Surveillance video of George Zimmerman arriving at a Sanford, Fla. police station indicates what may be an injury to the back of his head, a Daily Caller analysis shows.
ABC News published the video Wednesday evening. Zimmerman is the man who shot and killed 17-year-old black teen Trayvon Martin a month ago.
“A police surveillance video taken the night that Trayvon Martin was shot dead shows no blood or bruises on George Zimmerman,” ABC News reporter Matt Gutman wrote, noting that Zimmerman told police “he shot Martin after he was punched in the nose, knocked down and had his head slammed into the ground.”
ABC News reported that Zimmerman appears uninjured in the video. But a still image from the video indicates what appears to be a vertical laceration or scar several inches long.
Am I the only one that sees this as a pretty clear case of a man who should be charged (but remain innocent until proven guilty) with manslaughter? Sounds to me like Zimmerman chased Trayvon down, then Trayvon decided to turn and defend himself, at which time he started to get the upper hand on Zimmerman so deadly force was used. In essence, zimmerman was keeping himself from getting beat down in a fight that he initiated in the first place.
10:38. I agree with you completely. If this had been done there wouldn't be all the issues now.
The lead detective in this case was insisting on an arrest. But because Zimmerman's father was connected (former magistrate) the prosecutor personally shows up and stops the arrest.
Has no one ever considered how you might feel if you were charged with murder/manslaughter & you were innocent? Talk about ruining a person's life..and not just reputation wise...the cost to defend yourself against such charges would be astronomical!!
12:59 have you ever thought how it feels to have your child gunned down for doing nothing but walking to the store?
Would this be same parents that knew nothing where their kid was and same ones that took all his Gnagster picks off...
These parents want one thing MONEY...
They did not get enough welfare for him, and had another year coming
Amen 12:59 And 10:38...
Z. never chased M. down. Let's get that straight right off the bat.
Z. was following M. for a short time while calling 911.
Dispatcher told Z. he could return to his vehicle and he did. While enroute to his vehicle he was knocked in head by M. Z. fell to the ground, was straddled by M. who continuously slammed Z's head into the ground. While being assaulted by M., Z. was able to get his weapon and shot M. in the chest.
No charges were filed because this is a clear case of self defense. There are no if's and's or but's about it.
Martin was "doing nothing but walking to the store", 1:19? What rock have you been living under?
It's pretty simple. Gather the evidence and present it to a Grand Jury. If they hand down an idictment, fine. If not, fine.
Yep, same parents 1:41. Also the same parents who didn't feel the need to report their 17 yr old missing until the next day, while his body laid in the morgue as a John Doe. The same parents who at first criticised the police for not identifying the body sooner.
The same parents who then decided a better, more news worthy bandwagon to jump on-the race card-might be a better idea and that's how we got to where this all stands today.
10:38 AM
No you're not the only one. There are plenty of misinformed armchair quarterbacks out there.
Everyone thinks they know more that a states atty, who decided there was not enough EVIDENCE to warrant a charge, much less a conviction.
His father was a judge so there HAS to be some grand conspiracy and cover up.
You are going to beat this dead horse to powder when the evidence is right before you.
You can't make things up just so you will get your way. Thank God it doesn't work that way.
For now anyway.
Just wait until it's applied to you and tell us how you like it.
Meanwhile, I'm going to go throw a can of gas on some kid and light it up, while no one is paying attention.
It's not that simple 2:41. In order to take something to the grand jury, it has to be believed that a crime was committed.
Walking to the store? In a hated community? I don't know if any gated communities with a store in them.and if so not to the public.the question is why was he there in a gated community?
Chances are he was thugging got caught and was so pissed zimmerman was snitching attacked him.
I hate to say this but if you were a thug....how would you act if you were being snitched on? Think like a thug and think like a man doing the right thing then being attacked for it. Don't wear your own shoes.wear theirs for a minute.
Ya gotta admit. A shooting takes place nearly within earshot of his Father. It was in all likely reported in the local news. Didn't this Father wonder anything when his teenage son didn't return home for 2 days? Yet, the media criticizes everyone else for his body not being claimed.
Oh yeah, when will the media stop running the grade school graduation picture and begin using the Facebook photo?
Even the EMS didn't feel it was necessary to transport this man to the hospital. Zimmerman was even strong enough to return to the crime scene to explain in detail what he did before he was transported to the police statio. This man needs to be charge for a hate crime and then arrested. If not, I hope and pray th New Black Panther Party get on hold of his behind. This will be poetic justice if the police department fail to do their job.
I'm glad people are standing up and voicing ther opinion about a man who punked out and killed a child. Zimmerman needs to be arrested. This injustice like so many against women, blacks, children and even animal needs to stop. Get mad people. Get mad. There will be justice in the case of T, Martin for sure.
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