I wanted to take a moment and share with you some exciting news and also I wanted you to be aware of my political plans. I have been asked by the Chair of the Maryland Libertarian Party to consider seeking the Libertarian nomination for Congress in the 1st District of Maryland. After much prayer, talking with Dr. Richard Davis and and discussing it with my family, I have decided to seek the nomination. This is a couple years ahead of schedule on my political calendar, however the opportunity to represent my party and to be apart the debate on the direction of our country is an honor and a duty that would be a disservice to my country if I turned it down. As a Libertarian, we do not participate in the primary process, our candidates are selected by our Central Committee and we have the requirements: Declaration of Intent - Deadline #1 – Tuesday, June 29, 2012 by 5:00p.m. Statement of Organization - Deadline #2 – August 6, 2012 by 5:00p.m. I am currently planning to have my Statement of Organization paperwork to the State Board of Elections by the end of May if the Central Committee meets before then. In preparation for that I am diligently working on my website and meeting with people who have expressed interest in serving on my campaign. Like each of you, I am deeply concerned about the near future of our country. The National Debt, failed immigration policies, out of control government regulations, budget reform and tax reform are going to be the central focus of my campaign. I look forward to sharing and debating ideas by offering solutions. The focus and tone of my campaign will be much like my previous two City Council campaigns, positive and solution oriented. Once the campaign begins I will be issuing a regular campaign message that I will send to you. Thank you for time and I look forward to saving our country together.
In Liberty, Muir Boda
Maybe Laura will run too. :{
i think he needs to hire an editor.
Um, political calendar?? Personal agenda much? Thanks but you and your calendar can stay away
Dude cannot get elected to a council seat in Salisbury, yet he thinks the entire shore will elect him to congress?? I think my man is seeking attention. Sad really
Not a suitalbe candidate in my mind. He has showed his true colors here locally.
Have any election? No worries, Boda will run! Me, me, me....
What does this cat do for a living? I don't know anything about him. Didn't even know he ran for city council and I live in Wicomcico. Just curious.
All these negative comments could have been said about Obama when he began his bid and some were. Didn't do any good though since talk is cheap.
The representatives in office now are a nightmare. Focus first on getting rid of them and secondly on who you replace them with. That's how Delaware got rid of Mike Castle.
Although neither a fan nor a supporter of Mr Boda, I support his right to run.....this is America, and he has just as much right to run as anyone else.
i got to think this is a hokes. april 1st is long gone.
Don't quit your day job bud.
That's bodacious (and absurd).
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