President Obama:
You said youd heal the racial divide
and that you support the rule of law.
Why aren't you calling for calm?
You said youd heal the racial divide
and that you support the rule of law.
Why aren't you calling for calm?

Unarmed black teen TRAYVON MARTIN (left)
was shot and killed by neighborhood watch
New Black Panther Party offers $10,000 dead-or-alive bounty for "capture" of Zimmerman ...
As tensions soar, New Black Panthers seek 10,000 black men to hunt Zimmerman down
New Black Panthers: "No need for police, Zimmerman should fear for his life"
NYTimes adds fuel to racial tensions by calling Zimmerman a white Hispanic
Spike Lee tweets George Zimmerman's home address ...
Jesse Jackson on Trayvon Martin case: "Black people are under attack" ...
Jackson appeals to racial animosity: Obama's victory "triggered a backlash" against blacks
Louis Farrakhan: "Where there is no justice there will be no peace" ...
Farrakhan: "Soon and very soon there may be retaliation" ...
With investigation still underway, Sharpton seizes on racial tenaions, demands Zimmerman be arrested ...
Obama: "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon" ...
Obama's remarks prejudice case against Zimmerman ...
* * *
Will Obama comment on THIS racial killing?
* * *
Obama accused white police who
arrested black professor of acting stupidly.
Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Black Panthers
stoked racial tensions in rush to judgment on
Duke lacrosse sexual assault case.
Obama DOJ refused to prosecute Black Panthers
for clear-cut case of voter intimidation.
Let's just have a race war and get it over with.after all it seems that's what the black community leaders want.bell it is what the government wants.why? So Obama can implement his martial law.that way no elections just him.
It should not get down to this, but if it continues the other side may just lock & load. That is no way to solve problems, however any animal in a corner will fight it's way out. America is in a corner right now so" Katy bar the door", I'am afraid it won't be pretty.
Ummm ... I believe that the black panthers have upped the ante (or bounty if you will) to a million dollars for Zimmerman.
Joe what is very disturbing to me is the number of middle and high school students that are saying racial riots are being spoken of in their schools. The kids are a product of their ill informed and hasty parents and are suffering from group mentality which is a dangerous situation.
I hope the police forces are on high alert because from what the kids are saying there are many juveniles that are going to get themselves in a world of trouble because one family refuses to consider all the facts of that one incident in FL.
I truly believe this case and all of the hype and tension surrounding it will be the cause of a lot of racial divide and tension in the near future and possibly longer.
Funny how they showed the old photos of both guys. Recent photos show the dead guy as a thug and the shooter as a respectable member of society.
Thanks for the post.No comment can do it justice.We can't say we were'nt warned.
This isn't good. We have an apparently racist president. Double standards of race equality. Fema camps. The easiest path to control is through division. If we're fighting amongst ourselves, it's the perfect cover to take extreme measures that take away our country.
It wasn't all that long ago that Cambridge had it's own race riot, which involved the national guard. It can certainly happen again.
Sad if that boy wasn't black it would never have gone this far. Our so called president is showing his true colors.
This is typical of the race. White America hides.They can never stick together on any issue. Blacks cry foul anytime they are pushed on any issue. How many murders in this county have been committed by Blacks ??????? Yet Whites say nothing lol White America has no spine. Well you better get one. I think in the years to come you will need it. If a White hate group put a bounty on Al Sharpton or Jesse Lets make a baby in the white house Jackson the Feds would be all over it. Only thing they are missing is the tail. Sorry call a spade a spade. Florida will work through this. I on the other hand am sick of it period
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