While some Marylanders may celebrate gay marriage day in Annapolis today, this may be very short lived as petition drives are under way to stop this law.
Clearly Martin O'Malley is looking at a run for the White House and is packing up every tax increase and liberal agenda items shoved down our throats before his term is over as Governor.
Be there or be straight at 5:00 tonight in Annapolis.
Joe, this is a wonderful quote found on FB from a wonderful person. Please share.
Ellen R. Sauerbrey:
Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a welfare check, food stamps, Section 8 housing, and a free camera cell phone, and how do you think he votes for a lifetime?
I love that quote 7:28. The author is unknown and it goes like this-
"Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime."
Believe it or not most renowned experts on povery do not agree with the current practice of food pantry distribution, soup kitchens giving food and neccessities without the recipients doing something in return.
o'malley has no chance at the White House. 99% of the national voting public will think he is a lunatic for worrying about same sex marriage when the state is in shambles. I don't see any other states lawmakers so excited as he has been to pass this legislation and that's because they know it's considered by most people to be a warped way of thinking.
Heck alot of homosexuals are even against it and say only the hard cores are for it and think that it is a way for the pedophiles of them to target young down on their luck kids and marry them and seduce them legally.
I expect this sort of thing from omalley but it's hard to believe so many other lawmakers would open the door more to pedophiles to continue with their horrible behavior legally.
Ummm last time I checked not all pedophiles are gay. And I have seen plenty of marriages between young women with a daddy complex and older men. Same tune different band.
No one is shoving anything down your throat. No one is saying you have to be gay or married to someone of the same sex.
The problem lies with (and there are support groups, websites etc dedicated to this) is when an older gay man or woman preys on a young person who otherwise would not dream of the homosexual lifestyle with the promise of gifts and money. The young person is seduced by promises of material things.
Then the young person realizes they are not gay and are scared mentally for the rest of their lives. That's exactly what will happen with this law.
9:14 you sound like a complete idiot even to the conservatives who read this blog, like me. If your argument is the main one against gay marriage then it might as well be law. I'm not against gay marriage because I think it is a tool for pedophilia. Please don't speak for the rest of us. Thanks.
I would rather sound like an idiot than have even just one child be hurt. I do not condone anything that even just might or may open the door and be a "tool" for child molesters. I could care less if homosexuals do whatever as long as it's between consenting adults and not a mixed up kid living in poverty looking for a better life only to find out later on they are not gay.
The North American Man Boy Love is in favor of same sex marriages. That all I need to hear.
Why does such a small percentage of our society get so much time, effort and importance?
10:09 so o'mally can grandstand and show off. This same sex marriage thing is the only thing he could get accomplished and he wanted his name in the news any which way he could. He's too dumb to come up with creative ways to reduce the deficit, other than raise taxes. the state is a mess and he wants the focus of of that.
This has nothing to do with pedophilia and when you try to make the association you lose the argument. All we have to do is look local to know who the pedophiles are Leggett ring a bell? Why arn't you worried about 16 yr old girls marrying an old man?
I don't care if I lose the arguement 11:07. All I need to hear is that NAMBLA supports this. I don't want any association with them period. If you do than that's your preogative.
I just read on another site an article from years ago where they were making their presence in MD. They must have figured they had a "live one" with Omalley in being able to pass their sickening agendas.
NAMBLA been slick with being able to get clueless politicians and clueless voters behind them to be able to pass their agenda for awhile now.
They are jumping for joy at O'malley stupidity.
So you are going to try and turn this into a vote against pedophilia, which it is not. That is so unfair to consenting adults that it does affect.
There are lots fringe loony organizations out there for all kinds of perversion. One has nothing to do with the other.
What is your plan to fight straight pedophilia?
Is this what we are going to be subjected to before the election? Yes for gay marriage, is a yes for pedophilia. What a twisted lie.
If you look at the big picture Drew, yes this will/can/might/maybe be used as a "tool" for pedophiles. If that is okay with you, than yes you are for pedophilia.
So if you haven't already go and join NAMBLA immediately. They need you and like minded others since they have for years been positioning themselves as a group dedicated to changing laws.
I love that many commenters have the conviction that gay marriage will inevitably lead to social acceptance of pedophilia yet none bring forth real-live examples supporting their assertion. (because it doesn't exist)
Now where did you read anywhere on hear that gay marriage will lead to social acceptance of pedophilia?
NAMBLA has infiltrated groups such as NOM, AFA, NARTH, and AFTAH, the very organizations that have been pushing for same sex marriage in Maryland and elsewhere. The FBI is well aware as they to have infiltrated these groups.
Why do you think voters in approx 30 states have rejected this?
I'll tell you why-its because they are informed and do their homework.
"love that many commenters have the conviction that gay marriage will inevitably lead to social acceptance of pedophilia yet none bring forth real-live examples supporting their assertion. (because it doesn't exist)"
Point out which commenter/commenters said or even implied this, 2:57
Uhhhh the commenters posting at 9;14, 9:30, 9:46, 11:31, 12:16, 2:43, and 3:22 implied this.
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