One of our local legislators - Norman Conway - (also a retired Wicomico educator) - signed on as one of the bill's co-sponsors.
1/5 of Maryland's counties - now have implemented Revenue Caps as a means of restraining runaway property taxes. Even New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie recognized the significance of VOICE's 2% Revenue Cap ballot initiative and implemented his own Statewide 2% Revenue Cap.
Several years ago (1978) Talbot County instituted a Tax Cap after a hugely unacceptable tax increase to Wicomico County incensed the voters to action. From 1978 until 1995 a Coalition of Special Interest Groups - Board of Education, Chamber of Commerce, PTA, NAACP, League of Women Voters, and other individuals sued to overturn the Tax Cap and they won! The Tax Cap was ruled unconstitutional.
Do you think VOICE should have gone for a Tax Cap? That certainly would have been an easy 'kneejerk' thing to do in light of the Court's decision.
After the Tax Cap was ruled unconstitutional in January 1995, The Talbot County Council in May raised the property tax by 46%. That's right they raised the property taxes by almost 50 percent! But they - SPECIAL INTEREST - didn't have enough. The next year, in 1996 they raised it another 46.3%!!! And we - Wicomico residents - think 23.7% was bad. Now let's try and add this up . . . .what's 46.1% and 46.3% over two years. Let's hold the math until the end of this lesson.
The Talbot voters were so incensed they searched for a way to stop these run-a-way politicos and came up with the Revenue Cap concept. The voters rallied to get it on the ballot and it was passed in 1996 by 72.21% of the voters! It stands as law today in that County. Even after six attempts to have it removed - VOICE used the EXACT wording in their petition as was used in Talbot County. It's exactly the same language that is law in Talbot now.
So what have we learned today. Hopefully we've learned that from the time the Tax Cap was ruled unconstitutional and replaced by the Revenue Cap in Talbot County (1995 - 1996) property taxes went up 92.4%! Actually that would not be entirely accurate as I'm told that before the Revenue Cap could become law the actual true tax increase was 113.8%.
The next question is a bit more subjective - after this current events history lesson - is Norman Conway's and Rick Pollitt's staunch reason for objecting to the Revenue Cap - do you now feel the VOICE proposals are obviously not well thought out?
If your property tax increased by 113.8% - would the difference be greater or less than your recent pay raise?
Call you legislator today and tell them to oppose HB-1412.
If you don't - well - at least you can't say we didn't try and warn you.
Norman Conway - (410) 841-3407
Rudy Cane - (410) 841-3427
Addie Eckardt - (410) 841-3433
Jeannie Haddaway - (410) 841-3429
Mike McDermott - (410) 841-3431
Jim Mathias - (410) 841-3645
Rich Colburn - (410) 841-3590
New Posts to fall below.
I swear - I'll call them first thing Monday morning. I don't want my property taxes going up one more cent. All of my kids are raised - and I'll be dang if I want to raise kids that aren't mine.
If the parents want a better education then what we have currently got then let them be assessed the penalty for having them.
Conway is simply a puppet for Sliok Rick Pollitt and his new head honcho, Wayne Strausburg, who are the real "sponsors" of HB1412.
Norm should not be involved with this bill. His previous employment with the BOE clearly represents a conflict of interest as part of his retirement will come from the tax increase.
And people wonder why there is a Tea Party.
Chris Christy knew that it was the only way to get a handle on runaway government spending.
Here in Maryland, their philosophy is just 'pile it on' tax, tax, tax, and more tax. If I were prospective business - I would run from this state.
To 2:06
They are. All there is around here are fast food joints. There are hardly no manufacturing jobs left, just vacant large warehouses.
I have been HOLLERING from the top of every rooftop that until our state implements school vouchers - the BOE all across this state are holding our people hostage to a partisan educational union system. The system will never improve under the current plan.
Articles like this are the reason I keep coming back to this site. The other media(DT)would never publish the truth. The truth, they can't handle the truth.
Thanks Joe, keep up the good work. I appreciate your honesty and integrity.
2:02pm Just because someone new comes on the scene, you want to start playing the blame game on that person. Give Strausburg a chance. I'm going to. Maybe he'll be the one to straigten out Ricky.
Furthermore, the county is going to have to increase its taxes this year just to keep services going, and under the revenue cap, they have every right to do so.
