As Democrats, we know we need to come together to protect our investments in public education, affordable college and public safety -- and we will come back to complete this important work.

The failure to pass a budget to move Maryland forward is bad enough, but the Republican reaction is even worse. When Republicans in Annapolis learned that the inaction by the Maryland General Assembly would result in more than $500 million in cuts to public education, public safety and social services, they cheered.
They cheered about the possibility of turning back Maryland's progress over the past six years.
They cheered for cuts that will harm every school in every county.
They cheered for cuts that will harm every student in every classroom, every library, and every local police department.
They cheered for cuts that will raise tuition on every Maryland college student, make our community colleges less affordable and reduce funding for life-saving and innovative research and development.
For all of this, they cheered.
If there is ever a time to come together as Democrats, it is now. You and I both know that a modern economy requires modern investments, by all of us, for all of us.
Let's do what's right to keep moving Maryland forward.
Martin O'Malley
New Posts to fall below.
Screw you Martin O'Malley! How in the world is it that the economy has failed, private sector businesses have downsized and every American citizen (except the elite rich.... And POLITICIANS) has cut back on their expenditures, yet somehow this state expects to continue to spend and spend? Enough is enough!
Screw you!
Somebody has got to put a stop to your out of control spending.
I cheer the Repubs!
Martin Omalley I agree with the Reps.Take ur Norman Conways,Rick Pollitts,and Rudy Canes and putem where the sun dont shine. I am a democrate and have given up any hope for this party in recxent yrs and voted against any DEMOCRAT on the ballot.My next move is maybe going to DELEWARE to live.
If ever there was a time to together against Dumber-crats it's now! As a republican, a state employee, and father of twins at college I suffer either way but I've had enough of tax and spend, robbing one fund to fund deficits, and creating panic out of lies. University of Maryland, days after the session ended, emailed students to expect a 3% tuition hike. Today they received an email stating tuition to increase in excess of 10% unless a special session os called to increase the buget. I say, stop building a $7.5 million dollar mansion for the chancellor!
How can he whine about something Republicans have no control of? Maryland government is a one party body -- Democrats. O'Malley has been quoted elsewhere as admitting they failed to meet consensus because of all the bickering about slot revenue for the various jurisdictions. Pure greed kept them from doing something a 4th grade class could do. Of course, it's highly likely that Mathias and Conway were busy giving away another 10% of Worcester's Slots revenue to Baltimore City.
You called this progress? OMG, this is truly obscene.
Norman Conway would not be in a position to screw us if it were not for Marty Neat, President of First Shore Federal Savings and Loan. There was a reason the late Bill Duval called him 'Mr. Moneygrip". If you really want to stop Norm Conway you have to cut off his money and backing from Marty Neat and First Shore Federal.
Screw O'Malley his investments are a ruse for more taxes... this state has horrendous taxes...People wake up and stop this madness!!!!
It not over until the fat lady sings. And as you know I am not fat or can I sing.
put down your crack pipe and shut up!
Yet corporate profits are at an all time high. sure, i understand very well the "new" economy.
Typical Obamabot... blame your failures on the Republicans.
This is what the people deserve for reelecting this nut case.
keep the "state house" closed; please don't call a special session. when the lawmakers go back home, no new spending, no new regulations, no new taxes. STAY HOME. we beg of you, don't go back.
So, the spoiled brat who had always gotten his way is now crying..
It's time Obamalley shed a few tears like the working people. have been since he became governor.
"move Maryland forward" cute phrase meant to make us feel guilty for not approving outrageous spending. It has to end, we are done, finished, kaput! Raising taxes and fees without a concomitant decrease in waste and glory projects will only move Maryland backward. We citizens are running out of money and patience. Maybe only the power of the vote will convince these people to live within their means as we have to.
Let's come together as Marylanders, instead of democrats or republicans and stop the excessive taxing and spending of this administration.We are living in tax hell and we are tired of it.This administration should move forward and make the responsible decisions to cut the budget and get the state house in order.
Blame the republicans when Annapolis has been controlled by democrats.Thats all they got to run on.We are heading for a total government collapse and for some reason only 48% of the people see this!
funny there is only one white face in that picture, what message is that?
Every single person on this thread is right!!! O'Malley is a disgrace as is his IDOL, Obama. Dems love to make conservatives look like child hating, scrooges when it comes to education. I see obscene waste EVERYDAY in our public schools, so don't make it sound like we want children to suffer from spending cuts. The cuts that need to be made have NOTHING to do with the kids and getting a decent education. Local, state and national government is OUT OF CONTROL!!!!
To 8:18
I agree. The recipe that Democrat Marty Neat concocted deserves a response.
Sure..blame it all on somebody else except for the democrats. No funding for this or that, but in reality, the money was there and spent on unneeded things or someones pocket. Why not target something other than college education or welfare-like cutting staff, salary's, stop flushing money down the toilet, etc....
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