Slow down or you too will become a victim of the new speed cameras throughout Salisbury and soon Wicomico County.
The SPD doesn't seem too happy with these numbers as they have declined and people are abiding by the speed limit, DUH!
So, have you been a repeat offender, or has that simply been left over for local law enforcement and the Superintendent of school?
What was the ultra secret closed session about after the council meeting last night??
If I get a ticket I will damage city property to offset it.
I avoid Salisbury if I can and shop on the outskirts of town.
I don't care! I drive a county take home vehicle. Gas prices and speed limits are the least of my cares.
Just avoid the cameras, then the only people being issued tickets will be the police! Those #'s are truly astounding. What was it 15 officers the first month with several repeat offenders?
Who pays that fine?
It's all a tax scheme. it's not to protect any school age kids. Not one person I've talked to can think of a child that's been hurt by a moving vehicle near a school in any recent history. Injuries occurr when the kids are playing. Like the 2 boys run over by a train off priscilla street in the 90's.
The speed traps are nothing but a tax, not to help any kids.
I live on the east side of the county.pittsville built a dollar general and Walmart in Berlin is just as close.bye bye salisbury.
When more folks avoid salisburu what happens to businesses and city money.
This will only hurt salusbury in the end
Like has been repeated on here numerous time before -
Do Not Speed and You Will Not Have A Problem. If someone else is using your car and speeds than you have the right to go to court and prove it was not you.
Do you believe a child should be killed BEFORE fixing a problem?
9:24 I hope you do not have children who you are teaching to destroy city property, if you disagree with speed cameras.
You all get worked up over the dumbest things. Don't break the law by speeding.
The # of accidents have been reduced and fewer tickets are being issued.To me that proves their worth.
The cameras are all about student safety. How many students were killed and how many were injured one year ago, two years ago, or three years ago compared to the same period since the cameras went up. If injuries & deaths are down significantly, the cameras are working. Otherwise it's a money grab farce that's backfiring.
Curious to know what information you have to justify the comment that the Salisbury Police Department isn't happy with the numbers.
10:18 AM
How nice of you to point out the obvious. I hope you are off-duty while you 'educate' the masses.
And if that guy does damage city property, I hope he is referring to the cameras. Doubt if a jury would convict.
I've said it before and I'll say it again......Everyone who gets one of these camera tickets needs to request a court date.
Everyone must stick together and do this. It will tie up the courts so much they will have to do away with the cameras, or build courthouses the size of football field as well as hire staffing which would over ride the money generated from these tickets.
How are tou a victim if you are breaking the law?
People are unbelievable. Should one of your kids get hit by a speeding aggressive driver we'd hear your sob stories for years. Yet the authorities try to.proactively fix a problem and everyone has issues with it. Don't speed its that simple.
anonymous 10:19, You're full of CRAP! First of all, name me ONE kid that was struck by a car????? Secondly, IF it was working, why in the hell are they giving out so many tickets? It's ALL about the money and you, again, are full of crap!
Why does it matter what the motive is to have speed cameras? Whether its money or to save lives? Who cares! It's the law! Does it suck that bad for people to have to comply with the law?
If I get a ticket for going over 12 mph above the speed limit in a school zone i will pay the ticket,kick myself in the butt and never do it again.Do the crime, pay the fine.
"Anonymous said...
Why does it matter what the motive is to have speed cameras?"
Because these cameras cost a lot of money and then more to maintain. It's not about money for the state or to save lives. That's nothing but propaganda. It's all about the companies who sell these cameras and their donations to politicians. Then the companies are rewarded with camera contracts.
The private contractor "picked" to run the state's speed camera progarm will pocket more than 9 million dollars. They were "picked" after writing almost $200,000 in campaign donations.
Now how does this work? Also a former O'malley aid was/is a lobbyist for speed cameras and also slot machines.
IF they really cared about the safety of children, they would make the kids use the crosswalk and crossing guard provided to them. Where I grew up in the 90's, if you didn't cross this way they would suspend you. It's obvious that it's not the case now.
The automated ticket industry actually gave more that $700,000 in gifts and cash to O'malley and members of the MD General Assembly. I believe the contact was for closer to 10 million.
Insurance industry also pushed for these cameras so points are put on licenses and they can up premiums. State Farm, Geico and Nationwide kicked in over $200,000 to lawmakers.
"As they say, follow the money. It’s not about safety at all, but it’s a way to reward those who receive political donations from the camera companies, and to further extort money from the uninformed people who keep on electing the same politicians who have big brother in mind."