2:02, repeat after me verbatum, "i am stupid"; now do it again at least 10 times because you need to know how really stupid you are.
413 go live in another county. We've had enough of Ricky and his politics. The new guy wasn't needed. Now another puppet for Big boy and his stupid politics.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
2:02pm Just because someone new comes on the scene, you want to start playing the blame game on that person. Give Strausburg a chance. I'm going to. Maybe he'll be the one to straigten out Ricky.
Furthermore, the county is going to have to increase its taxes this year just to keep services going, and under the revenue cap, they have every right to do so.
March 3, 2012 4:13 PM
Wayne is this you?
Anyone with half a brain knows the Big Left Winger Rick Pollitt would never hire a true Republican as his right hand man. Wayne Stausburg is more than just a RINO. He is a true left wing Democrat.
To those of you ascribing this bill to me,you opulent be more misinformed. I am staunchly a opposed to it.
Further, of you actually knew me,you,d realize that I'm anything but far left.
Finally, I sign my name to my posts
Wayne Strausburg
We are the ones at fault... we keep re-electing Conway and Cane, etc...don't you think it's time for them to go ?
Pardon the typo's .the dangers of small keyboards and large fingers. It should read " you couldn't be more misinformed. "
I truly believe this will be the last term Conway will be in office. I believe even he realizes that his influence has waned and that the people will reject him the very next go-around. His educational background now severely handicaps his ability to properly administer his job.
I believe his career is near dead end. Just my humble opinion.
The revenue cap is the least of my worries. With all of the new taxes I see coming down the pike - I believe I'll just join the mulititudes of the unemployed a go on welfare. I would probably better off joining the crowd as the cost of living has made working a legitimate job impracticle.
If you don't like it move
Joe, You are so right. I know you must get so frustrated when people don't get it. The same with local politics.
4:-13. How many $100 million dollar operations have you run???? .....right..... None is my guess
wake up people. this whole country is on a sinking ship. anything that can be made in another country and imported is. this country is full of government employees (20%) unemployed, real numbers about 20%, the working class shrinking everyday.
15 trillion in debt, it doesn't take a rocket scientist. its only a matter of time.
To 7:53
I would move. Problem is, I can't because I owe more for my home than it is worth. I've thought about taking a walk and letting the bank have it back, and still might if things soon don't improve. But by the looks of things around here, it looks as though the economy is getting worse.
An on going philosophical political battle is taking place between those that directly benefit from increased taxes and those that do not. Persons employed in any governmental capacity and/or receiving government retirement income are the direct beneficiaries of tax increases.
Conway falls in this category. His willingness to participate in a process that could possibly override the will of the majority of the citizens of Wicomico County, not only places him in conflict of interest situation, but clearly demonstrates his lack of integrity and ethics.
His actions should anger a majority of citizens. Hopefully, this will lead to supporting and electing someone else that will have a greater respect for our citizens.
His actions are absolutely disgraceful!
Conway's actions not only violate the will of the majority of the citizens of Wicomico County that supported the Revenue Cap, but are indicative of his lack of integrity and ethics. He clearly has a conflict of interest, as he is a direct beneficiary of any increased taxes. That alone would stop a person of honor from participating in such an action.
5:34pm To W. Strausburg, Way to go. It's about time people stand up to these naysayers. I'm glad you signed your name. These comments from people are just people who want to be negative all the time, and I for one, am getting really sick of them. Joe posts a really good post and then ignorant people come on here and be just negative instead of having a good debate about the issue.
Anonymous said...
2:02, repeat after me verbatum, "i am stupid"; now do it again at least 10 times because you need to know how really stupid you are.
March 3, 2012 4:43 PM
Actually your post is STUPID!!
All of my kids are raised - and I'll be dang if I want to raise kids that aren't mine.
I guess the property tax was okay to put your kids through school and you through school to0
To 10:36 - All of my kids are raised - and I'll be dang if I want to raise kids that aren't mine.
Response: I have no qualms about paying taxes, as when I moved here in 1979 my property tax bill was only $379/year.
Now - 30 years latter - it has risen to $1,500.00 - and in one year before the revenue cap - it rose as much as my original tax bill in one annual billing.
So I stand behind my argument to maintain the Revenue Cap. It is my only saving grace for remaining here on the shore.
To 7:49 DITTO!
I agree. I remember the 24% increase and I explained to my wife & kids that if it happened again we were going to have to clear out of here.
