We have the opportunity to allow voters in Maryland to cast their ballots on two very important issues this year. The only way we can get them on the ballot is to gather enough signatures on a petition. If you have not already done so, I URGE you to get your ballots signed and mailed in. It's easy.
#1. Traditional Marriage: You've heard from me on this issue in the past. Regardless of your opinion on marriage, we all agree that voters should have the final say by voting on this issue. You can view the peition here.
#2. Congressional Redistricting: Maryland has some of the worst gerrymandered congressional districts in the country. Maryland should have districts that represent communities and groups of people, not crafted for purely political purposes.The map needs to give fair representation to all, and we have the power to overturn this severely gerrymandered map through the referendum process. Let’s demand true representation and overturn the current map by signing the petition TODAY.
Please go to https://mdpetitions.com/ and do your part for these very important issues.
Thank you for your time.
Andy Harris
Hey Andy,
How about an Obama eligibility verification petition? Arpiao could give you some insight.
How about a congressional investigation into Holder's DOJ and the Black Panthers?
How about a congressional investigation into White House media censorship?
Remember: What the people want! The will of the PEOPLE! Why are you there?
I believe in traditional marriage. A man should be allowed to have as many wives and boys as he can afford.
Since when do we put Civil Rights to a popular vote? Democracy is three wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner.
Seriously people. These "traditional marriage" supporters are not trying to support traditional marriage, they are trying to discriminate against gay Americans.
You want to put your time and effort to good work- enforce our immigration laws and secure our border. Fight for your second amendment rights.
Do not be distracted by poor white trash wrapping their prejudice in religious cloth.
- David Hearne
Where is the petition to out law divorce?
I want to vote against aethests calling their unions marriage.
GOOD ONE 3:08 pm!
Already signed the marriage petition Andy. Next is the redistricting one. Was not aware of that one. Boy, is Maryland corrupt or what? We did not even get a chance to vote on the Gay Marriage Bill. Even in crazy California, it was able to be voted on by the general public and it was turned down!!
Any chance of passing a law that welfare will no longer increase as more children are produced? Those who receive welfare will have to make do with their amounts and spend less per child. That's not mean. That's what the rest of us who work have to do.
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