While the negative comments don't come in that often, when they do they need to be addressed.
Someone recently stated they are tired of seeing news from elsewhere. Well, first of all, no one put a gun to your head to come here. Secondly, funny how during the other 364 days out of the year your not complaining.
Look, we'll not manufacture news if its not out there. All too often I'll watch WBOC and that's exactly what they tend to do, just make something up and call it news.
If you're looking for nothing but local content, go, well, I could say WBOC or the Daily Times BUT GUESS WHAT, they're not local either. Hmmmm, go figure.
As for the Zimmerman news out of Florida, you may be sick of it but look at the comments. People ARE interested in BOTH sides of that story and we've provided a place where people, (locally) can openly discuss it.
Now, here's my challenge to YOU. Go to WBOC or the Daily Times, (whom I'm sure are also covering that story) and see how many comments they're getting. I REST MY CASE.
If you don't like the FREE source for news here on Salisbury News, don't come back. I'm sure WHEN local news does come about, (it's been a bit dry the past few days) you'll get a chance to read it in the Daily Times two or three days after we publish it.
YOU, or anyone else, is welcome to start their own Blog. You can go out and buy a digital camera, a video camera, a vehicle to get you to and from, pay for all the gas, insurance, tolls (when necessary), cell phone, Internet access, laptop, then find all the time necessary to attend ribbon cuttings, council meetings, interview candidates, find the time to publish articles and even look around for articles you may not have had the time to participate in and link to those other Websites, am I making my point yet?
The time it takes to do what we do is something some of you will never understand. This is why I will never have to worry about anyone else, (unless they have a LOT of time and money on their hands) doing what we do. Don't forget to go out and get advertisers and pick and choose what charities you'll be making donations to.
We do our very best to deliver you the news WE feel MOST of you would be interested in. By the signs of our daily traffic I'd say we're not only doing a great job, I can guarantee you we are second to none, even if someone else says they're Delmarva's news leader, its a load of crap.
When more local news comes about we'll be right on top of it. In the mean time, go somewhere else if you want stuff that's made up and full of lies.
By the way anonymous, this IS a local story.
I should add, maybe when and if the City Council actually gets something done we'll be able to write about it. In the mean time, I'll not write about a bunch of babies, (including the Mayor) bickering back and forth pointing fingers at one and other.
Now they may disagree with me but any of you are welcome to post their accomplishments if you like.
Joe. I think you do a great job getting out the local goings on. Some of the local news you post never even makes it to the msm. I say keep up the good work that you do.
I refresh your site 10 times a day, glad to have it.
Thanks 11:04. I almost forgot one of the biggest things we do here at Salisbury News.
Because of childish jackasses like JT, JR, JB, MB, TM, NM and so forth, we are subjected to moderating comments. It would be fantastic if we had an honor system in which we could TRUST people not to curse or go on personal attacks.
Because these people cannot be trusted, we have to moderate hundreds of comments per day. We do so in almost REAL TIME, meaning someone is constantly standing by as comments come in.
The only time comments aren't moderated in real time id usually anywhere from 11 pm to 6 am. That's a 7 hour break each day. Now, tell me, do YOU work that many hours a day? We are at this 17 hours a day, at least 5 days a week.
"Constructive critisism" would be someone who sends me an E MAIL with their fair and balanced concerns.
Since, (as you claim) you were not the one who sent me the original anonymous comment, how exactly do you know the TONE of the comment that was made?
The comment was not constructive critisism, respectfully.
That being said, allow me to respond to your stetement.
What ALL of you have to realize is the FACT that we DO deliver just as much LOCAL news as we always have, 7 days a week.
The DIFFERENCE and the ONLY difference is that we have added a LOT more news each and every day. News WE feel impacts your life in one way, shape or form.
NOW, that being said, IF you don't believe me, then why does WBOC use every single article we publish here on Salisbury news on their evening broadcasts??????
They see what's good and gets the most comments and it's a no brainer at that point, they copy and paste, (so to speak) exactly what works each day on Salisbury News.
Mind you, they do go into Dover news, which we pretty much stay away from because to me that's not local.
Nevertheless, look back in recent days/weeks. Do ANY of you recall ONLY SBYNews delivered the breaking news about a child being shot and killed in Hebron. REMEMBER it was ONLY SBYNews that said the father was cooking crack in the kitchen when the gun went off, weeks before anyone else even said anything about it.
We have more inside sources than anyone else out there. Hmmmmmmm, funny how JT was constantly complaining and saying I got ALL of my inside information from my Buddy/Best Friend Mike Lewis. What say you now JT?
Again, I'll repeat. We still deliver just as much local news each and every day as we did years ago. There's just a lot more news on top of it.
That is the great thing about RSS, don't want to read it, don't click it. This site is great in RSS, I highly recommend using it to get the news in a sortable fashion.
With all the talk about Junk mail lately I find it funny this comes up, if you don't want to read it don't click on it or with Junk mail throw it in the recycle bin. You are always going to have "Junk" in every news/advertising medium, one persons "Junk" might be the exact thing another person wants to get info on.
Keep doing things the way you are doing them Joe. You do an excellent job.
No one should ever have a problem with "expanding one's horizons" and increasing one's awareness of what is going on not only locally, but also nationally and internationally.
Knowledge is the one thing that can't be taken away from you and one can never have enough.
Joe my wife and I both are religious followers and though we may not always agree with the stories we do appreciate hearing both sides and to hear debate to make people actualuy THINK about the subject . Keep going strong !
I thought maybe you stopped because matt doesn't like you and they're looking for any reason they can to arrest you in with the new internet laws. We are here with you joe believe it or not and we stand with you against to mike and matt. I hope you run for office so I can vote for you!
this is the only place to get local news! wboc and wmdt think they are the weather channel! lol..the suck at that too! their idea of news is one world wide piece!
I really enjoy your blog and it is the best local news outlet by far. Having said that, I too would like to see some in depth investigative reporting on local stories like the water treatment system. Where is all that money going?
Your the news leader and that comes with a lot of responsibility.
Thanks and Good Luck SBY!!!
Joe please just keep it coming as you always have.
It isn't broke so need to fix it.
I'm happy that were getting a break from the new bennett middle. That was the only thing I was getting tired of. Love the blog!
Its your work, your time and your creation you do what you want.I once had someone trying to tell me what they wanted, yet they did nothing to help contribute to the final product nor lent any support to the project and they are telling me how to design my work!! Eventually I realized it does not matter what others want, you can't please all the people all the time and stay true to yourself and your mission.
Joe They are just Mad because they were not invited to your birthday party,
If you enjoy what you do and you are successful at it, keep on, never mind the negativity.On a seperate note I wish I was the boss and had my own self run employment, not working for a corperation. Thats the ultimate form of success.
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