Joe - This is the best synopsis that I have ever seen on Wicomico's Revenue Cap. You have definately struck a cord with this reader.
Thank you very much - from all of Wicomico County - and Talbot Co. too.
Long Live The Revene Cap!
I hope the revenue cap stays with us. I'll try and call tomorrow.
For the life of me, I cannot understand why any red-blooded american would not want the revenue cap. It would be un-american not to have the revenue cap. The government is suppose to of the people not the people being servants unto the government.
I voted in support of the revenue cap and my position still stands. Probably more so now than when I originally voted for it.
I am a senior citizen and am probably much older than most folks here - but I can remember back in 1974 it was the same ole, same ole, teachers are not being paid enough. In 1973 there was a public hearing at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center and only two people showed up to protest a tax increase - James Betts and JC Parker senior. They were the only two citizens that spoke out against the proposed tax increase and they were heckled and ridiculed like you could never imagine.
I could go on and on about how the teachers union got raises in 74, 78, 82, 86, 88, 90, 92 . . .and each time they were never satisfied with any raise - always wanting more.
So at my ripe old - I have finally come to the conclusion that you will never be able to satisfy this sector of the public. In my honest opinion - I believe it would be in the best interest of the public to prevent anyone of them from becoming members of the corrupt teachers union - and disband this group altogether.
I have heard vouchers being issued to parents as an alternative to the current educational system. I say give it a try as it certainly could not be any worse than what we presently have.
Old Fart
Thanks old fart for your insight that those younger dont understand.
To Old Fart
Sounds like you have had considerable experience with the BOE.
I see JC Parker's name mentioned, and was wondering why he would oppose a pay increase as I believe he was a schoolteacher and has now retired.
From Old Fart
JC Parker Sr. was JC Parker Jrs. dad. One might say that they were not on the same page when it came to local politics.
JC Parker Sr.-(the father)-owned Parker's Store on Old Ocean City road and worked long and hard hours. His father always thought the son was an overpaid teacher and it was a constant source of irritation.
Hope that helps to clear up the confusion.
I guess teachers never deserve a raise according to Old Fart. You should have every year listed as teachers deserve a raise just like everyone else who works.
Old Fart Says to 8:30
Well all I have to say is that The Daily Times used to publish the teachers salaries every year. Back then The Daily Times had a really good editor - Mel Toadvine. When people saw the disparity in the teachers pay and private sector pay that pretty well kept things into equilibrium because most teachers made more than full time working folks - but the did it only 9 months verses 12 for ordinary folks.
I am now in the twilight of my life as the best years are now behind me. But I will say this, things haven't changed much with the exception that I truly believe that the educational system has come to its end. It was always destined to fail and you are now starting to live it as the system has depleted most all of natures resources. You will come to understand this more - and very soon. By then I'll probably have exited this old life but then again one never knows.
Nobody else in this area can get a pay raise. Why should the teachers. They don't even work a full year. I work for a county jail and haven't had a pay raise in over five years and that includes a COLA increase. Everything around me goes up except my pay raise. Teachers don't deserve nothing. Thanks Old Fart for the truth.
I'm sure Old Fart probably longs for the days of segregated schools as well.
Of course teachers shouldn't get a raise right now in the economic times. But they should earn more than ordinary folks. Teachers have degrees and many have advanced degrees. A high school dropout could get a job at the jail, so naturally you should make less. Teachers don't say "Pay me as much as a doctor." I have no problem with a CEO making millions of dollars. They have earned it with their hard work, huge responsibilities, and education. You should be asking your elected leaders, "Why don't we have better paying jobs around here?" A $40,000 a year job here pays $70,000 a year on the Western Shore. Why? If teaching is so great and the pay is so wonderful, why are people lined up around the BOE trying to get a job teaching? Teachers have a skill that ordinary folks don't have, so they should be paid more than the guy in the Auto Parts store. Plumbers and electricians make more than teachers, because they have a skill. Sorry jailhouse guy, learn a skill or go to college if you want to make money. If you work for the county, you'll never make much money or be rich.
Thanks Old Fart. From the tone of your postings it sounds as though you've seen and experienced a lot. As a frequent reader of SBYnews I appreciate your candor on this subject. I believe the BOE is nearing the end of the road to. The teachers pensions shift is no more than a taxpayers bailout and they politicos are trying to hide it.
Thanks again Old Fart.
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