Jim Economos, Champion News
@4:06 -
There are no points associated with a speed camera offense. So there are no additional premiums paid because of points. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Has anyone ever tried to "speed" through the school zone in the morning school traffic and in the after school traffic in the afernoon? Impossible! There is way too much congestion in the area to allow you to "speed". Anyone caught speeding is doing so during the hours school is not in session. The cameras are a way for the city to make money! If you want to get even with the city, you simply don't give them an opportunity to send you a ticket. No tickets issued for a couple of months would certainly have a negative impact on the city's pocketbook.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the cameras cost ZERO dollars to the city or county. That is the great part. Any maintenance comes from the camera vendor. THAT is why you should learn before you type. Once again, there is not cost for the cameras or maintenance.
Cost nothing? Please explain.no one or company is going to do or give anything to a government.hell i broke a broom in the army.had ti pay back 900 plus dollars.when i daid no way it cost that much my c.o. showed proff.
Truth is companies charge more for a product to the governments than they do civilians
"Anonymous said...
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the cameras cost ZERO dollars to the city or county. That is the great part. Any maintenance comes from the camera vendor. THAT is why you should learn before you type. Once again, there is not cost for the cameras or maintenance."
What are you talking about? I don't see where anyone said they cost the city or county money. They cost the state money is what was said and quite a bit of money.
If you think they are all about safety and revenue than you are living in a dream world like a whole lot of other people and need to wise up to the way of politics and politicians real motives. It's not about you, me or anyone else. It's about them and their own personal bank accounts.
But that's okay. Keep on working and paying taxes and fees on everything under the sun, so these well healed friends of the policticans can get more lucrative contracts.
Its the PRECEDENT that alarms me the most. You Nazi loving geeks CHEERED the Nazi DUI "checkpoints" and now the TSA has set up over 9000 "checkpoints" (stopping INNOCENT people!) and planning thousands more. In AMERICA!!! Too late to complain now, huh? And "red light camera's", which were ONLY going to be used in a VERY limited amount. Uh huh. Again, too late to complain. Then "school zone" speed camera's. And the "zones" keep expanding and now, they are on the Beltway and spreading across the nation. Too late to complain? Right again. Now, THOUSANDS of drones will be flying over the land of the free, you know, for our "safety". Is it America, or just a different and upcoming version of 1939 Germany? Why don't all of you boot licking wannabe storm troopers get out your torches, kill some Jews, march on the Capitol and take the Constituion out and burn it? You don't know what it says anyway and if you did, you don't place much importance in it, so get down to your real goal in life, which is kissing the ass of the latest authority figure closest to your puckered lips.
They just don't get it, do they lmclain? They get all warm and fuzzy just thinking about how the politicians care so much for our safety.
I can't get over how naive people are.
Hey idiot. Pay attention. The company receives payment in the form of a portion of the ticket proceeds. The city doesn't pay them anything. If the cameras don't issue any tickets, the company doesn't get a dime. Do you get it now? They cost the city ZERO.
"Md. speed cameras not covering costs
The head of Maryland's highway administration says speed cameras used throughout the state aren't issuing enough fines to pay for the cost of operation.
But State Highway Administrator Neil J. Pedersen says that it's worth it to the state to pay additional money for the cameras if it means people are driving more carefully.
Pedersen told reporters at a news conference Wednesday that police have noticed fewer crashes and his employees and contractors have seen fewer vehicles going more than 10 miles per hour over the speed limit in the work zones where the cameras are used.
Maryland has used speed cameras since October to zap speeders with $40 fines, if they are caught going at least 12 miles an hour over the posted limit in some areas near schools and work zones."
What part of this don't you understand 11:55. This was in the Wash Post. I didn't make it up. The cameras do not generate enough revenue to cover the costs of them. In the end they are costing every resident of MD something. Obviously high finance is not your strong point-end of story!
anonymous 8:42, with all due respect, you're a fool if you believe ANY of what you have just made claim to.
First of all, outside companies provide the equipment. The City/County has absolutely no expense and retains a percentage.
Please do NOT try to suggest any of the parties involved are losing money.
It sure sucks to be wrong doesn't it 11:55!
no where is it stated that the cameras cost the city anything but---- if you had an ounce of sense you could put 2 and 2 together and come to the conclusion that if it costs the state money than it's ultimately costing the residents of any city within the state money.
No matter how you try and spin it speed cameras are a bust.
Washington Post article dated April 15, 2010.
I didn't suggest anything. Just quoting SHA admin.
The state is losing money according to him. I bet the companies contracted out aren't though.
State pays monthly fees per camera in some states to the tune of more than $1000 for "maintaince." Not sure about MD but I doubt they are exempt from this fee.
Not too mention the state jobs that were created when the Maryland Safe Zone program was implemented.
All these cameras are is a way to pay back political contributors and a way to create more state jobs.
11:55, Will the city be receiving the money right away or will they have to pay the vendor any start up fees?
I read somewhere that intital start up costs had to be pay, including traffic studies. Some cities are even required to pay the salary of a technician as part of the contract.
11:55, When the MD lawmakers voted to allow cameras in the state wasn't the Safe Zone program also implimented? So how much money does the State budget to the SHA for that new program?
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