information. Unfortunately, trust me, if it was out there we'd be publishing it. I can't be everywhere and in some cases we have to depend on YOU to deliver us such uplifting news and events. If an organization doesn't deliver us their Press Releases there's a very good chance we're not going to know about it. We do our best to keep you up to speed with these type of events and information and we have never denied any one from publishing fundraisers and events for FREE.
So I thank you for taking the time to allow me to vent. Many may not like the Howard Stern's of the world but top Fortune 500 Companies advertise there because they're SMART. They know a huge volume of people listen to the guy and where better to spend your advertising money than where every one truthfully goes.
We are still a capitalist nation , at least for now anyway. It is good to have some media such as yours to tell the truth .
This type of news is few and far between , that is sad. I believe people only want to hear the BS anymore.
I have been following this news since it started 7 years ago. The comment section is good for news as well as the soul. This will give people many different opinions and may well be a deciding factor in important decisions.
It certainly has changed my way of thinking many times.
We are a spoiled nation and may not recover from our present leadership , but as long as conservative people exist we have a chance.
Thanks for your time and effort!
I enjoy your site and come here often even though I don't agree with a lot of what you post. For the most part I think your site provides a valuable community forum. I completely agree that your journalistic integrity should never be compromised by advertisers or politicians.
A good as this site is, however, I think there are a few things that you do that damage your journalistic integrity. I get turned off by your posts and comments that sometimes transcend the issue at hand and become a more personal attack. As an example- challenging the manhood of some people who post anonymously seems to drop you to those poster's juvenile level.
Like I said, I really enjoy your site and will continue to come here. keep up the good work.
Joe, to quote Neil Young, "Keep on rockin' in the free world!"
Go Joe, tell it like it is, and make sure you use mouthwash to continue to make sure everything you say and do is sparkling clean and smells fresh. Thanks
I am glad you are not bias when it comes to things and report what others will not.
Sadly, many of these people who will be a friend to your face then stab you in the back are wannabe politicians and members of the local Chamber of Commerce. The measure of a man is his ability to stand his ground without compromising his values for the sake of a dollar. Those who will stab you in the back are the same people who have already compromised themselves time and time again for the sake of making money. It's a shame to say the the number who will do this grows everyday and the number of those who place real value on integrity and values gets smaller all the time. Keep the faith Joe.
In our house we view many news sources. We believe what we read here is more accurate than any other because you won't compromise your integrity for money or anything else.
Sure would like to know who the dropped advertizer was so I can also stop dealing with them. Keep up the good work as it gives valuable insight into what is really going on with facts and not bias. Your faithful reader.
I moved from the area last year because I couldn't stand being unemployed. Even though I was able to get a good job and have settled in nicely, my heart is still on the Eastern Shore. The only way to know what is really going on there is to tune in to Salisbury News. One day I will return home like the Prodigal Son (and family) and it will feel like we never left because I can click on at any time and know exactly what's really going on.
There's plenty of good news in high school sports, which for some reason you refuse to admit exists except when a coach is arrested.
"The truth will set you free"
nuff said
As I recall, this was about children being taken by one parent and the sheriff not returning your call. If one of your advertisers couldn't appreciate why you were upset then you don't need them any more anyway Joe.
I'd be honored to shake your hand in public and thank you for all that you have done.
I wouldn't lose to much sleep about anything the naysayers say about you. During a recent interview with Fox news media mogel Bill O'Reilly - he was asked about how it feels to be perceived as a 'independent thinker' as opposed to being liked by everyone and being a conformist. He quickly responded; 'I would much rather see things from the outside in as opposed to being manipulated by special interest.'
The same scenario applies to New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie during a recent interview regarding the school teachers union.
At the same time the Wall Street occupiers are picketing FOX news in NY - the FOX news TV ratings soar through the roof garnering virtually 80% of our nations viewing audience.
SBYnews is the only place in and around our Tri-County area where the general public can get unabated, uncensored information without all of the liberal bias.
Please keep up the good work. I don't always agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it.
It's a shame that some of the nay sayers feel the need to throw in curse words in their comments that have been rejected.
Look, I don't mind when people disagree with me. As long as your not on a personal attack, don't use all capitol letters and or curse, I'll publish it. I'll debate it and yes, sometimes I have changed my mind on certain issues.
So please stay on topic and follow our rules so we can openly debate it. I'll add, I think it's funny how the nay sayers are targeting small things I mentioned in the article and not the actual topic at hand. Probably because they don't have the same values I have and simply blow with the wind like most yes men do.
Van Zandt:
"....cause it's better to be hated for who you are than be loved for who you're not."
Just think if every city had someone like Joe,there's a good chance people would be more informed on what's really going on in this world.
To 1:33 - DITTO
I could not agree with you more!
By now - word has gotton out about SBYnews in reporting real, live, information as opposed to trying to make the news. It truly is a valuable resource in these days of smoke and mirrors.
I am impressed at the coverage of all issues that we, the citizens, have the right to know about. The coverage of all the junk at the BOE sold me as a reader. The facts revealed to the public helped us know the truth about the unfair way the employees are being treated. Delmarva Now would never allow that freedom of press.
Thank you Joe, keep up the great work you do for our corner of the world.
As his post says, Joe has uncovered a lot the Daily Times and joke TV stations covered up.
Wastewater Treatment Plant, Gangs in our city, and on and on.
Sometimes he even makes the crummy newspaper cover something it wouldn't have. After dozens of glowing articles about Laura Mitchell, yesterday they ran an article about what a jerk she was over the legal bills.
Think they would have done that if Joe hadn't shown what a hypocrite she is not paying her bills?
Not a chance.
I don't always agree with Joe, but I believe his heart is always in the right place. I cannot say that about the writers and managers of the Daily Slime.
Thanks SBY, your news blog rocks!!!
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