HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwean conservationists said Friday they are investigating the legality of a hunting spree in the country by the heirs to U.S. magnate Donald Trump’s fortune after photos showed up online of the brothers posing with dead game animals.
The independent Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force said that Trump’s sons Donald Jr. and Eric killed an elephant, an endangered leopard, a buffalo, a crocodile and other “big game” animals on a 2011 trip arranged by a South African safari firm that is not registered in Zimbabwe.
Photographs of the brothers — one with the slain leopard and another showing one brother holding up an elephant’s severed tail in one hand and a knife in the other — have been were withdrawn from at least one website after a flurry of protests.
That's a shame to kill such a beautiful animal!
They want to kill so bad send then to Afghanistan.let them kill something that counts
An endangered leopard!! WTF is wrong with people that insist on killing these animals that are on the brink of extinction??!! Yet another case of more $ than sense; hope they are charged with the crime committed. At least there's photographic evidence! What a horrible shame...
Lets just face it.Our children and grandchildren may not experience the beauty of nature that we did.Worse yet,these guys look happy after killing gods creatures.Truth is,most or all of the animals that are being slaughtered were on earth long before humans.
First off, let's stop calling them "game" animals.
So they think They can get off with anything-----hope , if the fact is right that they've done wrong------the Book's thrown at them!!
What kind of monster could shoot and elephant and then cut it's tail off with a knife. I think more of animals than I do people.
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